Chapter35: She Finds Out

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"So what faction are you?" I ask Jason, once the movie is over. I search the internet for one of those faction test, and you get like 5 results.

"I think I would be Dauntless."

"You so would! I'm so Divergent! My zodiac sign says so." He chuckles at my response. 

"Your zodiac sign? Scorpio? Where did you hear that?" his eyebrows lift up.
"I read a whole book on zodiac signs. And according to the book you indeed are dauntless." I giggle. I look at my results on the faction test and I turn out Divergent. "Ha! Suck it!" I yell at Jason as I show him my results.

"Okay. Let me try." I hand him my phone so he can take the test. "Ha! Suck it!" He repeats me as he shows me his Dauntless results. We both laugh super loud. I feel like I'm high and so does Jason.

Did we eat something? OMG! I don't know why I just thought 'OMG'. Thats how high I am. Jason and I are so high we eventually pass out on his bed.

"What the hell?" I hear someone scream. I jump up and look at the doorway. Shit, Brianna. "Oh, what? Since I went after Jeremy, you go after Jason?"

"Its not like that. Brianna, we didn't do anything I swear. I still have my clothes on, right? He just invited me over to watch a movie and we fell asleep. Thats all I promise. I'm not a skank like you and make out with your Ex." I snap.

OMG. Am I still high? Why did I do that. OMG, I was right, I'm not a skank that makes out with people's ex's, I'm a slut that has sex with people's ex's. Then again, Brianna did have sex with Jeremy when we we're still together. Well, I did the same thing, many times. Why did I call her a skank when I was much worst?

"Brianna, I seriously didn't mean that. I must be high or something. It just came out of my mouth, like, I didn't even think of it."

She glares at me. "Yeah, whatever. So you and Jason aren't a thing?" OMG. I should ask her if I can be with him. Ask for her permission, even though she never asked for mine.

"Um, I was wondering, actually." I pause and look at Brianna straight in the eye. "Would you be okay with Jason and I-"

"No. Just ended it with him and now you want to be together?"she snaps. Is she kidding me?

"If you actually had feeling for him you wouldn't have never cheated on him. Plus, you are with my ex, and I'm totally cool with it. Dont be a hypocrite and do me a solid."

She rolls her eyes, but thinks about it.

"Wait, you cheated on me?" I turn around and see Jason, awake. "I'm not mad, I just want to know who."

"Jeremy." She responds.

"Cool." He looks down at the covers. 

Cool? Whats so cool about that? Was he not depressed? Yeah, he did the same thing, but... I dont know. At least she didnt cheat on him with his fake brother. I thought he would be a little mad. I mean, like, who the hell picks Jeremy over Jason?

Brianna leaves the room and I sit over next to Jason. He lays back down and closes his eyes. I never noticed how handsome he was. His brown hair was perfectly flaired upwards. His long eyelashes were nicely curled.

"I know I'm sexy, but staring is just creepy." He opens his eyes. They are this beautiful color shade of blue, like the ocean sparkling from the night sky stars. I shiver just looking at them.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and laugh and he catches on. I snuggle my face in his chest wrapping one arm around his stomach. He wraps his muscular arm around my waist. I feel so warm and safe in his care. "Oh I can stay like this all day!" I scream, but not too loud for Brianna to hear if she is still inside the house.

"Me too, princess."

"Do you wanna play Would You Rather?"

"Sure, I guess?" I can just see him looking in the air with a blank expression on his face.

"OK. Would you rather go bungy jumping or skydiving?" I smile to myself.

"Um, bungy jumping sounds cool, I guess? Would you rather be rejected or find out your pregnant?" Okay, strange much?

"Um, get rejected. Wow, what a weird question." I get up off the bed. "I'm gonna make breakfast. What do you have in mind?"

"I was hoping I can be free this morning so I can take this super hot girl I like to IHop." He looks at me.

"Well, bring me back something." I sit back down next to him on the bed.

"You're so gullible." he laughs and pulls me in by my waist. I land on top of him. "You are so cute when you giggle." He kisses me over and over again.

"What the hell?" I hear Briannas voice and turn her direction. "Have you two been- I mean like, really? I just broke up with you. Wow, just showing how much time you need to get over me." she looks at the floor and bites her bottom lip. Then she freezes, like if she figured something out.

"Brianna-" I say putting my hands up in defence.

"Stop. You played me. You told me to break up with Jason, so you can hook up with him!"

"Hey, Brianna that's not what happened, I swear. We've..." he trailed off.

"We've what? Have you two been seeing each other when I dated Jason?" She looks at the ceiling in frustration.

"OK. Remember that day, you slept with Jeremy when I was dating him? Well, the things you said, that's exactly how I felt." I tell her. She stares at me like if she wants to rip my head off. I'm surprised Jason didn't say anything, about Jeremy and then sleeping together. Then again, he isn't the victim.

"Felt?" She looks at me. Did I say felt, passed tense? Oh no. "How long have you been seeing each other!" She screams and rolls her hands up in a fist, and tightens the little muscles she has in her arms.

"How long has it been, 8 months?" I rub my hand on the back of my neck and look at Jason in bed. I just really don't want to make eye contact with her.

"I can't believe you." She runs out the door and I follow. "How could you do this to me?!" She turns around and screams in my face. I can't take it no more! I'm in complete rage.

"Brianna, you don't even love him! I mean, Jesus, I cought you making out with Jeremy! You have Jeremy now! You are always like, you can't take my ex-boyfriend because that's not what sisters do, but look in the mirror, you slut! You are over here making out with Jeremy, having sex, like if the rules don't apply to you! You always think about yourself! I truly love Jason. He is the one for me and you and your screwed up drama isn't going to ruin that! You we're always the one mom and dad liked the most, it was nice having some attention, okay?"

"Oh so since you never got attention from mom and dad you decide to go after my ex? What was wrong with Jeremy? Why couldn't you just mind your own business and put your top back on for Jason."

"Really? At least I don't strip on the bed like a prostitute. I can already hear the guys calling for their money back!" Wow. I'm really good at comebacks when I'm pissed.

"You skanky bitch!" Brianna launches at me, pushing up against the wall, her hand on my shoulders. I kick her in the groin and push her off of me. She falls on the ground and moans, curling in a ball on the wooden floor.

"What happened!" I hear a women's voice yell at the doorway.

"Mom, Dad?" They look at me concerned. Just standing there, not helping Brianna at all.


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