mom's sick

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"Hey , so you have her schedule right?" Stella said rushing to get her stuff .
"Yes!" Sophie said "This is gonna be easy" She said with a grin .
"Thank you , again!" Stella said "Babe , let's go!" She yelled as Kelly came out of the room .
"We are gonna be fine baby" Kelly said laughing "Thank you Sophie!" He said as Stella was grabbing his hands .
"No problem!" Sophie yelled as they rushed out the door "Stay safe!" She said with a smile "Alright , time to have fun with auntie!" .
A few hours at work —
"Ambo and truck report to medical run" Dispatch said .
"Man!" Brett said throwing her hands over her head "I was trying to sleep!" She said getting up .
"Well , up!" Violet said with a giggle .
"You are driving V , I'm too tired!" Brett said with a grin and Violet gave her a side eye .
"Kelly" A familiar voice came from the garage door .
"Katie!" Stella said with a smile "I gotta go , bye!" She said rushing to the truck .
"Bye!" Katie said with a slight smile "Hey Kelly" She said softly .
"Hey!" Kelly said hugging his sister "What's up?" He asked grabbing his clip bored off the squad table .
"I need to talk to you , privately" Katie says in a sad tone as squad looked at them .
"Yeah , this way! I'll be back squad!" Kelly said leading her to his office "What's up?" Hs asked shutting his office door .
"It's about mom" Katie said about to cry . "It's not good , and" She started to say before getting interrupted .
"What happen?" Kelly asked panicking .
"I found her this morning , pale and barely could move . Docs say it's bad" Katie explained "She's at med , can you please come with me?" She said wiping away tears .
"Yeah! Let's go!" Kelly said grabbing his radio "Chief ! It's my mom!" He said in a panic rushing by him.
"What happen?" Chief asked as they rushed by him .
"She's sick ! I gotta go to med" Kelly said quickly . "Let's go Katie!" He said in a panic tone .
"Alright ! Keep me updated!" Chief yelled "I'll tell Stella!" He shouted before they went out of the room .
"Thank you!" Kelly said rushing out of the firehouse , and quickly rushed to med.
An hour later —
General pov :
The word of Kelly's mom being sick was out around the firehouse by now and everyone was outside waiting for Stella to get back . Nobody knew what her reaction was gonna be , but they knew it wasn't gonna be a pretty one . Seeing ambo and truck pulling in chief got ready to give her the news , it wasn't the best feeling knowing she would know something wrong not seeing Kelly.
"Wonder what's happening" Gallo said as he took his suit off with a giggle .
"Probably getting ready for food" Stella said with a laugh before walking towards everyone  . "Always wanting to eat! What can I say?" .
"Stella" Chief said slowly waking up to her "I have news" He said crossing his arms with a sigh .
"What happen?" Stella asked with panic in her voice "Also , where is Kelly?" She asked more panicked . "Chief !" .
"It's about Kelly" Chief said with a sad grin "You need to go to med , now ! We are gonna go with you" He explained , but Stella not knowing what was going on freak her out more .
"Okay , but tell me what is happening ! He's my husband!" Stella said panicking . "What is going on?" .
"Stella , hey!" Capp said going up to her "He's okay ! Let's all go to med" He said rubbing her back . "Yeah?" .
"Fine , but I swear to god he better not be hurt!" Stella said wiping away tears as they all got into their rigs. On the way to med , Stella was panicking . She was fighting back tears the best she could . She had no clue what was going on , and with nobody telling her it was difficult . She was thinking either Kelly is hurt or someone they know is .
At med —
Kelly and Katie were waiting for hear news again from the doctor . Their mom had a seizure and somehow survived for 12 hours . How , it's still in their head . Everyone from 51 rushed to med , praying Kelly's mom was okay . The moment they arrived to med , Stella waisted no time and rushed inside the emergency room .
"Kelly!" Stella said seeing his hands on his head . "Hey , what happen?" She asked in a panic as everyone else one by one came behind her . Kelly said nothing but got up and crashed into his wife's arms . "What happen? Please talk to me ! Is Elliana hurt? Is my sister hurt , is it your mom! Please tell me what's on!" She asked trying to get him to tell her at least who was hurt .
"It's my mom" Kelly said in between sobs trying to slow his breathing "Katie found her pale and barely able to move , docs are saying it was a seizure and she somehow survived for nearly 12 hours" He said wiping tears away .
"Oh baby , I'm sorry!" Stella said holding him closer as she felt her heartbreak hearing his cries .
"Kelly Severide" The doctor said coming out "Can we talk?" She asked with a sour look .
"Well !" Katie said sighing wiping away tears . "Hi Stella" She said with a slight grin .
