home is finally home again

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Stella's pov :
I woke up to my alarm going off . I groaned and turned it off . i sat on the bed for about 5 minutes , thinking about life . It felt different without my husband . I missed him like hell . I was stopped by my thoughts from my second alarm . I decided it was time to get up now .
Work was normal , Stella wasn't having the best day ever she had been silent all day .  Which , surprise surprise the girls knew something was wrong .
"Hey girly!" Brett said seeing Stella walk into the common room . "You okay?" She asked seeing her facial expressions .
"Never been better!" Stella said grabbing water .
"What's wrong?" Violet said setting her fork down .
"Nothing" Stella said drinking her water giving everyone a smile .
"When's Kelly coming back?" Chief asked .
"No clue" Stella said shrugging , just has she said that Carver walked in . She gave him a look and looked away . "Call me when dinner done" .
"The hell" Capp said looking at Carver .
"Huh" Carver said looking at everyone . "What did I do?" .
"Nothing" Capp said shaking his head , and after about 20 mins dinner was finally delivered .
"Foods here!" Cruz yelled .
"Stella!" Brett yelled . "Foods here!" She said as everyone went to go get a plate .
"I'm hungry!" Brett said with a smile .
"Me too!" Capp said and everyone laughed . Stella had walked in the common room and some how Kelly snuck in right after her, some how Stella had no idea Kelly was walking right behind her , nobody else noticed him until chief walked in .
"Hey Kidd" Chief said with a smile  . Everyone looked at him "Look behind you" He said as everyone went quiet , and looked with Stella .
"Huh?" Stella said turning around . She was confused until she turned around and saw Kelly behind her . "What the hell!" She said smiling .
"Looks who's home!" Cruz said clapping as Stella had went into a hug .  "Our brother is home , finally !" .
"Hey Stella" Kelly said as everyone clapped and cheered .
"Hi!" Stella said smiling big still hugging him . "How long have you been standing behind me?" .
"About 20 seconds" Kelly said grabbing her waist just as Carver walked in .
"Hey Severide" Carver said giving a slight smile .
"Hey" Kelly said keeping Stella close by him . One by one , everyone went up to Kelly and gave him a hug .
"You made it just in time for pizza!" Chief said joking around .
"I know right" Kelly said laughing as he went to grab a plate.
After about 15 minutes everyone was eating and talking .
"So , why did you leave us behind?" Capp said as everyone got comfortable at the table .
"Don't even!" Kelly said giving him a mad look and everyone laughed .
General pov :
Stella and Kelly were home now after shift . They gave each other love . Stella was already falling asleep so had decided to close her eyes . Kelly was just getting out of the shower when he had walked in their bedroom . He smiled seeing his wife asleep , he got dressed before cuddling up with Stella , quickly falling asleep with her .
The next morning .
Kelly's pov :
I was slowly waking up to my alarm going off . I opened my eyes to see Stella on her stomach . I turned over to turn off my alarm and rolled on my side to watch Stella sleep . I had missed this . I slowly played with hair , making her wake up . "Hello gorgeous" I said smiling .
"Watching me sleep , creep" She said laughing stretching .
"I'm your husband ! I can do that" He said jokingly .
"Okay whatever" She said falling into his chest  . She was happy , and Kelly wanted to make up for the lost time , so made out for a little , before seeing the time and decided it was time to probably get ready .
Later that at work -
"Hey!" Stella said coming out to the app floor .
"Hey there" Kelly said smiling at Stella . Stella had come over and sat on his lap with a grin and which he knew something was up . "What's going on?" .
"Will you take a nap with me?" Stella asked with a smile .
"Mmm" Kelly said smiling "Let's go!" He said picking her up off his lap .
General pov :
It was a quiet day , there wasn't much calls . Ambo was out for a call but everyone else was at the station . Stella was feeling tired , and she wanted to cuddle with her husband .
When they had hit the pillow they both were out , and both Stella and Kelly were asleep for about 2 hours without getting interrupted by the bell . When Kelly had woken up and he some how heard someone yell food was ready .
Kelly's pov :
I had no idea what time I had fallen asleep with Stella , but it felt good taking a nap . When I had woken up it was dark outside , I had looked at my phone to see it was almost 7 . I looked over at Stella to see cuddled up with me . Her head was slightly on me , her legs across mine . I just watched her sleep as I tried to wake up a bit . The moment was soon interrupted though when I heard Cruz yell dinner was done . I didn't want to interrupt Stella's sleeping , so I had gotta up without her waking up , thankfully .
"Okay , where's the married couple?" Capp said coming into the common room and everyone laughed .
"Good question" Cruz said , and right after he said that Kelly walked in and everyone looked at him . "Well , there's one" Cruz said with a laugh .
"Huh?" Kelly said confused .
"Where's Stella?" Chief asked grabbing food .
"Oh , she's asleep still" Kelly said going over to get some water  .
"Oh , so that's where you two were" Brett said with a laugh .
"No duh!" Kelly said smacking her gently .
"Go wake her up ! I miss her" Brett said with a laugh .
"No ! I'm not ! She needs her sleep ." Kelly said giving a serious look . "Trust me ! I'm her husband I know best" Kelly said as he sat down , while everyone laughed . About 20 minutes later Stella slowly woke up .
Stella's pov :
I woke up to not feeling Kelly . It scared me for a second because i felt like I was back to the beginning where he was not home for a long time . But thank god ,  I soon heard talking in the common room and realized it was probably dinner time seeing how dark it was outside . It took me about 2 minutes before I got up , the first person to see me is Brett .
"Stella!" Brett said smiling getting up "Hi!" She said going into a hug .
"Oh!" Stella said still waking up . "Hi?" She said confused , as she hugged Brett .
"Morning sleepy head!" Chief said . "Dinners ready" .
"I'm not hungry" Stella said going over to sit by Kelly .
"Are you sure?" Kelly asked .
"Yeah ! I'm sure" Stella said with a smile .
The rest of the shirt was exhausting , but thankfully when Stella got home she could sleep more , and so could everyone else .
Ignore if see this getting republished ! Fixing some chapters up!

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