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Helloooo. To all the 80K people who have read this wretched story (I'm sorry) I'm deciding to fix it.

I'm giving you, my readers, an option.

Option 1:
I'm going to rewrite the book, which will mean longer chapters, better grammar and word use, more plot filling chapters and I'll also replace or take out chapters that don't make sense. Basically, I'm going to make a better version of the same book. I know this book is shit (keep in mind I wrote it when I was an amateur) but over the years I feel like I've improved my writing skills. I am deeply ashamed of this work, although a lot of you seem to like it. So I might just rewrite it.

But keep in mind that rewriting this book will take time and lots of it. I have moved on from this book and am currently working on new works I have yet to publish. So the rewrite won't be anytime soon. However if you still want a rewrite you can comment and vote for option 1.

Option 2:
I just delete the book. This has been my most popular book on Wattpad and I wouldn't want the time I spent into it to go to waste, but like I said earlier, I'm ashamed of this book. I don't want people to read this book then decide not to read my other recent works because of how bad this original book is. I swear, I'm progressed in writing and I'm proud of my latest works, but this one seems to have a negative impact on my writing skills. Therefor taking it down could benefit me in lots of ways. The book won't forever be deleted but will be taken down publicly and will be saved as a draft on my account.

If you think this book should be taken down, then vote option 2 in the comments.

I will inform you when voting ends, but for now, I'm just asking for your opinion. If you have an questions, comment and I'll answer.

You decide and comment either option 1 or option 2

Thank you!!!

My Sister's Boyfriend (Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now