Alice next door pops round and is amazed to see Gary in girly aprons

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Amanda called at Alice's and said "Angy wants you round next door a tick!" as she got her handbag and seeing Amanda in her apron, decided to keep hers on as she locked up, taking her handbag and went round asking "What's up?" as Amanda said "You'll see!" as she joined her round and they rang the bell and heard Lucy say "Now Gary!  Just let Amanda and Alice in!" as he cried "Not in these aprons?" but she nodded and saw him go up to the door and opening it, saw Alice gasp "Gosh!  Is that Gary in a girly apron and pinny?" as they entered and she laughed "Snap! Gary!  How come you are in those pretty aprons?" as he blushed and stammered "I'm just doing the dishes for Mum!" as Lucy said "We said he could pop out to play footy or stay to do the dishes and my bro decided it would be more fun to slip into my pretty aprons to do the washing up and housework!" as he said "I didn't!" but his Mum laughed "You certainly did!" as they laughed.

Lucy asked "Did you hear what Aunty Alice just said?" as Alice wondered but heard him cry "Not again!" as Lucy said "You just said my brother was in pretty aprons!" as she nodded but then saw Gary grip his apron and bob a curtsy, pulling his foot back said "Thank's Aunty Alice!" as she screeched "Oh Fab!  He can curtsy!" as he then raised his arms and did a spin as she gurgled "Lucy!  Have you been teaching him ballet?" as he then said "I'm meant to give you a kiss too!" as she laughed and bending down he kissed her to laughter as Amanda laughed "I can't believe Gary looking so sweet in his aprons and playing ballet with us!" as Lucy said "Oh Amanda!  You've just said Gary looked very sweet in his aprons and playing ballerina!" as she nodded and he cried "Not again?" 

He again gripped his apron and bobbed a curtsy and then raised his arms again and did another pirouette and then saw her bend down as he kissed her too and called "Not funny girls!" as Lucy  laughed "My little brother is getting so many kisses these days, I'm sure he'll grow to love the Complements game and look forward to having a girlfriend to have fun with!" as her Mum said "Now Lucy!  He's too young to have a girlfriend!" as she laughed "Not a proper one, maybe one to teach him to play dollies and Complements and to teach him how to do housework properly!" as he cried "No way!" as Amanda laughed "I think Poly would be too old for him and Penny too young!" as Lucy laughed "I'm sure Penny could teach Gary how to  play dollies as a pretend girlfriend!" as he begged "Don't let Penny be my girlfriend?" as they giggled. 

Lucy said "We think he realizes how much fun, housework can be in his pretty aprons!" as he cried "I don't!" as they giggled and Lucy said "Aunty Alice!  You'd be bound to spy Gary helping us with the laundry in his pretty aprons and so I'm sure he'd offer to help peg out your stuff too!" as he cried "No way!" but Lucy called "She could have several giggling girls in her garden to tease you while pegging out our washing in my pretty aprons!" as she then held up the small PVC pinny she'd initially put on him and laughed "Maybe wearing some of my old aprons and pinnies from when I was four or five which would look adorable on you!" as he begged "Please let me wear these big aprons?" as they laughed.  He said "Ok! I'll help peg out your stuff!" as Alice laughed "What a sweety!" as he blushed.

Lucy called "Aunty Alice has just called you a sweety!" adding "And given you a complement!" as he cried "Oh no!  Not more curtsies and pirouettes?" as he did the curtsy and pirouette as she asked "You haven't been teaching Gary ballet?" as he huffed "Its normally she bent down and let him kiss her again as she gasped and giggled "as they all laughed as he then said "Your pretty apron looks very nice too!" as she laughed and gripping it bobbed a curtsy and then raised her arms above her head and turned around, as Lucy laughed "Looks like somebody will be joining Gary at ballerina classes to improve their pirouettes!" as she gasped and giggled "Oh fab!" adding "I'd be game if he wore a tutu!" as he cried "Oh no!" as she bent down kissing him to more laughter.

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