Chapter 23: Officially Over

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I guess Jason and I are through. Its weird how every guy that is interested in me starts with a "J". Jason, Jeremy, John. I'm just like that.

I think I'm gonna break up with Jeremy. I rather be best friends than a couple. Plus, I just want to be free right now. I don't need boy trouble. I just need a week without drama. Can you spear me the gift, Jesus? I just need to do girly stuff with a friend. But somehow, that friend is a guy. He's gay so he has a girl side, but why can't he become transgender? Is it really that hard? It would make me feel better.

"Vicki," my sister barges into my room. "Can Jason and I please stay here at home. I accidentally booked the hotel for next weekend."

"Fine, but a friend of mine is coming over."

"Guy?" She ask.


"Oh, is he hot?"

"Super hot. Just one little problem."

"What?" She tilts her head.

"He's gay."

"Oh! How wonderful." She says sarcastically. "He isn't gonna like flirt with Jason is he?"

"No, he's not interested." I say with a pout.

"Well when he turns straight, send him in my direction."

"Oh of course. After I'm done with him, but by then all you will have left is scraps."

"Whatever!" We both laugh.

The doorbell rings. Brianna and I walk downstairs. I see Jason at the door with Zack, talking.

"Hey Zack." I walk past Jason to hug Zack. "Zack, this is my s-sister's boyfriend, Jason. Jason this is my... friend, Zack. Zack, Brianna. Brianna, Zack" They all shake hands and a moment of silent reaches us all.

"So, Zack. What up with the douffle bag?" Jason asks.

"Well...Im spending the night." He says in a deep, regular guy voice. Like if he wasn't gay. Omg, he was trying to jelouse Jason out. Oh my god, thank you, Zack.

"Upstairs!" I say as I point to my room. We walk pass Jason and I stop when I get to Brianna. "Me first." I laugh.

"Whateve's Vic." She yells to me up the stairs.

"So tell me everything!" He sits down on my bed.

"I will, but first I want a flash." I giggle.

"You do relize its not normal to have your GBF flash you with his hot abbs. Your just torturing yourself."

"I know but their so beutiful. I havent had a flash in forever."

He pick up his shirt. Im going to faint. Omg, they are so beautiful. Like perfectly shaped and everything. Zack is like the prettiest male in the planet.

"OH MY GOD!" I yell like if i was in the middle of an orgasm. Like 2 seconds later I hear someone knocking on my door. Its Jason.

"Are you okay?"

"Im fine." I shrug. 

"Can we talk , in private."


"Its important."

"Brianna?" I ask.

"She thinks I'm asking you help for an assignment."

"Ok." He drags me out of the room and outside in the front yard. "Really?"

"Vicki. What are you doing? Are you trying to jelouse me out with this guy or what?"

"Oh, am I not allowed to have guys at my place? Sorry mom, next time I'll ask your permission." I say bitterly. 


"No. Jason we are through. I can date whoever the hell I want. I can kiss who I want, have sex with who I want, make out with who I want. I don't have to worry about you. How you feel, what you think. This is my life. You can screw around with whoever the hell you want too, but if you care about my sister at all, you will break up with her first."

"And Jeremy? You are over here screwing this Zack guy."

"Jason, get out of my personal life, you are not my mom, you are not my babysitter. You can't tell me who I can or can not mess with. Plus you don't know anything about Zack, except his name."

"He is just another one of your screw ups, or mistakes, just like me. You say you love him, have sex with him, make plans for a family. Then you get in a fight and all of a sudden he was a mistake. Well he was just a phase, then a week later here comes a new guy."

"Shut up! You know nothing. Get out of my personal business." I scold, feeling my blood boil. 

"Vicki, it's true." He huffs. 

"Oh so I'm gonna break this guys heart? Have sex with him? Right? Well fun fact Jason, Zack is gay! I invited him over to have fun. Do girl stuff, tell him about everything that's been going on. I need a best friend. I can't tell Brianna, I can't tell Jeremy. Jesus! You are a fucking Idiot! Every guy I bring to my house I have to have sex with them? I can't believe I had to explain myself to you! Leave me alone! I want nothing to do with you! I'm done, I quit! Just go home! I don't need you constantly breathing down my neck about my life! Ill tell Brianna you had an emergency house alert. Just please leave because I need time to myself." I walk back inside and close the door, leaving Jason stunned.

That bastard deserves every word I said. He has no right to judge me, or call me a whore. Last time I remember he dumped me. Sure, I feel hella sorry about what happened with John, but I've tried to apologize. 

"What happened?" Zak asks as I walk in my room.

I tell him everything thats been happening. What happened in the past, what happened 2 minutes ago, down to the last detail.

"I just need to clear my head. Wanna go to the mall, movies? Its on me."

"Honey, I'm not letting you pay for anything." I giggle sadly at his kindness. 

The rest of the day we just, went to different resturaunts, went to the mall, movies. We had fun. No guys we're around judging my lifestyle. No guys were around to hit on me (that's partly because of Zack) No guys telling me how to do things. I like a world with gay guys and girls. If there was an island like that I'd live on it, but for now I'm in the middle of the ocean surrounded by sharks. I will get there, one day. Like Dori said in Nemo's dad, "Just keep swimming". 

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