Benny is trapped by his Mum and her friends by Complements

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About 3.15 - Nancy got home from the junior school and asked "How's things Mummy?" as her Mum had a big smile on her face and laughed "I'd such a fun day!" as Nancy asked "How come?" as she explained "A lady contacted me and explained the Complements game!" as Nancy nodded "I heard a bit about it but thought it was a bit silly and only for little girls!" as her Mum laughed "Not at all and our neighbors and us will be playing it too!" as she laughed "Even Benny!" as her Mum gurgled "I just meant you and me!" as she added "Mummy! You're not going to do ballet and get yourself a tutu!" as she screeched "You're the 2nd person to threaten me with a tutu today!" as she laughed "Who else?" as she laughed a lady called Doreen phoned and said how much fun the Complements game was!"

She said "Nancy your dress and pinafore look adorable on you!" as she laughed and said "Thanks Mummy!" as she gripped her pinafore and did a curtsy and then raised her arms and did a spin as her Mum laughed and then saw her throw her arms round her neck and give her a kiss as she laughed "Wonderful Nancy! I missed you playing ballerina in your tutu!" as she laughed "That was just when I was a little girl! I'm nearly 11 now!" as she laughed "My friend suggested you might actually want to rejoin the ballet classes again!" as she laughed "What in a tutu?" as her Mum nodded "Oh yes!" but said "You might be joining the little girls in the Fairies group in their fairy wings!" as she laughed "No chance! My friends would take the piss out of me!"

She laughed "You might think the punishment might outweigh the embarrassment of the other fairies!" as she asked "Someone I know who's even older than me and going to join the fairies?" as her Mum nodded. She laughed "I know big Carol across the street still does ballet but she'd never join the fairies and wear her tutu unless it was for a show or something!" as she tried to think some more.  Her Mum laughed "What age is she?" as she said "About the same age as Benny!" as her Mum laughed and thought to herself  "I wonder could I borrow her tutus for my Benny?" and gurgled at the thought as Nancy asked "What Mummy?" as she smacked her own hand and said "Just a naughty thought!" as Nancy tried to worm it out of her but couldn't.

Then there was a ring of the bell and her Mum went and let a couple of female neighbors in who called "Hi Nancy!" as she called "Hi Mrs Jones!" as she said "Call me Aunty Caroline!" and then "Hi Aunty Angela!" and her Mum said "You run upstairs to change and when you return you can give me my complement! and then go out to play with your friends!" as Nancy ran upstairs and into her room and removing her school pinafore and dress and panties, she changed into new panties a blouse and jeans and returned downstairs to see the ladies playing Complements. She laughed "Mummy your apron and dress look very sweet!" and laughed as she saw her Mum curtsy and thank her and then do a pirouette and then give her a kiss.

Her Mum laughed "Angy wanted to complement you! Can you get into a skirt or dress to play the game?" as she laughed "I'll Just slip into a pretty apron to do my curtsy and pirouette!" as Nancy ran back in and slipped into a pretty apron and heard them laugh as Angy called "What a pretty apron Nancy?" as she laughed "Thanks Aunty Angy!" as she bobbed a curtsy and then did a pirouette! and then reaching up she gave her a kiss to laughter. Angie laughed "You going out in your pretty apron now?" as she laughed "No way!" as Angy laughed "You should keep it on to show your girlfriends how to play Complements and don't forget to show their Mums too!" as she laughed "Ok! As I don't have a skirt or dress on!"

Angy laughed "I might be getting a housemaid soon who loves doing the laundry in a pretty aprons and keeping them on to even go into the street to do it for other ladies to help them with their laundry!" adding "and even going shopping!" as Nancy laughed "She wears her aprons to town shopping?" as her Mum said "Now Angy!  Just around the house!" as Angy shook her head and said "Don't worry I'm sure we'll ensure they are well disguised for the trip!" as she laughed "as long as they are very pretty!" as she laughed adding "And your Mum too!" as she asked "We getting a housemaid?" as her Mum nodded "Maybe!" as she laughed "Great she can do all my choirs!" as Angy asked "What about your brother's choirs!" as she laughed "He doesn't lift a finger, does he Mummy?" as she shook her head and said "Not at the moment!" as Nancy laughed "You got a magic want to make him help?" as Angy laughed "He might need to borrow your pretty aprons Nancy!" as she giggled "Sure! I'd love to see him in my pretty aprons!"

Girls Make a Sissy Ballerina Dolly Housemaid & Play the Complements GameWhere stories live. Discover now