"Come here!" Stella said holding Katie "You wanna go with him?" She asked wiping her tears off Katie's face .
"No , if he starts crying I will" Katie said with a laugh trying to stop crying . "I've cried enough already!" She said with a giggle .
"Stella!" Sophie said coming behind everyone else "What happen? Is Kelly okay?" She asked handing her sister the baby .
"Kelly is fine Soph , it's his mom" Stella explained grabbing Elliana . "You guys all go stay here?" She asked as Elliana was put in her arms .
"Yeah , we want to be there for Kelly!" Chief explained as Kelly came back out "What's the news?" He asked with a sigh .
"She gonna be fine" Kelly said and everyone grew a smile .
"How long is she gonna be here?" Katie asked hugging her brother.
"1 to 2 weeks , the seizure was severe that if you didn't find her when you did she would be dead" Kelly said and seeing Stella open arms he went to her and crashed into her arms sobbing , the emotions were too much knowing his mom was close to death .
"Oh!" Stella asked in a sad tone as Sophie took Elliana  "She's gonna be okay" She said wrapping her arms around him now that she didn't have the baby in her arms .
"I know , but still!" Kelly said in between sobs .
"It's gonna be okay" Stella said holding his tightly , everyone smiles from hearing his mom was gonna be fine turned to sad faces seeing Kelly hurt .
"God!" Kelly said wiping tears away trying to laugh the pain off .
"Come here man!" Cruz said with open arms "She's gonna make a full recovery ! We all got you though and you know that!" He said hugging him .
"Thank you!" Kelly said with a smile as they shared
"Well , might as well head back!" Chief said going up to Kelly . "Call of the rest of the day , your sister needs you!" He said with a smile .
"Copy chief!" Kelly said hugging him before everyone else walked away . The rest of the day was chaotic , not just for Kelly and Katie but for everyone at 51 .
Later that night -
"Babe" Stella said softly coming into their bedroom "Elliana is down and Sophie is out with friends" She said with a smile .
"That's cool" Kelly said changing his pants .
"What's wrong?" Stella asked taking her bra off .
"Just praying my mom is gonna be okay , and there's not much I can do because I have work tomorrow" Kelly explained taking his shirt off.
"You wanna call off?" Stella asked sitting down .
"No!" Kelly said quickly with a laugh "Can't do that" He said changing his pants .
"But you can?" Stella said in a slow confused tome . "It's family , it's personal ! You can take the day off" .
"Babe" Kelly said going over to her slowly pushing her on her back "Shoosh , or else!" Hs said with a smirk .
"Is that a threat?" Stella said with a smirk , knowing exactly what Kelly was feeling and thinking .
"Maybe" Kelly said slowly kissing her , turning them both on. But their moment got interrupted with the baby crying . "Damn , she knew I was trying to something to her mommy"
He said getting off her with a laugh .
"Kelly!" Stella said smacking him "She's only 4 months ! Let's not get pregnant again , yet" She said standing up with a smirk .
"Who said I was gonna get you pregnant?" Kelly asked with a smirk .
"Okay but knowing you , you would!" Stella said heading out the door , slowly walking to the babies room "Hi baby girl ! You need mommy?" She said with a smile while picking up the baby before sitting in the rocking chair . Elliana didn't need anything but cuddles from her mom . She was out right when her mom held her within 5 minutes , so Stella decided to take her to their bedroom to put her in her crib by their bed . When she walked into their room, Kelly was already fast asleep , so she put Elliana in the crib by their bed before getting ready for bed , and quickly falling asleep with them . All 3 out like a light for the night .
The next morning —
"Behejoqaha!" Elliana mumbled making Kelly wake up .
"Oh my" Kelly said getting up "You are going to wake mommy up silly , let's go get some food!" He said quietly picking up the baby .
"Hey Kelly" Sophie said coming out of the kitchen "Hey Elliana!" She said with a smile .
"Good morning" Kelly said with a smile "Will you hold her while I make a bottle?" He asked and Sophie grew a bigger smile .
"Duh!" Sophie said taking Elliana in her arms "Oh my! Someone must be hungry!" She said as Elliana kicked and squirmed in her arms .
"She's in a mood" Kelly said with a laugh grabbing a bottle .
"No , all she needs is auntie love!" Sophie said sitting down . "Did you miss me ? You are so cute!" She said tickling her a little . "Yes you!" .
"Kelly!" Stella yelled from the bedroom . Both Kelly and Sophie looked at each other and ran into the bedroom to see Stella wide up awake sitting up . "Well , hello!" She said with a laugh .
"Damn , you scared us both! " Sophie said laughing "You about made me drop her" She said sarcastically .
