Prologue: Brianna's Boyfriend.

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Let me warn all of you before you start reading!!


Some of you love it and I'm grateful for you guys!! But I personally don't like my own book...

If you do think it sucks, I don't blame you...I was a shitty writer at the time and was 11 or 12...

If you still want to read, go ahead!! But please no hate comments or discouragement. I'm not that bad of a writer now and I swear I'm progressed!! If you want to read my other books...go ahead! (Cringing at my self advertising)

I'll try and edit this book do it can make as much sense as possible and not seem so inexperienced, but for now, bare with me!!!

And yes, I know the book is crappy as fuck, but please no plagiarism! Taking works from others and making it yours is just wrong and uncivilized.

Thanks for the love and support!!

(EDITED) Thanks Everyone for 1K votes!!!!!!!!!! 5/28/2016 3:45

And thanks to hindering for the amazing cover at the top!💖 I love it!

"Hey Mom." Starts my sister, Brianna as she interrupts our mom cook while I set the table. "How much time do we have 'till dinner starts? Do you think Jason can join us for dinner? Please mom?"

"If he can make it over here in exactly 30 minutes." My mom replies back. Brianna jumps in happiness, taking her phone from her chest to her ear.

"Can you get here in 30 minutes?" She asks and within 5 seconds later she squeals, jumping in happiness as if she just won One Direction tickets. She prances up the stairs. In my guess, I think she's going to change her outfit.

Now the million dollar question is...Is she going to wear Gucci or Louis Vitton?

Sighing, I walk over to the cabinet and grab and extra place setting.

My mother doesn't let me date, yet Brianna(who is only 3 minutes older than me) is allowed to date any guy in the world. Yeah I know, we're twins. We look exactly the same but because of our different appearance, people don't recognize us as twins. She chose to be the preppy, perfect, super model twin, while I'm the girl that wears a Nirvana sweatshirt that covers my body to my knees.

Do you see the difference?

She shops at Pink and I shop at Hot Topic.

Some people don't like my choice of fashion because its simple. I perfectly mastered the 'I-dont-give-a-fuck' look. And by 'some people', I mean the snobby teenagers my sister hangs out with. They think I change my appearance on purpose. They think my existence is to torture and humiliate my sister.

I don't change my appearance because I despise my sister. I don't despise or loathe her at all. I love her to bits, I just hate it when people mix us up. Mom always dressed Brianna and I in the same outfits as kids, so everywhere we go we always got cute compliments from strangers. Brianna didn't mind the attention as a kid, but it seriously bothered the crap out of me. So once I was old enough and got the chance too, I changed my appearance and I don't regret one bit of it.

Sometimes I think my mom likes Brianna more than me, mostly because she's more active and participates in family events, while I put a super fake smile on my face that my parents hate. I  just tell my mom I dont wanna be seen with my family. I love them, its just that whenever I see a friend at a store or the theatres they totally embarrass me, but when Brianna see's a friend at the store, they can't stop bragging on how good she has been doing and how proud they are of her.

"Mom," I can't help but ask, "can I date people? Like have a boyfriend?" I walk over and wash my hands a second time so I can dip my finger into the Alfredo sauce that is mixed in with noodles and chicken.

"Get your hands out of their young lady!" She scolds and I giggle in response. "I dont know? I'll have to decide."

"That's not fair." I mumble. "She's not not a virgin and three minutes older." Call me a tattle-taler, It's not like it was a big secret.

"Is She really not a virgin?" Mom ask puzzled and I shake my head no. Her lips curve upwards forming a smile.

And here I am thinking that she's going to get angry. But who can get angry at the star child?

"So.. I'm guessing that's a no?"

"I said I will think about it. Just give me some time."

"Okay, So a permanent NO?" She frowns. "Mom, everytime you say you will get back to me, you never do. I have to remind you over, and over again. We've had this conversation like 10 times already." I state.

"Fine, Victoria, you may date, but no sex."

"Really mom? She's 3 minutes older!" I yell to her running up the stairs.

I run up to my room looking for my phone. I litteraly searched the whole freakin room, and I haven't found it. That's when my ears start to go into search mode. Faintly, I hear Brianna talk to someone on the phone.

Hell nah. She better not have my phone. I stomp over to my sister's room, anger slowly seeping into my body. I hated when people took from me!

"Brianna!" I yell as I snatch the phone out of her hand. I hang up to a caller ID with the ghost emoji on it.

Who the hell puts a ghost emoji as a caller ID?

"Please, Vicki? My phone died. And I needed to call Maddie. C'mon. Be a good little sis and let me borrow your phone." She pouts, reaching my hand out for me to put my cell phone into it.

"Oh. I'm sorry. You needed my phone?" I coo sarcastically. "But first...ask how many fucks I give!" I spat walking out of her room.

Like I said. I love her and my family, but most of the time they are so annoying.

All I want is privacy, to be alone. Is that too much to ask?

I enter into my room and take a trust fall on my bed, but not even 2 seconds later the door bell goes off and mom calls the family downstairs to eat dinner. Brianna rushes out of her room in the shortest romper you can possibly imagine. It looks more like a swimsuit than a romper, to be honest.

I finally have the strength to get off of my bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I see everyone seated and their eyes fixed on me. I smelled the sweet aroma of food the closer I stepped into the kitchen.I rushed to the table, doing a cool trick where I land on my chair, only to fall off afterwards. Jason, Brianna's latest edition of a boyfriend, fake coughs trying to hide his laugh. I get off of the floor and sit in my chair, both my parents are giving me this 'stop being ridiculous' look, which I gladly smirk at. Not before long, everyone starts talking about their past while I just sit there, eating.

"So, Vicki. How are you doing? Anything exciting?" Jason asks, staring me down. I swallow the huge chunk of food in my mouth and answer with the least amount of my care.

"I'm fine." Scoffing to myself, I mumble, "Not that you care." I trail off as I take a sip of my cranberry juice.

"I do care. Your my girlfriend's sister, of course I care." His pretty face gets even prettier (if that's possible) when he beams at me with a smile. I try to hide my smile by looking down at my plate.



Most of the chapters in this book are really short (Like 200-700 words) This is my first completed book, so I didn't really know how many words on average make a chapter. Im going be publishing more books and I hope those books are more suitable for your liking.

I haven't published yet, but my new book is coming out soon! Im happy and I hope you like it too!

Ill probably be publishing it next month 2/?/2016

Thanks for reading! It means a lot!


LUV YA <3 bye!

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