Lucy pops Gary into a bra and panties over his apron and trousers

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Lucy said "Carry on Sissy Gary!" as she slipped into the house and upstairs and asked "You got some fun videos of Tinkabelle?" as her Mum nodded "He'll be so embarrassed if he sees how girly he looked today!" as Lucy laughed "We'll have our own housemaid from now on to help with or do the housework and give us lots of laughter and giggles as he does more and more girly things!" as her Mum said "Let him off?" but she shook her head and said "He'll soon have fun!" as she laughed.  She slipped into the box room and found a training bra and some panties from when she was nine or ten and gurgled "Oh fab!" as she had a thought and fetched some plastic baby pants and a baby bonnet and baby's dummy and thought "Mummy will kill me!" as she hid them inside her dress and went down to see how Gary was doing.  

 He was now handed a frilly nighty but then realized it was from when Lucy was only three or four and heard the girls screech as it only reached down to his waist and he cried "not fair girls!" as he'd to curtsy and pirouette round the garden again and do more pirouettes with his handbag and dolly.  She returned and locking up, she went into the back garden and asked "Sure you want to look a girly?" as he nodded and she then produced the frilly pink panties and heard the girls and ladies screech and saw him take them and step into them as more photos and vidoes were taken, as he pulled them up over his trousers and up to his waist, as he blushed "Not fair!" as he was partly relieved that they were partly hidden under his big apron which spoilt the affect a bit for the girls.   She called "Gary are you having fun in your pretty frilly panties?" as he called "Yes Lucy!" as she called "Mummy!  I think that sets a precedent and Gary can wear pretty panties instead of his silly stinky undies from now on!" as she called "Not for school Lucy!" 

She laughed "Except for days when he does PE!" adding "Or Dance!" to more laughter as Penny called "Yes under his dress and pinafore!" to screeches.  Lucy then held up a training bra as her Mum called "Don't you dare Lucy?" as she laughed "You promised Gary! It will prove your wanting to be a girl!" and saw him take it as she said "Just slide your bra up your arms and turn round and I'll do your bra up!" as he pulled the bra straps up to cheers as he turned around and felt Lucy clipping it together behind his back to cheers and laughter.  Her Mum then saw him with the bra over his PVC pinny and apron and heard Lucy scold "Mummy!   You'll have to teach Gary that his bras go under his blouses or frocks!" as she giggled "Oh Lucy! Naughty girl!"  But she said "Go on Mummy! Tell Gary what he's done wrong!" as his laughing Mum said "Gary!   In future make sure your bras go under your blouses or frocks!" as he forgot himself and bobbed a curtsy with his apron, saying "Yes Mummy!" to more giggles.  

She laughed "Any time, you girls check Sissy Gary and he's not in his bra, there should be a forfeit!" as he called "Not fair Lucy!"   Tina laughed "So even when Gary is playing footy with his mates, he's to wear a bra!" as he cried "Not fair girls!" as Penny laughed "Under his frock with his handbag on his elbow!" as he cried "No way!" to more giggles.  He was given complement's by the girls "Oh Gary ! Y ou really suit that bra! It would be wonderful seeing you playing football like that or in your frock!" as he cried "Don't let my mates see me dressed up?" as Lucy laughed "Sounds Gary is still too much of a boy for his ribbons or headscarf!" as he cried "Please don't show my mates, me being a girly?" 

Penny laughed "If one of us girls joined you and warned the boys not to hit you or be nasty, they might let Gary play footy in a frock with his handbag and hair ribbons!" as he cried "Oh no!" as they screeched.  He sobbed as he was left in the bra over his girly aprons and frilly panties on show over his trousers as she laughed "Poor big girly!" as she said "Just peg up a few more frocks and nighties to have fun in your bra and panties!" to more laughter and they saw him use his handbag and purse to then slide a frock onto a hanger and curtsy and pirouette around the garden before pegging it up again!" as she saw him repeat a few more times 

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