Lucy plans to make her bro Gary offer to do housework instead of Playing Footy

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Lucy said to Poly "You tell him that anytime a girl or lady says to him, 'So Gary!   Which would you rather do, go out the back to play Fun footy and I'll join you? or stay in here to help with the housework like Mummy or me, you know it will mean Sissy Football in a girly apron with a handbag and maybe some hair ribbons curtsying and doing pirouettes every time he kicks the ball!' and so what will you offer?'" adding "So he'll dread having to play Sissy Football and slip into a pretty apron with a handbag on his arm and astound Mummy and me, as he asks to help with the housework and say he realizes that boys can do housework too!" as they giggled "Good one, Lucy!  We can borrow your new housemaid to do our housework in his pretty aprons and hair ribbons!" as Penny laughed "And his pretty frock too!" to more giggles and laughter.

Lucy laughed "I bet Mum will be astounded that my macho brother asking to help with the housework and not wanting to play footy!" as I laugh "Mum!  Are you making Gary do the housework for once?" as she'll laugh and say "I swear Lucy!" and giggle as she has to show him how to do the vacuuming and dust polish and the laundry and then clean the windows!" as she laughed "I know he'll love standing on a chair in his pretty apron and PVC pinny to clean the windows, inside and out!" as they gasped and giggled "Oh fab!" as Poly asked "Can we borrow your sweet housemaid?" as she nodded "Of course girls!" adding "He'll need all the practice he can get and don't forget to let him rest and play Complements with you and your Mummy and then wheel his dolly around the garden too!" as they laughed "Great!"

She laughed "I wonder will Mummy start off, teaching him like she showed me with my little girls housework set with a toy iron and ironing board and wash basket and toy washing up bowl and plates and stuff, toy washing line!  Not forgetting pretend shopping with his handbag and purse with one of us as a sales girl or girl on the till as he asks to try on a skirt or frock and pay the till girl using his handbag and purse for practice when he's taken shopping for real!" as they screeched "Oh fab!  Wouldn't that be funny!" as she laughed "Now he'll be worried about being recognized and so let him have his disguise of hair ribbons or a headscarf if you must!" as they gurgled "Oh Great!" as she laughed "You could be naughty and play some dress up with him!" as Penny laughed "When playing as my girlfriend, his pretty aprons will definitely be over a frock!" as they gurgled.  Poly said "You'd better leave his trousers on!  Let Mummy or me see to anything like panties as they all giggled.

Lucy laughed "Apparently its quite easy to get almost any boy into a frock, in less than two minutes!" as they gasped "You couldn't?" but she nodded and giggled "Once you have a boy in a pretty apron doing his curtsies and really embarrassing pirouettes!" as she laughed "By the way you can enhance his pirouette fun by making him raise his handbag to do handbag pirouettes and then hand him a dolly for dolly pirouettes!" as they screeched "Oh! Wonderful, Lucy!" as Penny giggled "Wont that be fun, seeing big Gary doing loads of pirouettes but then handbag pirouettes and then dolly pirouettes!" as Lucy laughed "Maybe some handbag twirls with his handbag on his elbow!" to more laughter.

She said "If one of you pretends to be on his side and say 'Gary it must be so embarrassed doing those pirouettes!' adding 'Gary get on your knees and you'll only have to do a few little curtsies!" as she laughed "I bet he'll get onto his knees to do a few curtsies to you, relieved that his pirouettes have stopped!" as they laughed "So what's the trick?"  She said "He does a few curtsies to his complements and then one of you say 'Although you cant pirouette on your knees, just slowly raise your arms to pretend!" and you see him with his arms above his head!" as she giggled "When you were young, why did Mummy get you to raise your arms?" as Penny gurgled "To slide a frock down my arms and over my head and body!"  Lucy laughed "When I get Gary round to teach you footy,  can your Mummy come over for a chat at our house to be amazed by the new girly Gary?" as they laughed and nodded "Ok Lucy!"

