Lucy asks a friend Poly to help trap Gary with Fun Football

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 Lucy went over to a girlfriend, Poly's house and showed her the Complements game and saw Poly and her little sister Penny and then her Mum play the game with her and each other and giggle as they curtsied and pirouetted and gave each other kisses. She laughed "I hope you'll tell loads of girlfriends and relations the Complements game?" as they all nodded and said "They'll love playing that, especially our young nieces and other young girls who love doing ballet!" She laughed "I've already told loads of relations and girlfriends and some neighbors who all love the game and think its lots of fun!"

Lucy laughed "Apparently you can get almost any boy to play too!" as Penny laughed "Boys can't curtsy or pirouette with their silly trousers!" as Lucy laughed "Imagine you were in your trousers or jeans when I called over here to show you the game! How could you curtsy?" as Lucy pulled a pretty apron from her handbag and laughed "See! You don't need to be in a skirt or frock to curtsy?" as she gurgled and pulled the apron around herself and laughed "So when you get a boy to give you a complement, or say anything to you and you thank him with your curtsy and then pirouette and kiss of course, then one of us slips up behind him and slide the apron over his head for his curtsy and pirouettes?" as they all giggled "Oh fab! We can get loads of boys playing Complements and acting as little or big ballerinas!" as Lucy nodded "Oh yes!" as they all laughed "It can get even funnier I assure you!"

She then said "I'm wanting to try and get my young bro Gary to play less football and help more with the housework!" as Poly and her young sister Penny both laughed and asked "You need our help?" as she laughed and nodded. She said "I could easily trap him myself with a girly apron, to play Complements with Mummy and me and then girlfriends, but don't what to get into trouble with Mummy and especially Dad" as she added "I'm hoping you two can help trap him, so I can claim ignorance!" and then take advantage of our new housemaid in his pretty aprons and floral PVC pinnies as he helps us with housework and the laundry!" as they gurgled "Fab! Could we borrow your housemaid too?" as she nodded "Oh yes!"

She laughed "You know he's footy mad?" as they nodded and she said "If young Penny and another girlfriend, sees him in the street on his own and tries to get him into her back garden, asking him to teach her to play football, around your back! Say his mates say he's the best" as she asks "Football?" as she laughed "It's a trick which you'll love!" adding "So the next time I ask him in front of Mummy "So Gary, which would you rather do 'Play Football in the back garden and I'll join you or stay here and help Mummy with the housework the same way I do! Showing him my pretty aprons, he'll amaze Mummy and ask to help us doing housework!" as they giggled and asked "Why?"

She laughed "You take him round the back and I'll have a football there but he might bring his own over!" as he starts to demonstrate how to kick the ball and what!" as she adds "but then Poly and maybe another girl join Penny as you pretend to learn footy but then you get my brother down on his back and Penny can then feed a pretty apron over his head and tie him into it, but then slide a handbag up his arm and tie it there to trap him for Fun Girly Football!" as they giggle "Oh fab!" as you slide on pretty aprons and pick up handbags to say "You're going to play sissy football!" as they screech "Oh fab!"

She said "Of course he'll protest about the neighbors spying him and so you give him a sweet disguise of a headscarf, possibly over some hair ribbons!" as they screeched some more. She laughed "After ten minutes or so you can then ask 'So Gary! Why did you want to wear the headscarf?" as he'll say "To stop the neighbors recognizing me like this?" as they laughed, as she added "You then ask 'So Gary! What are you disguising yourself as?' and When he says a girl! I'll leave it up to you as to what he wears!" as they gurgled "Oh fab!" as Penny laughed "You mean I'll have my own big dolly to dress up!" as they nodded and screeched.

Poly laughed "So he'll be out here, in a pretty apron and mincing a handbag about with us as she nods and says "I've thought of how we can prepare him for the Complements game!" as they asked "How?" as she laughed "After five minutes of him in his fun laundry outfit!" as they giggle "You can say 'Every time any of us kick the ball, you've to do a curtsy and then raise your arms to do a pirouette!' as he'll cry 'Oh no! I see my silly Mum and sister doing those stupid ballet moves!' or something!" as they giggled and screeched at the thought of him acting as a little ballerina.

She said "Then you can teach him 'the Complements game' and give him lots of practice at his curtsies and ballet pirouettes and kisses of course!" as she laughed "Penny could have him as a pretend boyfriend!" as Penny gasped and gurgled but heard Lucy say "The great thing of being girlfriend and boyfriend with houses nearby, is that you can swap houses and amaze me and our Mummy with lots of girly things you are making big Gary play with you at your house!" as Penny giggled "Oh fab!" as Lucy laughed "I'll of course supply Gary with lots of my old dollies!" as Penny screeched "fab!" but then Lucy added and of course "My old skirts and frocks for his dress up box!" as Penny gurgled "Oh fab! My own big boy dolly to play dress up with!" as Poly gurgled "You are funny Lucy!" but added "I hope you'll provide him with some lingerie and teach him how to wear a bra!" as they all screeched with laugher as Penny gurgled "I can't wait!"

Lucy laughed "Playing dollies and Complements and dress up with him at yours and gradually embarrassing him in front of Mummy, teaching him to do girly housework and laundry with Mummy and taking him shopping!" as they screeched. Penny laughed "Can he carry a handbag shopping too?" as Lucy laughed "You wouldn't Penny! Let him hide his handbag in a shopping basket so its not so obvious and then maybe take it out at the till to pay for a couple of girly items!" as they screeched "Oh fab!" Penny laughed "Its the frock he'll have to wear with me shopping he wont like!" as Poly gasped "Oh Penny! You wouldn't make big Gary wear a frock and hair ribbons and mince a handbag and purse to join you shopping?" as she nodded but added "Its the dolls pram he'll be wheeling around the shops that he'll love showing off!" as they all screeched at the thought. Lucy laughed "I think Penny might be even naughtier than me to my little brother!" as Penny smiled and nodded.

Lucy laughed "I'm sure he'll be a fast learner as you say to him 'Don't worry Gary! We know somewhere your curtsies and pirouettes will really improve!' as you add 'at ballet classes on Saturday mornings in an adorable frilly tutu!'" as they gasped and screeched as Penny gurgled "Oh I'd love to see your big Gary in a tutu playing ballerina with me and my girlfriends!" She giggled "Hence when he comes over to us and astounds Mummy by doing proper curtsies and pirouettes, we can tease him silly and ask "You haven't been secretly attending ballet classes, or something like that!" as they all laughed.

She adds "Some sweet photos and videos of my macho brother in a girly apron and mincing his handbag, especially with his ballerina moves should help trap him and then you can show him the Complements game!" as they gurgled and thought "Oh fab!" She said "You then say 'We'll not show sissy off or the photos to girls in the street or at school if he does what he's told!' as he'll beg you not to show him off to girls and especially his mates and beg you not to show the photos off to anyone and you'll have him and I suppose a little time playing dollies wouldn't hurt him as Penny gurgled "In the street?" but Lucy said "Keep him indoors hidden initially and we'll build up his embarrassments slowly!" as they giggled.

Girls Make a Sissy Ballerina Dolly Housemaid & Play the Complements GameWhere stories live. Discover now