Chapter 30: Trying To Help Him Understand.

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"Jaso-" I start, but stops as he gestures for me to shut up. 

"Save it." He cuts me off and takes another sip of liquor, not even glancing at me.

"Why are you so mad? You shouldn't be drinking, we are only 16." I tell him walking toward him to take the glass out if him his hands, but before I get there he gulps the rest of it down and pounds the glass down on the  table. 

"I'm mad because I just sent your boyfriend to go have some 'fun' with you." He gets up and walks closer.

I was shivering. Jason could beat the life out of someone if he wanted to. He wouldn't touch me, would he? I'm a girl, hitting a girl is like, against law. Pretty sure that counts as harassment.  Hell if I know? I had to admit, he looks pretty sexy when he is mad.

"I didn't even know he was coming! He just crawled up in my bed..." I trail off. Why did I trail off? That just tells him that we had sex, which we didn't. "I thought it was you in my bed-"

"What did he do to you?" He asked with an annoyed voice.

"Thats not important, we di-"

"What did he do?" He snaps.

"Nothing!" I scream "Nothing. Jason, we didn't do anything. I promise. Plus I didn't know he was there, I thought he was you. If you we're in that bed with me then yeah, I'd want us... " I trail off again. Jesus. I can't even say the fuckin word. Love, love love, love, sex, sex, sex, sex. Was that so hard? Maybe in the situation I'm in, yes.

He walks even closer. Our chest's are pressed against each others. I lean my head in, as he does the same. His blue  eyes are looking strait into my brown eyes.

"Why? How?" He whispers. Pain lurking in his tone. "Why do you do this to me? How do you control me so easily?"

"I'm sorry." I mutter.

He lifts his hand to cup my cheek. Slowly, but peacefully, he slides his lips into mine.

The bitter taste of liquor stuck into his mouth, but at the moment I didn't mind. His free arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me in closer.

"Wow." I hear someone say. Jason and I turn to look and see John at the doorway, frozen and shocked. I notice Jason's face turn so red he looks like a tomato. His jaw clenches as a small growl escapes his lips. 

"Okay. We need to talk." I walk to John and make him come outside.

"He isn't your brother, isn't he?" He frowns.

"What do you think?" I ask sarcastically. I give him one of my 'duh' faces.

He shrugs, apologies crossing through his eyes.

"Oh, I'm guessing it's about that thing you couldn't tell me at dinner?"

Wow, finally he got something right. 

"Yeah, I don't know how to explain this. He isn't my boyfriend, but he isn't just a friend. With us, I want to be friends. I know you like me more, but we just met. You are a cool guy, but I just want to be friends and as you can see, I'm kind of taken. Now, can you leave, because im planning on taking that hot ass over there to paradise." I point to Jason who smiles. Omg, can he hear me? Omg, did I just say that to John? Wow, good thing im pretty-ish too.

John doesn't mind, all he does is laugh and pat me in the back. "Go get 'em tiger." He compliments.

I wave goodbye to John as he leaves off in his car. Like 30 seconds later I get a text from him.

"When your done with him, tell him I'm waiting ;)"

What the fuck?

"BTW, I'm bi. XD."

Oh. That makes sense. How come all the hot guys have to be gay or bi. Like what the fuck is wrong with girls. Now in days, girls get all the shitty guys that cheat.

*cough cough* Jason * cough cough* 

I run over to Jason  at the doorway and kiss him again putting my arms around he neck. With his arm he closes the door, then picks me up like if I was a feather, then carrys me upstairs to his room.

Well paradises came and ended. I have to say it was kind of fast. I kinda wanted it to go slower, take it easy, enjoy the orgasm. You know?   

"You can't break up with my sister." I tell him "She will practically kill herself because she is in love with you like that. If she finds out you dumped her for me she will totally kill me, then you, then herself."

"Okay, I think you are exaggerating a little." I roll my eyes and he leans in and plasters a kiss on my lips. "I have to go meet my parents that are at some shitty, fancy restaurant. So, I got to go"

"That explains why you we're rushing." I scoff, and he looks at me with concern. 

"It wasent good?"

"No it was fine but I just wanted to go slower."

"Oh, I'm sorry princess, I'll go slower next time." He says getting dressed.

"You better." I demand.  He laughs and puts on a fancy black and white suit.

"How do I look?" He asks as he spreads his arms.

"With your eyes, stupid." I giggle.

"Very funny, smartass." He smirks. And faces towards the mirror in his room. "No, seriously, how do I look?"


He leans in to kiss one more time before he leaves. "Okay, I got to go. I love you." He closes the door on the way out before I get to even respond an 'I love you too'.  I whisper it to him. Even though I know he can't hear me , but he knows I love him anyway. I get up and get dressed and right when I am about to leave the room I hear someone open the door and yell.

"VICKI!" OMG. It's Brianna. Shit. I grab my stuff and hide.

OMG. Wow. That was long. Took me like 20 minutes to write that one. Well I hoped you guys liked it. I tried to make it funny, even though I know it isn't. XD. OMG. John is bi!!

Hey eyerone I need help. I can't pick out my cast members. I want you all to tell me who I should pick as my cast members. I'm thinking Isabelle Fuhrman as Vicki and Brianna.

I want Vicki to look like a nerd in glasses but like a model without them. And Brianna is suppose to look like a model version of viki, so... anyway look her up on the internet.

Follow, comment, voted. Luv u all!!!!


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