# Episode 18| Drunken Questions

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The entire Elite Force is in the room,everyone looks terrible, tired, some confused and others just worn out.

Harper and Chase are lying on the couch, looking tired, Harper has her face buried in Chase's chest while he caresses the back of her neck with one hand and with his other hand resting on his forehead, with his eyes closed.

Adam is lying on the floor with a magazine on his face blocking the light and Grace is sitting on the floor next to him watching him trying not to fall asleep wrapped in a blanket.

Leo is sitting on the sofa sleeping and ends up lying on Kaz's shoulder who is next to him, Kaz is bothered but he is feeling too bad to take Leo off his shoulder.

In the armchair Skylar, who is the only one of them who seems well and willing, has Oliver sleeping, lying on her lap.

Bree is in the kitchen preparing coffee for everyone, she is wearing a sweatshirt and hood, she yawns,she grabs some mugs.

"coffee is ready guys" Bree says "Yey" everyone says without much enthusiasm, Bree starts handing out the mugs.

"I'm the only one who doesn't ever want to drink again?" Chase says grabbing a mug "I'm kind of feeling that way too" Harper says grabbing a mug too.

"Well, that's how normal teenagers live, you're still lucky, normally college students go to parties like that, get hungover and try to go to class the next day" Grace says drinking coffee "You're a student, shouldn't you be in class right now?" Skylar says "I said try to go... I couldn't" Grace says.

"If this is how normal teenagers feel, I'll pass" Adam says "Leo!" Bree says waking up Leo who takes his head off Kaz's shoulder and takes the mug in fright.

Bree hands a mug to Kaz who looks into her eyes when he takes it "thanks" Kaz gives a slight smile.

When Kaz picks up the mug, he lightly touches Bree's hand, when she feels Kaz's hand, Bree kind of freezes and doesn't let go of the mug "I think this is the part where you let go of the mug" Kaz says, Bree looks into his eyes and quickly lets go of the mug "of course" Bree says a little awkwardly she goes to the other side of the sofa and sits down.

"But it was a good party tho" Leo says, everyone is silent "as far as we remember" Adam says "what would it be?" Harper says "I don't remember much of it" Oliver says.

"I remember" Skylar says "Oh You don't say!" Everyone says angrily "hey it's not my fault my alien biology doesn't get me drunk" Skylar says.

"What happened yesterday?" Adam says "A lot of things, I just don't remember what?" Harper says "Everything is like a blur" Grace says.

"it wasn't that bad" Kaz says quietly "but better not think about it too much" Bree says strangely addressing him.

"I agree with Bree" Chase says, Harper looks at him slightly confused.

"I think it's better for our reputation as heroes if we forget about last night" Skylar says "I bet it wasn't very presentable" Oliver says "Not at all Honey" Skylar says running her hand over his hair.

"So everyone agrees to forget about yesterday?" Harper says, everyone looks at each other "Yes!" Everyone responds.

Adam gets up looking in pain "I think I must have hit my back yesterday, it hurts" Adam says "What do you mean?" Bree asks "I don't know, here, can you see if there's anything?" Adam.

Elite Force - Together Again (Season 2)/Chase Davenport x OC Where stories live. Discover now