Chapter 18:Confession

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Okay, you can continue to read... :)

It has been six and a half months that I've been seeing Jason. I know today is the day my sister is gonna apologize about what happened with Jeremy. I haven't seen her all day yesterday. All I know is that she was at Jason's. Doing, I don't know what, or at least I don't wanna know.

I can feel my body tense up.

Calm down, Vicki. If he loved you like he said he did, then he wouldn't have done what you think he did...or would he? He is a cheater. 

I'm probably over thinking this.

I walk upstairs and enter Brianna's room. She is no where in sight. I start to feel like my legs are suddenly going to stop working and I'm gonna fall down the stairs. My body starts to tingle. I check the windows to see if her car is outside.

Nope, not there. That bitch. She is taking her boyfriend back. I grab my phone from my Pajama pockets and call Jason.

"Hello?" He says before a yawn.

"Are you just getting up?"


"Where the hell is my sister?"

"Oh, she is here. She is next to me sleeping."

I can't even speak.

"Oh, no! We didn't have sex. We we're watching a movie in my room and we both fell asleep. Nothing happened, I promise." He pleads.

I breath deeply, trying relax. "Okay, well what did she say? Like in her apology?"

"Well, I don't think they are getting back together. She said it was a mistake, that it just happened and she had no time to think. So she basically told me she did it because she was bored. Which I though was fucked up, but I just forgave and forgot."

"Ugh. I'm gonna have to go through that shit in an hour or two. Okay, I gotta go. I will see you later..." I trail off

"Okay. Bye." He answers back

"Love you!" I shout right before he hangs up

"I love you too." I hang up the phone..a smile reaches my face as I
fall on my sisters bed.

Thea rest of the day I spent my time watching TV and thinking of all the things they could have been doing or  were doing in the past, before Jason and I started. What if they were having sex and not using a condom? Brianna would get pregnant and Jason is going to marry her. They are going to have a lovely family and I am going to be in misery. Every time I see them kiss, their wedding, their house, their child, it'll remind me of how much of a loner I am. 

How am I even sure Jason loves me? 

He's a cheater, Vic. He cheated on Brianna and once he gets tired of you, he'll do the same thing. Maybe i'm not in love. Maybe it's puppy love. No one can fall in love in 6 months, can they? 

Brianna came home about a few hours ago and surprisingly, she haven't talked to me. Out of boredom I decide to call Jason again.

"Hello?" he answers

"Hey, whatcha doing?" I hear his bed creak as he moves.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Oh, so can I come over? Great! Open up your front door." I tease him, lying in my bed.

"What! Um..." he trails off. I hear his bed creak again and a girl commanding him to come back with a giggle.

My sister just left his house hours ago and now he's with another girl. What an asshole.

You always knew he would break your heart.

The smile on my face drops. "Never mind, its not important. The girl in your bed is calling you." I snap.

"Vicki, no. Wait-" I hang up before he says another word.

My face starts to hurt as I break out in a sob. I can barely breath and I feel like im gonna have the hiccups. I cant believe him. I bet he said the same exact words he said to me to that girl. It would maybe make sense if it was my sister with him, but i would have recognize her voice. Now that Jason has broken my heart, I want to tell Brianna about everything, but I cant, because she won't hate Jason, she's going to hate me.

I calm myself down. This isn't the first time Jason has made me cry. This isn't the first time any boy has made me cry, so why does it feel so bad?

What did you expect, Vicki? He's a player. He no better than the Bad Boys in romance stories.

Minutes later I hear Brianna walk into down the hall. I can hear her feet stomp closer to my door, getting louder and louder each step.

Here it comes.


"Save it." I interrupt her "I'm fine, I already talked to Jeremy. I'm cool"

"No, your not." she pauses to sigh "Vicki, I am so truly sorry for what happened. I am so, so, so sorry. I appreciate that you aren't killing me right now. If I we're you, I wouldn't even want to look at you, or think about you, I owe you for your kindness. Please don't hate me. I love you. I so owe you." She tells me. I feel so guilty I want to tell her right now. I hate how she can just tell me, straight up and I have been hiding this from her for months. She was always the better one, the most honest, and she still is.

"I forgive you. Can I ask a question?"


"If I had not seen Jeremy in your room, would you have kept this from me. And be totally honest, I want the truth."

She looks at me for a couple seconds trying to answer the question.

"Yes, I wouldn't tell you. I wouldn't want to hurt you." She replies

"Remember that...what you said." she smiles and walks out my room.

I want to tell her. When she figures Jason and I out, she will freak. But at least I hope she will remember what she says. Hopefully she will understand. I don't mean to hurt her, I just can't help being in love with Jason.Everything in my body is telling me that I should get over him, because he's not good.  I know I should tell her. It would probably make her feel better. I still don't know. I haven't decided. I just know that whatever I decide is probably going to be a bad idea, like always.

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