# Episode 11| Meanwhile in a Parallel Universe (part 2)

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When Harper and Chase return, it is already dawn, this time they walk through the halls silently

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When Harper and Chase return, it is already dawn, this time they walk through the halls silently.

"see it wasn't that bad was it?" Chase says, Harper smiles "you always give in" Chase laughs "Don't get excited about it" Harper says.

They stop in front of her dorm door "apparently Bree isn't back yet" Harper says, Chase nods.

"Thanks Chase for...everything" Harper says shyly.

"why does it sound like you're surprised by all this?" Chase says "Uh... maybe because I am, I mean I've known you for a long time but you're not being like I imagined" Harper says.

"I know what you imagined, that I'm just a popular, empty jock who doesn't care about anyone?" Chase says, Harper stays silent.

Chase thinks "yeah it's not a total lie" Chase says, Harper frowns "but it's different with you" Chase says "Why?" Harper says.

"because you're Harper" Chase smirk "and you're Chase, what does that mean?" Harper laughs, Chase takes a step forward.

"with you it's like nothing else matters" Chase says, Harper looks at him seriously and thoughtfully "oh!..." Harper says, she can't think of anything to say.

Chase comes closer "you drive me crazy, you know that?" Chase says calmly, Harper's breathing quickens with nervousness.

"Uh...I'm sorry" Harper says in lack of reaction "It's not your fault" Chase smiles gently he comes closer, Harper remains still, just looking into his eyes.

"well, and you leave me... confused" Harper blushes "Why?" Chase smirk "Many reasons" Harper ends up looking away from his lips, Chase wets his lips, which makes Harper look into his eyes again.

"It's late, I think I better go" Harper says, walking away a little, Chase nods in agreement, Harper turns and opens the bedroom door.

Chase thinks for a second, he takes a deep breath and pulls her hand, when she looks back at him confused, he grabs her face and pulls her in for a kiss.

Harper is surprised but it doesn't take long for her to give in to Chase's soft kiss, she holds his arms while he puts his hand on her neck pulling her closer.

Chase calmly stops kissing her to get air, Harper looks at him shaking her head.

"No, Chase we can't..." Harper says with her nose touching Chase's "we shouldn't..." Harper says "you're right, we shouldn't..." Chase says putting his hands on her waist

Harper ends up hugging Chase's neck without thinking, pulling him into another kiss, this time a more passionate one.


Chase, in the middle of the kiss, takes Harper into the dorm and closes the door with his foot, they don't even turn on the lights they just keep kissing.

Elite Force - Together Again (Season 2)/Chase Davenport x OC Where stories live. Discover now