# Episode 19| We Are a Mess

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At Mission Command, Chase is working and Newton is at the cyber desk watching him.

"Seriously, there isn't a mouse or anything for you to chase instead of just standing there staring at me?" Chase asks the cat, Newton meows, Chase rolls his eyes.

"hey Newton, why don't you go with mommy huh? she's up there probably looking for you go! go!" Chase says trying to scare the cat away with a friendly tone.

Newton walks over to Chase's hand which is resting on the table and licks his hand purring, Chase sighs.

"I honestly don't understand why you like me so much!" Chase says frustrated, he removes his hand and goes back to work.

"Where's the piece..." Chase looks for the piece, Newton has the piece in his mouth and hands it to Chase, he frowns "uh thanks?" Chase takes the piece.

Harper leaves the HyperLift "Hey sweetheart" Harper says "Harper how does your cat always know what tool I need on my projects?" Chase asks.

"first he's our cat!" Harper says, Chase rolls his eyes.

"And second, I trained him for different activities and I'm doing everything I can to make him an intelligent cat with different abilities, I even developed a special high-tech collar for him" Harper points to the collar while petting Newton.

"Why are you doing all this?" Chase asks "because I want you to get along with him!" Harper says.

"Your effort to make me like it is admirable sweetheart" Chase says "Your insistence on not liking him too, babe" Harper smirk.

"what does that collar do?" Chase ask "This collar has transmitters that make him understand some basic commands like picking up things and going places, as well as a locator, as well as being super comfortable for him" Harper says proudly.

"If he understands basic commands because when I ask him to leave he doesn't leave" Chase says "him understanding doesn't mean he wants to do it, he's a being with free will, Chase, he's the one who makes decisions" Harper says, Chase frowns.

"seriously, he's only here with us because he wants to, he could have run away a thousand times but he's still here, you know why?" Harper asks Chase who looks at her with an unfriendly face.

"Why?" Chase asks "because we're his family" Harper smiles, Chase tries to hold back his smile "okay I must admit that....he actually helps me" Chase says.

"Yes, he's intelligent... maybe that's why he likes you so much, he recognizes your intelligence" Harper smirk "Okay, I understand what you're doing, and you can stop!" Chase says whit a smile, Harper laughs.

"So I imagine it wouldn't be a problem to leave him here this afternoon, right?" Harper asks "I have the ability to take care of a cat, Darling, you know!" Chase says.

"Of course because there's nothing you don't know how to do" Harper smirk teasing him "Will you stop boosting my ego, or will I need to make you stop?" Chase teases.

"I'd love to see you try...but I'm late...that's for later" Harper winks and leaves via HyperLift, Chase watches her leave biting his lip.


In the living room Bree is painting her nails while Kaz watches TV, the two are silent for a while.

In the living room Bree is painting her nails while Kaz watches TV, the two are silent for a while

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