# Episode 15| Hase vs Skoliver

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...While Adam spent the day with Grace, the rest of the team went to an event that was happening on the beach, an event for couples.

"Wow, what's all this about?" Skylar asks "Oh yeah, there's an old couple who own a hotel nearby and every year,on their wedding anniversary they have a big event for couples" Kaz says.

"How do you know?" Harper asks "My aunt and uncle used to participate" Kaz says "That's so cool" Chase says.

"of course, one more thing to remind me that I'm single" Bree says frustrated "well sometimes events like this are the best to...stop being single" Kaz says nervously.

"I'm not so sure, all the guys here are old" Bree looks around "not all of them" Kaz says quietly.

"Look" Oliver takes out a leaflet "they're going to hold a competition for couples for a free week at their resort" Oliver says, everyone looks at the leaflet.

"wait! This is their resort!? You said they owned a hotel!" Harper says "hotel, resort isn't all the same thing?" Kaz says.

"Wow look at this place!" Bree says "Look at this pool" Skylar says "look at this room" Oliver says "Look at this spa" Chase says, everyone looks at him "I mean look at this zipline" Chase clears his throat.

"Aw Harper, You have a lovely girlfriend!" Kaz chuckles, Chase glares at him irritated "Don't make jokes, she's in those days" Harper says, Chase smiles sarcastically at her.

"Whoa a week in a paradise like that, I would love that!" Bree says "So all it takes to achieve that is to play these couples games?" Skylar asks "Yeah!" Oliver says.

"Sounds cool, what do you think, sweetheart, let's sign up for the competition and with luck, get a little vacation just for the two of us!?" Chase says excitedly "It looks like fun, I'm in!" Harper says she and Chase gives a high five.

"Ha good luck, Skylar and I are going to join the competition too, you guys don't have a chance" Oliver says, Chase and Harper look at each other.

"Are you saying that you and Skylar are a better couple than us?" Chase says slightly uncomfortable "Maybe, why? Are you scared?" Oliver laughs "Not just feeling sorry for you" Harper crosses her arm, and Chase nods.

"Uuuhh that's going to be good" Bree says to herself "what do you mean?" Kaz ask "Have you seen Chase and Harper in competition mode?" Bree ask "Uh...No?" Kaz says.

"Yeah, it's not pretty, Chase is competitive when his fragile ego is threatened and Harper is competitive as hell when it comes to showing her superiority" Bree says "Oh, so that's not just a competition for them..." "It's a war!" Kaz and Bree say together.

"Why we don't let the score decide" Skylar holds her arms "Obviously, but the score is in our favor" Chase says.

"yeah definitely me plus Chase, it's a lot of intellect and agility together there's nothing that we can't do it" Harper says "needless to say just look at us" Chase smirk.

"well me and Skylar are much better I mean look at her, she carries all the cuteness for both of us" Oliver says "you just insulted yourself was that right!?" Bree questions, Olive thinks, Chase laughs.

"Oliver, I'm sorry but this game is won for me and Harper!" Chase brags "oh yeah!?" Oliver says "yeah! Look at us we're adorable!!" Chase says holding Harper's face close to his.

Elite Force - Together Again (Season 2)/Chase Davenport x OC Where stories live. Discover now