do you wanna start trying?

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Stella's pov :
Not gonna lie , I want to be a mom . Imagining me being a mother , is hot . Me being pregnant , is something I've always wanted , and Grant wouldn't have been the best dad . So I just pray me and Kelly would be able become parents together . I was sitting on the couch waiting for Kelly to get out of the shower . I don't know how i didn't hear him , but he scared me when he came infront of me .
"Babe" He said waving his hand infront of her face .
"What" She said jumping a little .
"What's up?" He asked sitting down .
"Can we talk?" She asked "Please"
"Always , what's up?" He said putting his shirt on .
"I know this may seem soon , but we have been married for almost a year . I want to know , what do you think about us trying to have a baby" She said nervously .
"Babe" He said grabbing her hands "Lord , i wanna be a father so bad . But what if one of us gets hurt on a call , what if both of us do ? What if one of us dies , or both of us?"
"Babe , I know that's something we both worry about , but if one of us gets hurt or worst of it dies , we know 51 will be there for one of us . And if we both die , Brett probably take over the kid" She said .
"I just can't imagine our child growing up without a mother or father , or both" He said .
"I know , but god for bid something happens , we know 51 is there for us" She said  . Kelly let out a sigh .
"I'm actually so ready though" He said looking at her "But are you?"
"I am. You only live once I want to finish off my life with a kid or two" She said
"Let's get past our one year anniversary and then we can see"He said giving her a kiss .
"Okay" She said with a smile . "I'm gonna look for a house by the way" .
"Okay love , you do that" Kelly said going over to the kitchen.
After about 20 minutes , Stella found one she was in love with . 4 bedrooms , 4 and half bathrooms , a private neighborhood , big backyard and a pool with a hot-tub 

 4 bedrooms , 4 and half bathrooms , a private neighborhood , big backyard and a pool with a hot-tub 

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Front of the house

Front of the house

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And the backyard

"It's so beautiful" Kelly said with a big smile "How much is it?"
"Like 900k" She said . "Rent is about 20,00 thousand ."
"We make good enough money , buy it" Kelly said giving her a kiss .
"Oh , I wasn't expecting that answer" Stella said with a laugh .
"You thought I would say no?" Kelly said raising his eyebrows .
"Uhm , kinda yeah" Stella said .
"Uhm well did I do?" Kelly said "No" .
"Okay sassy pants , I'll start to buy it and see what I can do" Stella said .
a week later -
General pov .
Shift was busy that day , calls were exhausting . Squad was out for a car roll over with ambo . Stella was in her office doing paperwork , when her phone started ringing .
"Hello?" She said picking her phone up .
"Hi , this is Millie , i'm the home seller of that house you paid for . Are you still looking to buy it?" Millie said .
"Uhm yeah , actually I am" Stella said .
"Well good news , the house is all yours" Millie said . "Keys are all yours too"
"Wait really?" Stella said with a big smile .
"Yes ma'ma" Millie said .
"Oh my god , thank you" Stella said and hung up . She started crying with joy , she was so happy .  It was about 10 minutes after that phone call when she heard truck pull up , she still had tears filling her eyes .
"Hey , lieutenant" Cruz said seeing Stella .
"Huh?" Kelly said .
"Something is wrong with Stella" Cruz said pointing at her.
"Shit" Kelly mumbled and went over to her . "Hey , what's wrong?"
"Can we talk , privately?" Stella asked .
"Yeah , let's go to my office" Kelly said hugging her .  "What's up"
"It's good news" Stella said wiping away tears .
"Dear god women , you had me worried" Kelly said sighing "What's the news?"
"We got the house" Stella said smiling .
"Really?" Kelly asked "Like it's ours?"
"Yes , like we can move in tomorrow when we don't have shift" Stella said .
"Oh my god , let's go" Kelly said exciting "Im so happy"
"Oh my" Stella said as he picked her up "I am too"

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