Jesus, Please Help Me.

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Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that this book is almost over. (cries) XO but I'm starting a new book thats going to be amazing! I'm still trying to figure out the characters and plot to the new story, but its coming (lol. thats what she said)

Hey guys. I forgot Vicki's lasy name. If someone remembers it or sees it in a chapter can you tell me. Thanks. OK. Keep reading loves.

It's Thursday and I realize that Jason was right. The whole week was basic classroom rules, syllabuses and teacher meets. I should have gone with him on that trip.

Last period:Trig. The hardest class ever. Math is kind of pointless. Why try to figure out a problem when they make calculators that can do it for you, just 50× faster. Its a waste of a period, yet I'm at an average of a 97.

Only 10 minutes till the bell rings and I know how to stall time.

"Mr. Harlan" I shoot my hand up in the air "May I go to the bathroom?" He doesn't even answer. He just waves his hand and nods. Not even a smile. Wow, thanks asshole. I pack my bags and run out of the classroom. With now 8.5 minutes to spare I dance in the bathroom(by myself), check instagram, actually go to the bathroom, wash my hands and leave.

With about 2 minutes to spare in the classroom I hear Mr. Harlan say across the room. "Pack your bags. You are dismissed." He sighs heavily. Everyone storms out the room, pushing each other, stepping over one another.We're like animals running after a peice of meat.

I wait about 30 seconds so everyone can get out and I don't have to be trampled over. I leave the room, entering the hallway, which is full of people from different grades, rushing trying to get home. I walk towards my locker, when something hits my side, making all the papers out of our hands fly in the air. I fall on the ground. The impact of my ass and the floor hurts. Considering the stupid floor at this school is a super dark, glossy, unleveled, stoned floor.

"I'm so sorry." I hear a sweet voice say. "Oh, its you." The voice becomes dark, in an annoyed voice.

I look up from the gathering of my papers. Gabriella Calloway. The meanest bitch in the school. OK, she isn't mean to everyone, just me.

"Watch where you are going, freak." She snorts. She grasp her papers messily then stands up.

"Bish, I know you didn't just call me a freak."

"Bish," she mocks "you heard me. Let me say it again, since you must be deaf. COME NEAR ME AGAIN AND I WILL SNAP YOU NECK, FREAK." She threatens.

Technically, I could report her for threatening me since it's like, a law. The law is, you can say whatever you want to someone, but if you harass them or threaten them you go to jail. I wanna see this bitch in jail! How do people like her? The guys at my table are all like "she's hot and super nice. I heard she volunteers at a homeless shelter on the weekends". Bullshit. "She volunteers at a home shelter my ass". I should like totally record dis bitch harassing me, then like, post it on instagram. Then again, isn't that a law too? Ugh, I decide to listen to my history teacher at the wrong time. Damn.

And no! She isn't pretty. In general, yeah she looks pretty, but if you take a good look at her, her nose looks like that scientists nose from Phineas and Pherb (or is it Ferb? Idk. XD), her mouth is bigger than Kylie Jenners and she wears so much makeup she looks like a clown. Like, for real. Who dis bitch think she is.

"What is that on your finger?" Her eyes widen and she looks at my hand. She grabs my hand to take a good at the ring. "Jason, as in Jason from math class."

"Yeah, Jason from math class, but he has a last name, retard.", i snare at her.

But she totally ignores my comment. "HE proposed to YOU. Yeah, right. Jason Kent. " She snorts "like if thats going to last long. Who wants to be with you? Trust me, Jason wants ME. He'll come for me and totally ditch you because he relized how much of a skank you are. I bet the ring is totally fake, or you ordered it yourself." Tis bitch is getting on my last nerves.

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