His Mum puts Brian to bed & gives him fun & reads him a fairy tale about Lucy

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After the laundry Lucy took Brian to the side and asked "Do you ever help your Mummy shopping?" as he said "Sometimes, why?" as she asked "You ever carry plastic carrier bags for her?" as he nodded as she laughed "That's good!" as she laughed "My brother Gary hates the thought of two plastic carrier bags and would rather carry a pretty shopping basket and shopping bags!" as Brian gasped "No way! No boy would carry a basket or girly shopping bags!" as she laughed "You think so?" as he nodded.  Lucy laughed "I'm sure you've seen me at school carrying my books in a pretty shopping basket and it can be a lot of fun, carrying a basket!" as he said "No way!  I'd never carry a basket to school or shopping!" adding "Please don't make me?" as she laughed I'll leave the decision up to you!" She added "Don't worry I'd make an excuse that your Mummy is making you carry one for being a male chauvinist and being naughty!"

She laughed "My brother had a few accidents in his panties!" as Brian said "If you dressed him up I'm not surprised!" as she laughed "But the plastic baby pants were too small for his nappies and diaper!  The ladies hadn't had time to go shopping for big plastics and rubber pants that you are wearing, having got them this morning in town" as she laughed "Guess what my solution was?" as he shook his head wondering. She laughed "A Plastic carrier bag for baby pants with hands to make holes in the corners of the bag!" as he cried "Oh no!   You wouldn't?  You wouldn't make me?" as she gurgled "We'll see!" but she added "Luckily the pants didn't make much of a noise as he walked, which disappointed us!" as he signed but she said "He was still worried in case some little girls ran up and smacked him on his bum or his pee pee and his mates hear and maybe debag him!" as he said "Yea that would be terrible!"

She then laughed "You know what was even funnier?" as he asked "What?" as she laughed "Another carrier bag but this time the holes in the front and back and the carrier handles at the sides which were pulled right up and their hands slid into the bag handles to make it act as a leotard and guess what?" as he asked "What?" as she laughed "It makes a really loud rustle with every step!" as he cried "Oh no!   That would be terrible if they heard my bag rustle all the flaming time!" as she nodded "So you'll dread two carrier bags shopping?" as he nodded "Please don't put me into two carrier bags?" as she laughed "You promise not to tell your Mummy or anyone about the carrier bag plastics?" as he nodded "I promise!" She laughed "If you do then its definitely plastic leotard to prance about and play footy with your mates!" as he gasped and shook his head.

Lucy laughed "It got much worse for Gary!" as he asked "Why?" as she gurgled "One of his mates Mum's spotted him in the street in a frock and hair ribbons!" as he gasped "She didn't?" as she nodded "Next thing she'd brought her own boy round where I trapped him and next thing both boys were dressed up and playing Complements!" as she gasped "Oh! That's bad!" She laughed "What was really funny was the boys playing Complements with each other!" as he cried "You didn't make the boys kiss each other?" as she nodded and gurgled "They were sobbing their hearts out initially but gradually got used to their sissy kisses!" as she laughed "Something for you to look forward to, maybe with my little bro and then one of your mates!" as he cried "Oh no!"

He cried "Not fair! Please don't?" as she laughed "I think you'll look forward to all the girly kisses from your Mum and the ladies and girls, when you might end up with some really embarrassing kisses and a lot more embarrassing things!" as he blushed "Please don't be mean?" as she kissed him again. She laughed "I think the carrier bag joke is so much fun to hear the rustle as the macho boy and some girls or ladies hear the noise and start asking what the funny noise is!" as he cried "Please don't put me into plastic carriers Lucy?" as she kissed him again at his dreading and fear and knew it would be fun the next morning if all went well.

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