Rachel from his year sees a big girl - Benny with little Nancy and Dianne

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He wheeled the doll's pram back towards his house, but gasped as he saw a girl Rachel, from his year at school across the street and cried "Oh no!" as he kept his head down and pushed the dolls pram into the driveway and saw Angy pouting her lips and giggle "Come on and give me my sissy kissy" but whispered "Baby!" as he pleaded "Please don't tell Nancy or Dianne?" as he kissed her and she laughed "Has baby wet his nappies?" as he nodded "Yes! A few times!" as she gurgled "Thank goodness for Pampers!" as he blushed and she giggled "I wonder will your little sister or Dianne want to change baby Benny?" as he wet himself again and cried "Not fair!  Mum wouldn't let her or Dianne!" as she laughed "I might!" adding "And even play Peek A Boo!" as he gasped "You wouldn't?  That would be so embarrassing!" as she gurgled "Better get back to play with Nancy and Dianne!"

He wheeled the dolls pram back up to the gate when Nancy called "Handbag up Alice!" as Dianne gurgled and saw the bigger girl on the other side of the street as Angy saw but decided not to expose him yet.  She then had an idea and wondered would that girl like a boyfriend to have fun with.  He turned the pram towards them and minced his handbag back along.  Nancy called "Hi Rachel!" as he wet his nappies again and Rachel saw her and Dianne with handbags and asked "You girls going shopping?" as they laughed and shook their heads.  She saw the two little girls but then the older girl pushing a dolls pram and laughed "Isn't that big girl a bit old to play dollies and wheel a dolls pram?" as they giggled and Nancy said "Mummy says she can use my baby pram next time we play dollies!" adding "Especially if playing Mummy to her dolly around town!" as Rachel giggled "You tease! She'd never!  Wheel her dolly in town?"

Nancy ran over towards Rachel and laughed "Have you heard of the Complements game?" as she nodded "I thought it was more for little girls and their Mums!" as Nancy shook her head "Dianne and me are playing it and find it so much fun!"  Rachel laughed "I rest my case but actually thought it was more for 5 or 6 year old's!" as Nancy aqwsaid "Our big friend Alice there came round in her trousers and so needed to borrow my pretty little apron to do her curtsies and pirouettes like me!" as Rachel looked at Benny and laughed "I see her apron is tiny and does look funny on a big girl!" as Nancy laughed "I think she'll be playing Complements in her own skirt or frock next time, to enjoy the game even more!" as they giggled.  Nancy called out "Alice!  You'll make sure you're in one of your pretty skirts or frocks next time to have more fun with your curtsies and pirouettes?" as he gasped and wet himself again as he nodded as Rachel and Dianne laughed,

Nancy said "Rachel!  Just complement me!" as she laughed "Your apron and handbag look very pretty!" as she saw her bob a curtsy with her apron and say "Thanks Rachel!" but then raise her arms and did a pirouette as Rachel laughed "Nice spin!" as she threw her arms round her and gave her a kiss as she laughed "You should just blow a kiss!" as Nancy laughed "Sorry I've been used to us girls over there playing and giving each other kisses!" as Rachel saw Dianne and the bigger girl and laughed.  Nancy said "You really need a skirt or dress to curtsy but as I'd slipped into my jeans, I realized I could just slip on a pretty apron to do my curtsies and pirouettes!" as Rachel nodded.    Nancy said "Rachel! Your school dress and pinafore are very pretty!" as Rachel giggled "Thanks Nancy!" as she bobbed a curtsy and then just turned around and blew her a kiss as Nancy giggled "Anyone not doing a proper pirouette has a forfeit!" as Rachel asked "What?"

She replied "Get a tutu in town, trying on lots of pretty tutus and then attend ballet classes on Saturday with the little Fairies!" as she screeched "Oh Nancy!  You are funny!" as Benny heard and wet himself again.  She laughed "My friend Alice over there with my little dolly pram will be getting a tutu and be so embarrassed trying them on in the ballet shop with lots of giggling little girls laughing at her!" as Rachel laughed "She might be getting it for a show or something!" as Nancy laughed "Unfortunately she used to be a bit of a Tom boy and liked playing football with the boys and so is very embarrassed at the thought of trying on tutus in the shop and then joining the Fairies on Saturday!" as she laughed "There's no way that big girl would wear a tutu to join the little Fairies!" as Nancy laughed "You doubting Thomas you!"

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