"Please don't" Stella said with a grin "Your sister has been blowing your phone up babe" She said laying back down with a sigh .
"Alright ! Do you know how to make a bottle?" Kelly asked handing her the bottle "I gotta get ready for work" He said with a grin .
"Do you need me to?" Stella asked sitting back up .
"No! I got it!" Sophie said with a smile . "Let's go make a bottle" She said walking away as Kelly went to see what his sister wanted .
"Okay!" Stella said with a giggle . "I don't want to work today" She said before Kelly interrupted her .
"Shit!" Kelly said in a panic tone trying to grab pants that were the closest and cleanest .
"You okay? What happen?" Stella asked as she was making the bed .
"Mom's heart stopped ! I have to call off!" Kelly said in a panic "Please , tell chief!" He said rushing out grabbing his keys on the shelf .
"Okay!" Stella yelled peaking out of the bedroom . "Love you ! Keep me updated!" .
"Love you!" Kelly said rushing out the door .
"Uhh , is he okay?" Sophie asked shaking up the bottle .
"It's his mom , her heart stop" Stella explained as tears fell down her face "I feel like a horrible wife" She said trying to catch her breath .
"Hey!" Sophie said grabbing Stella in her arms "She's gonna be okay ! Just go to work because I feel like that's what he would want ! I have Elliana , if anything else happens go to the hospital and call me" She said rubbing Stella's back . "Just breathe!" .
"Alright!" Stella said with a smile "Thank you" She said turning back around to go get ready .
"Yeah!" Sophie said sitting down .  "God , please protect and heal Kelly's mother!" She mumbled .
At med —
"Katie!" Kelly said in a panic . "Katie , what happen? Talk to me!" .
"It's bad" Katie said standing up crying "Her heart stop for about a minute" She explained wiping tears away . "Kelly , I'm scared! That isn't normal , if her heart went a little longer without beating they would have confirmed her dead!" .
"Come here" Kelly said pulling her sister into a hug "Is she okay now?" He asked as tears fell down his face .
"Doctors saved her" Katie said backing away from her brother's arms "But they say if it happens again it's most likely gonna end with her dying . I can't see her going , first dad ! I can't lose her ! That's too much on me!" She said with a cry .
"Katie , she's gonna be okay!" Kelly said wiping his sister's tears away "She's not dying , you know she will fight to get better!" He said with a smile . "Let's sit down" He said pulling his sister to sit down .
At the station -
"Chief!" Stella yelled to grab his attention .
"Kidd?" Chief said trying around "What's wrong?" He asked seeing her eyes tearing up .
"So" Stella said wiping away tears "Kelly is gonna call off . I guess his mom's heart stop earlier" She explained with a sad sigh .
"Oh , come here!" Chief said pulling her into a hug "Do you need to call off?" He asked hugging her .
"No ! I don't do that!" Stella said wiping away tears "I'm gonna call him , and see what is going on" She said with a sigh .
"Okay , well once you get off the phone come meet in the meeting room!" Chief explained patting her back .
"Alright!" Stella said grabbing her phone , quickly Kelly as chief walked away to get everyone for a meeting .
"Hold up ! Stella is calling" Kelly said answering his phone "Hey babe" He said quietly as he walked away .
"What's going on?" Stella asked sniffing .
"She's alive ! But there's a chance if it happens again she's gonna die" Kelly explained as his voice broke .
"Oh ! I am so sorry baby!" Stella said in a sad tone .
"Look , I gotta go" Kelly said seeing the doctors talking to Katie . "Bye , love you" He said hanging up .
"Love you" Stella said as he hung up . She took a moment of breathing , she felt like she was a horrible wife . She couldn't be there because she didn't wanna pressure him . But after she had calmed down after like 5 minutes , she went into the meeting room just trying to not cry again .
"I'm gonna need Cruz to be in charge today" Chief started to say but Stella had walked in the room making him stop and everyone look at her .  "Hey , how is she?" He asked with a grin .
"I guess she's alive ! Kelly said if her heart stops again it will be fatal" Stella explained with a sigh .
"Maybe you should call off , so you can both be there for each other ! You look like you are going through just as much!" Chief said "Go get your stuff , and go be with Kelly" He said with a smile .
"Are you sure?" Stella asked with a laugh . "You know I don't call off" She said with a sigh .
"It's an order ! You need to call off" Chief said in a tone she knew he was serious "Also , make sure you keep us updated!" .
"I will!" Stella said heading out of the room , after she gathered her stuff she went home and changed before going to med.  Being there for Kelly and Katie both . All of them spending hours at med just waiting for something , docs doing so many x-rays trying to see what really happen. It felt like a nightmare just spinning slowly , that would never end . Only small updates hourly and it just questioned them more .

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