Lucy laughed "If you can have a pretty frock ready but with a small floral apron sewn to its front and then when you have Gary into it, you tie up his pretty apron to trap him and voila, you've got him in a frock!" as they screeched and patted her on the back.  Penny laughed "Poly! You've got a guy in class Paul who fancies you, you could pretend to be his girlfriend and then we could trap him too!" as Poly gurgled "Oh Penny! Paul would have kittens if we trap him into a girly apron but then a frock!" as they all giggled at the thought of him and other boys being trapped by lots of girls and ladies.  Poly gasped "But Paul is my age and has turned into a man and might be naughty!" as Lucy laughed "Have a stiffy?" as Penny asked "What do you mean?" as her sister laughed "We'd better not say for now!  Mum would kill me if I don't let her explain first!" to laughter.

Lucy laughed "So when Gary comes over and slips into one of my pretty aprons and maybe a floral PVC pinny to help Mummy, I'll be able to then Complement him for his curtsies and pirouettes and have Mummy amazed at how good he is at ballet!" to more laughter.  She added "Hopefully Mummy will play along and let him wear one but then he's to say how nice her apron or dress is to play the Complements game with her!" as they giggled "Oh fab! He's to bob curtsies and do pirouettes in your pretty aprons!" as Lucy nodded and added "Hopefully we'll have a sweet housemaid to do lots of housework for us and I of course wont mind lending her out to my girlfriends or neighbors!" as they gurgled "Oh fab!"

Lucy laughed "It would be fab if I can get our neighbor Alice in without Gary realizing and then hear him offer to do the housework for Mummy but then come into the kitchen and spy my girly brother in pretty aprons and of course, I'll make sure he offers to help her with housework in his pretty aprons of course!" to more laughter.   She laughed "Of course we'll let him remove his pretty aprons and carry them round next door to Alice's and then slip back into them to do Aunty Alice's housework!" as Penny booed "No!  Gary should keep his pretty aprons on to pop next door or across to our house to show off his pretties!" as they shook their heads but heard her add "After playing dollies with me!  He'll definitely be wearing his girly aprons to return home, maybe over his frock!" as Lucy said "Make sure his mates or any boys aren't around to spy him!"  Poly laughed "You big bully Penny!" as Penny gripped her dress and bobbed a curtsy and then did a spin and gave her a kiss as they all laughed.

Lucy laughed "What would make it ten times more fun, if when you send him over, back in his normal boys clothes!" as Penny booed "Can't we send Gary over in a frock or pretty apron?" but Lucy shook her head "See Mummy's to think he's the same male chauvinist boy that left this morning!" adding "What would be even better, is if he's had to swap his stinky under pants for something a bit prettier!" as Poly gurgled "Frilly panties!  Oh Lucy! He'll be so embarrassed at us spying his willy!" as Penny laughed "Can I help change my dolly?" but her sister shook her head "Mum would kill me if I let you see or touch him!" to laughter as Lucy laughed "Chicken!"  Poly laughed "I'll let him change his own undies for some pretties in our bathroom but pretend you don't know!" but added "I'll of course check his trousers after and get him to unzip them for me to check he's prettied up!" to laughter. 

Penny pleaded "Let me have a little peek at it!" but Poly shook her head and said "No Penny!" but Lucy laughed "I'm sure it won't be long before she's completely dressing and undressing her big dolly!" as she added "Penny!  You know boys are different down below when they do a wee wee?" as she laughed "Yes!  They have a willy!  A bit like my little finger!  I saw Mummy changing our little nephew's nappies!" as Lucy laughed "I'll tell you girls a funny name he's to call it!  So as not to embarrass you girls and ladies!"   They asked "What?" as she giggled "He's to call it 'My little tiny baby pee pee!'" as they screeched and she said "When asked why, he's to say 'Because its only the size of a little baby boy's pee pee!'" as they screeched and she said 'See you can make any boy under your thumb say anything you wish!" as she added "Mummy!  Lucy stole my big dolly and I wanted to sleep with her in my pretty nighty!" as they gasped and giggled some more "You mean he's to sleep in a pretty nighty?" as she laughed "I'm sure  you girls can persuade him to pop  over in the evening and discretely slip him into a nighty and maybe panties before he comes back and sleeps in it!" as they gurgled.

Girls Make a Sissy Ballerina Dolly Housemaid & Play the Complements GameWhere stories live. Discover now