Ways to Trap Boys or Men and then Tricks to play on them & fun bags

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This 2nd part - which will make you girls and ladies screech with laughter and explains how you can trap boys of all ages into pretty aprons, to help with the housework and laundry.  However the boy is so embarrassed at being recognized in the back garden in girly aprons and so will normally need some type of a disguise - a headscarf, hair ribbons or even a wig!  Especially so when he starts playing Fun Laundry! 

Sections that might interest you

Ways to trap a boy or man into a pretty apron - and beyond
Tricks to Play
on a boy or man
From apron to dress
and/or tutu
Fun Pink Shopping Bags
with Girly Messages and Loaners with Selfies
Baby girl dresses
and nappies and changing his baby doll's nappies
Ballet, Schoolgirls, Fashion Shows - 

The word spreads about the Complements Game

Lots of girls had told their friends at school about the Complements game and Fun Laundry and loads were having a giggle at Bobbing curtsies to girls and neighbors and even playing Complements down the phone to their distant relations who giggled as they did curtsies and pirouettes and then blew kisses down the phone to their nieces.  Lots of little girls started playing in the street, doing curtsies and pirouettes and giving each other kisses as older girls laughed but then a few of them started playing the game too, remembering how much fun they used to have as little ballerinas in a tutu at ballet classes and loving the attention of their Mums and neighbors and relations with lots of complements about how sweet they looked playing ballerina and how lovely their outfits were.

Lots of Mums saw their girls playing the Complements game and soon were joining in and even playing with their neighbors who giggled at how sweet all the girls looked and laughed, remembering their own times at ballet classes as ballerinas.  Boys started seeing the girls and their sisters playing the game and called them stupid and other nasty names as some girls called back "Don't knock it till you've tried it!  You'd have fun playing as a little ballerina!" as the boy's would blush and run off or threaten them with an arm twister or something else. Brothers would see their sisters now instead of just playing ballerina on a Saturday at ballet, saw them playing ballerina all the time and wondered why the change.

Some girls try and get their brother to play

Some girls called to their brother "Davy!  Tell Mummy how nice her new apron is and she'll give you a pressy!" as their Mums laughed and said "Now Karen!  The games just for you girls!" as they giggled and booed, saying "Mummy!  It wouldn't do my big brother any harm!" as they laughed at the thought of her big brother bobbing a curtsy and then doing a pirouette with his silly trousers, but then screeched to themselves as they considered them in a skirt or frock or even a tutu!" saying to their Mum "I've just imagined  Davy playing Complements with us in a skirt or frock or even a pretty tutu!" as her Mum would screech and say 'Stop that Kathy!  He'll hear you and explode!'" to laughter.

A boy who's trapped into a pretty apron has to play Complements

Once a girl or lady traps a boy or man into an apron and gives him a complement and sees him try to do a curtsy and then a pirouette and then blow or give her a kiss back as he's then told "I'm afraid your curtsies and pirouettes weren't very good!" as he has to repeat several times and giving kisses each time he repeats his pirouette.   His pirouettes get more embarrassing as he's to then raise his handbag and do a handbag pirouette and then is handed a dolly for his dolly pirouettes to screeches of laughter from girls and ladies.  

Girls Make a Sissy Ballerina Dolly Housemaid & Play the Complements GameWhere stories live. Discover now