Things Happened.

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"Yeah." I say for her to continue.

"I-uh. I don't want Jason to come between us. If you love him then go for him. He was never ment for me anyways." She tightens her grip on the stirring wheel, looking into the road. "I like Jeremy. He's nice and funny. I've never really talked to him before but he came over for you one day and you weren't here so we started talking and he is a really nice guy. I see why you liked him. He, cracks me up with his jokes and I'm in love with his dark hazel eyes and his brown, perfect hair, his perfect body, and well, him." She gives be a tight smile. Her eyes glitter from the moon's light.

I know she's happy with him and I want her to be happy. I'm happy with Jason and she knows that. Why do we fight over guys we don't even like anymore?

I nod and return the smile. She looks back at the road and continues driving. "So, we are good?"

"Yeah, we are good." She confirms.

"Good. Because I've been wanting to do this twin switch thing I heard about. You can hang out with hot guys at school and I hang out with snobby sluts." She burst out laughing.

"Yeah, OK. We can wear wigs for our hair"

"Exactly!" We both laugh. She Parks in our driveway next to two other cars there. I see a Porshe, a Camery and a Mustang. "What are they doing here?" i ask Brianna. WE both get out of the car and walk in the house.

"where were you guys? we all got worried sick." Zack says and all 3 of them stand.

"How sweet." Brianna rolls her eyes. "what do you guys want?"

"Uh, i don't know, an explanation! why haven't you been answering your phone?" Snaps Jason. His eyes bulge out of his face. He looks so cute, I can't help but smile.

"Jesus, can you guys just take a day without us. We are both fine. We just went to the car dealership today to buy a new car. Calm down. We aren't at a strip club, we aren't dead, we aint hurt. Like all of you need a chill pill." I tell them.

"Preach!" Brianna says in that deep voice again."we turned our phones off. we needed a girls day."

"okay, whatever. I came to tell you that I'm leaving for the first week of school on vacation." Jason points out.

I look over at Jeremy. He is faced the other way, his hands clapped together in the form of a prayer. "thank you" he mouthes, while looking up to the ceiling. i can't help but giggle.

"why during school week? Jason, you had all summer." Brianna looks at him confused.

"yes, but the first week of school is nothing. Its just Syllabuses, meeting the teachers and getting and understanding of the class." Jason replies back.

"when are you leaving?" i ask

"In about 2 hours. I should get to California at about 7 in the morning. I already have my bags packed. I just wanted to say bye before i leave, but i was worried because you never answered your phone and no one has seen you all day-"

i walk over and hug him. Even hugging him feels weird with Jeremy in the room. I really want to kiss him, but i can't in front of Jeremy, its just not right. I look up from Jason's neck to see Zack wiggling his eyebrows with a grin plastered on his face. I roll my eyes and smile, still in the arms of Jason.


"Spin! Spin!Spin!" everyone cheered for Jeremy to spin the empty,clear wine bottle. In the beginning (about 30 minutes ago), that wine bottle was full, now we are on our second one, which is halfway finished. Jason decided to stay the night, and so did everyone else. Zack stays in the guest room, while Jeremy stays with Brianna and Jason stays with me.

Jeremy spend the bottle. It twirled around many times until it finally landed on Jeremy and I. I leaned in the circle and placed a gentle kiss on Jeremy's lips. I sit back down and it was my turn to spin. I spin the bottle and it lands on Zack and Jason.

Oh my god! "hell no. I'm not doing it." Jason puts his hands up in defense.

"Oh you don't have to do anything" Zack rushes in and kisses Jason. The whole mouth to mouth thing. I seriously have a feeling that their tongues were involved. Everyone burst out laughing. I quickly pull out my phone and take a picture. Jason pushes back. He's so stunned. Zack has this mischievous grin on his face.Zack sits back down while Jason rubs his lips. "you know you liked it" Zack responds leaving everyone laugh so hard.

All night we played stupid games like Spin the bottle, Charlie Charlie, Scary Mary, 7 Minutes in Heaven and other stuff we haven't done since we were 12. It was fun, being able to be a kid again. Now in days its homework, relationships, and school. We all heard to bed around 11. Jason and I had a night (if you know what i mean) and I'm positive that Brianna and Jeremy had a night too. Zack, well Zack was a bit of a loner. I could hear the TV on in the guest room from my room. Which means that Zack could probably hear me moan. Thats why the Tv is so loud.

I feel sorry for him.

I REALLY FEEL SORRY FOR HIM. The guest room was on the other side of the hallway between my room and Brianna's room. Im positive Brianna was having fun.


I wake up in the morning naked, by myself in my bed.Jason had left a note on the opposite side the bed i was on. I lift it up and read it.

Dear Vicki, my love.

I miss you already. Ill see you Friday, when i get back. Ill send you pictures. Tell me how school goes. Send me any homework if we have any ( i highly doubt it) I wish you were here. I have a surprise for you. Look over at you desk, there is a box. Open it, its for you.

I reach over and open the mini box. It looked like the wedding ring boxes. My heart kept beating and beating. It was pounding against my chest. I open the box. Its a ring. My heart stops. Its so beautiful. Its one complete circle . It had my named engraved on one side with a pink rose birthstone in the middle. On the second piece it has his name with a beautiful dark blue birthstone. I go back to reading the note.

I love you. Its not a what you are thinking. I mean, come on, princess, Im going to be there when i propose, not in England. Its a promise ring because i promise to never hurt you, never stop loving you, I promise to always protect you as long as I'm here. I will never let anything happen to you, princess. You mean everything to me. I love you with all my heart. I can't wait to see you. Text me, call me, FaceTime me. Im not sure when you will get up so ill call around 12. I should be still in the plane. Text me when you get up. Have fun at school (even though we both know that can't happen) Ok, ill see you friday, princess. Love you



I almost break down in tears. i go back to the ring and put it on my ring finger. I get dressed into some pajamas and meet everyone downstairs in the kitchen, making breakfast. My face is puffy, my nose stuffed, and Im as red as a tomato. I don't even look up at my friends when i enter the kitchen. My eyes are stuck to this ring. I love it so much. I just wish he were here next to me, right now.

"Oh my god, Vicki. What happened. You look like a train wreck." Zack exclaimed. Everyones eyes fixed on me.

"This happened." i hold up my hand so they can see the ring.

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