Fun Laundry with Handbag purse but also Curtsies & Pirouettes

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How to play Fun Laundry

Fun Laundry can make laundry less of a choir and more fun but lets the girls and their Mums continue their curtsies and pirouettes as you may wonder how? Initially, instead of taking the pegs from a bucket or plastic bag, why not take your prettiest handbag and add the pegs to it but then take a purse out of it and add 6 pegs and return the purse to your handbag and you're now ready for Fun Laundry with the handbag dangling from your elbow, in your prettiest apron and floral PVC Pinny of course.
The girl or her Mum then takes the purse out and gets 2 pegs to peg up the skirt or blouse or whatever. Its great for teaching young girls how to use a handbag and purse at a till.

Skirt extension with clothes pegs glued to your PVC pinny (pinnies)

Normally you will only need 2 pegs glued to the waist of your PVC pinnies
as your skirts will be the same size

You could have a laundry party as you synchronize the Fun Laundry with your female neighbor and have a giggle as you do Fun laundry together!

They can do handbag twirls around the garden with the handbag dangling from their elbows as they spin.

You might wonder where curtsies and pirouettes come in with the Fun Laundry.
For any dresses or nighties you take an open clothes hanger and slide the dress or nighty onto the hanger - you may think to lesson the amount of ironing to be done! But no!
You then take the hanger and slide it over your neck with the dress or nighty hanging down over your pinny, like trying a frock in a dress shop to then prance round the garden, curtsying and pirouetting around but then raise your handbag to do a handbag pirouette and then young girls could take a dolly and do a dolly pirouette too.

They can combine the dollies with laundry by popping the clothes basket on top of their dolls pram to wheel around the garden, kissing their dolly every few yards for more laughter.

Imagine a boy helping with the laundry and realizing he's to get his pegs from a purse and pretty handbag dangling from his elbow. But then having a little girl's dress or nighty or even baby frock slid onto a hanger and popped round his neck as he does curtsies and pirouettes round the garden before using his handbag and purse again to peg it up.

You could add to his fun by making him kiss his dolly after doing a curtsy or pirouette!

Even funnier adding an extended kiss to his prance round the garden curtsying & pirouetting

Trapping a boy with the Complements game and an apron

Tools to trap him - aprons & PVC pinnies, girly clothes, dollies, handbags, tutu, nappie

Always give him a female chaperone - never should they be out alone

If you trap a boy or man, you should try and ensure he's got a lady or girl with him at all times, as other boys or men could pick on him and be nasty. A girl or lady with him can stand in the way to block them being spied or lessen the situation if he is spied.
PS Any boys or men who do take the micky or be nasty are prime candidates to
play Complements
and be trapped!

The Complement to his sister, Mum, Wife, etc.

Complement leads to "Thank you!" with a Curtsy & Pirouette and then blow or give a kiss
You ask a boy "Isn't your Mum's | Sister's| Kathy's new apron nice and he says something like "It's ok!" or even if he says "Its horrid!" You pretend he's complemented the girl/lady
He's then given a curtsy and hears them say "Thanks Billy!" and then a pirouette as he calls "That looks silly!" but he's then distracted for his kiss as he wails a protest

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