# Episode 13| Christmas Symphony

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In the penthouse, everyone is decorating the house for Christmas, Harper, Leo and Kaz are putting the decorations on the tree in the living room

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In the penthouse, everyone is decorating the house for Christmas, Harper, Leo and Kaz are putting the decorations on the tree in the living room.

Oliver comes in with a box "Look, I found some of my grandmother's decorations that she left for me, it would be cool for us to use them" Oliver says.

He drops the box and raises dust, which makes Harper sneeze, when she sneezes it blows out all the lights on the Christmas tree due to her bionics.

Kaz and Leo glares at her "Sorry, I'll buy others" Harper says, Grace and Bree are making Christmas arrangements to put on the table.

"This is so cool, I love the idea of these vases with flowers and bows for Christmas" Bree says "I know, my aunt and I used to do that every year to decorate her studio" Grace says.

"It's beautiful, maybe we can make more of these and give them to people as Christmas gifts" Skylar says "Oh that's a great idea!" Grace says.

Melody enters "happy holidays everyone" Melody says, everyone waves "wow everything is so beautiful, I can't wait to spend my first Christmas with my daughter" Melody says walking towards Harper.

"I'm looking forward to it too Melody" Harper says "I dreamed about this day so much, there are so many family Christmas traditions that I would love to share with you" Melody says excitedly.

"Really?" Harper says "yes! Your grandmother had the perfect Christmas cookie recipe that I need to teach you!" Melody says, Harper smiles "it would be an honor" Harper says.

"who knows, maybe you can teach these recipes to your kids one day!" Melody says "Haha take it easy Dr Stone, I'm not there yet" Harper laughs awkwardly, Melody waves and walks away a little.

Adam and Chase come in with bags "hey what took you so long?" Leo asks "Adam insisted on talking to every Santa Claus that crossed our path" Chase says irritated.

"Hey, I haven't won my golden rocket yet, and until I do I'm not going to give up" Adam says "yeah but asking to sit on his lap was to much" Chase says.

"That's how you ask him for gifts" Adam says "in your case the only gift you'll get is a prison saddle" Chase says, Adam rolls his eyes.

Chase goes to Melody "Dr Stone! Good to see you here, Merry Christmas" Chase says "Merry Christmas Chase" Melody greets him.

"I heard you're playing in the symphony on Christmas Eve" Chase says "wow really?" Leo says.

"yeah Melody is a musician too" Harper says "is there anything this woman won't do?" Chase says "calm down" Harper says "okay" Chase says.

"I'd love for you guys to come see me" Melody says "we'd love to" Harper says "yeah!" Chase says.

"yeah Dr. M, we'd love to come and cheer your fans!" Leo raises his hands "I'd be very happy with that Leo, I will ask you to put your names on the list" Melody says.

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