Sophie and her Mum go up to stay with her Aunties for the weekend

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Sophie phones up her Aunty Suzie and asks "How did the honeymoon go?" as she said "We'd a lovely time and the food was good too!" as she asked "We were just talking in school as to if brothers and husbands help with the housework and laundry and most said they didn't!" as her Aunty laughed "No! My Andy leaves all the housework and laundry to me!" as Sophie asked "He's not one of these male chauvinists!  Is he?" as her Aunty laughed and nodded "I'm afraid so!" as she asked  "Is there a chance of you inviting my Mum and I up for a week end, sooner rather then later!" as she said "There's not a lot of room but you could stay near-bye in a guest house that's not too expensive!" as she said "Fab! This weekend ok?" as she nodded and Sophie asked "What size is Uncle Andy?   We have a  surprise for him!" as she said "He's a medium!" as Sophie said "Thanks!" 

Sophie asked "You still having those Coffee mornings with the local ladies?" as she said "Yes!  We still meet every Wednesday morning for a chat and a giggle!" adding "One lady has brought her unemployed hubby around a few times!" as Sophie said "I hope all you members wear pretty aprons and maybe PVC pinnies as part of the Coffee Morning rules!" as she said "No!  I know Clive would run a mile from a pretty apron!  He's embarrassed enough joining a group of ladies chatting away!" as  Sophie added "You should include girly laundry at each ladies house and have each member peg out some of the laundry in their pretty apron and pinny!" as she gasped "I don't think he'd want to join in the laundry and he'd never wear girly aprons!" as Sophie laughed "Pity!  You all will screech when I show you Fun Laundry and it will change your lives and make it so much more fun at your Coffee Mornings!" as she asked "How?" but Sophie said "Leave it for a surprise for when we come up?" as she laughed  "Ok!"  She added "I still do some needlework with some of the ladies on a Monday!" as  Sophie laughed "I do some at school and its gotten a lot funnier  recently!"

Sophie  laughed "There's a fun game that you and the girls will adore!  It called the Complements game!" as she asked "How do I play?" as she said "I complement you on your skirt or dress!" as she said "I'm in a pretty dress!" as she said "Aunty Suzie!   Your dress is really pretty!" adding "You thank me with a curtsy and then a  pirouette!" as she laughs "Doing ballet moves?" as she said "Yes!" as she did a curtsy and then raised her arms and did a few turns as she heard Sophie say "Now blow me a kiss!" as she giggled "Fab game!   The ladies and their daughters will love that!" as she said "You now complement me back!  I'm in jeans but have a pretty apron on over them to do my curtsies and pirouettes!" as her Aunty laughed "I see!  Your apron is really pretty!" and heard Sophie call "Thanks Aunty!" as she curtsied and did a pirouette and then blew her a kiss saying "There's my kissy!" as her Aunty giggled.

Sophie laughed "Of course the game is great for little girls who love playing ballerina!" as her Aunty laughed as she added "But also for all older girls and even ladies too!" as she laughed "You could  play it in the middle of a dress shop with a frock on a hanger over your neck as you complement yourself "This frock really suits me!" as she laughed and said "You mean I bob a curtsy and then do a pirouette in the middle of the shop?" as she laughed "You could be chicken and do it in a cubicle but its so much more fun playing in the shop where other ladies will soon copy you as you explain!" as she added "Boys just don't see the sense in it and think its stupid!" as she gurgled "I could just imagine seeing some of the local boys who play footy in the street, doing curtsies and pirouettes in their trousers!" as Sophie gurgled and screeched "Wheeling a dolly pram too?" as they chuckled some more.  

Sophie had made out cards to hand out to ladies and girls with her and her Aunties phone number but saying "Girls and Ladies!  You like a brother, boyfriend, ex or hubby to help with housework in your pretty aprons or even your daughter's aprons from when she was 3 or 4 as your housemaid and have fun with him round the shops mincing his handbag and shopping baskets to help you and model frocks etc.  Phone either of these numbers to change your life and screech with laughter every day!'  She wondered when to show her Aunty the cards and waited till when she had helped change a boy or man's nappies. 

Girls Make a Sissy Ballerina Dolly Housemaid & Play the Complements GameWhere stories live. Discover now