Gary's to play Complements in the street in pretty aprons wheeling a dolls pram

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Eight year old Penny said to the little five year old "Tina!  Look at that big girl over there playing ballerina!" as Tina looked and saw the ten year old girl in the headscarf doing a curtsy and then raise her arms for the pirouette and then get taken into the house and being hoisted up to kiss the lady but then saw them turn her and her being hoisted up to sit on the windowsill.  Gary felt himself being hoisted up and then realized he was right up and planted onto the windowsill as he cried "Oh no!   She'll see me in my girly aprons and tell!" as they saw the two laughing girls wheel their dolls prams over towards him as Penny said "I don't believe it Tina!" as she asked "What?" as she laughed "I think that is Lucy's ten year old brother Gary in pretty aprons and a headscarf, playing ballerina in the street!" as she gasped "Never!"

She gurgled "Is that you Gary?" as he sobbed "Let me down girls!" as he was held on show in the girly apron and pinny on the windowsill.  He had the girly apron and PVC pinny down his front but now with his knees bent, they were almost exposing his frilly panties to Alice and the street.  Lucy pulled his legs up a bit and Alice gasped as she spied some of the yellow frills showing beneath his trousers as Lucy let his legs back down to hide them again as she said "Just complement Mummy back!" as he sat there facing Penny and the little girl and he called "Mummy!   Your apron is really pretty too!" as they saw his Mum grip her apron and bob a curtsy and then raise her arms and turn round and then said "I'll blow Gary a kiss!" as Lucy laughed "I'll give him a sissy kissy for you!" as she reached up and kissed him to laughter as Tina called "Yuk!  I don't like kisses from stinky boys!" to laughter.

Lucy and Alice lifted him down and Alice said "I'd better get Gary round to do my laundry before anyone spies him!" as Tina asked "Why are you wearing those girly aprons and a girly headscarf?" as he begged "Please don't tell on me Tina?" as Penny laughed "I could tell too?" as he blushed, knowing she had trapped him earlier and stammered "Don't tell on me?" as she laughed "Tina!  I think Gary will do anything we want if we don't tell on him playing ballerinas!" as she added "What do you like to play?" as she laughed "Dollies!" as Penny laughed "I think Gary will love to play dollies with you!" adding "You like playing Dress up too?" as she nodded "Oh yes!" as she laughed "I'm sure Lucy can give Gary some pretty clothes to join you and me to play dollies!" as he cried "Oh no!  Don't make me dress up to play dollies?" as Tina nodded "Yes!  You've to wear a pretty frock to come down to play dollies with me!" as he cried "Oh no!  Not fair!" as he sobbed.  

Penny gasped and said "You mean Gary has to dress up in a pretty frock and hair ribbons at home to then mince his handbag down to your house to play dollies?" as she laughed and nodded "Oh yes!" as Penny laughed "Not wheeling his big dolly in his dolls pram down to play with you and your friends?" as she nodded "Yes!  He must or I tell!" as he cried "Oh no!   Don't make me?  Let me come down as a boy and dress up at your house?  Don't make me play with your girlfriends?   Let me just play with you and your Mummy!" as Penny slid her hands onto her hips and heard him say "With Penny too!" as his Mum laughed "Penny!  You are naughty!" as she laughed and gripped her dress and bobbed a curtsy and then raised her arms and did a pirouette and blew her a kiss to laughter. 

Lucy laughed "Don't worry Gary!  Mummy or I shall make sure you are prettily dressed up to mince your handbag and wheel your dolls pram down to little Tina's!" as her Mum laughed "Oh Lucy!  We couldn't?" but Lucy nodded "We don't want Gary to get on Tina's bad side and her to tell on him!" as Tina and everyone giggled.  She added "Mummy!  I hope you'll make sure he's got lots of pretty ribbons and bows in too!" as his Mum laughed and shook her head as Lucy laughed "Now Mummy!  I think Gary will absolutely beg you to pretty up his hair for his trip down to Tina's as otherwise can you imagine how embarrassed he'd be in his pretty frock, mincing his handbag and wheeling his dolly pram looking like a big sissy boy?" as they all giggled and Tina laughed "Yes!  Send him down as a big sissy boy, wheeling his pram in a frock!" as he begged "Mummy please pretty up my hair?" as she gurgled "Oh Gary!  What am I to do with you?" 

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