first football game

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Monday afternoon
"So , how was mother's day at the cabin ?" Capp asked following Kelly . "Heard it was hot!" He said .
"Amazing!" Kelly said shutting the gear room door . "So amazing I got a little burnt!" He said showing Capp . "Glad it's sun burnt and not fire burnt!" He said sarcastically .
"Oh , yeah that's a good thing!" Capp said with a sigh .
"Lieutenant!" Tony hollered . "Oh , so glad you are back!" .
"I've been back!" Kelly said with a grin . "For like an hour!"
"All shift?" Tony said crossing his arms . "Like , since 8 this morning?" He said in a questionable tone . "Whoops!" .
"Yeah , whoops" Kelly said giving him the checklist . "Here because of that , you can do this!" He said with a smile .
"I'm going to take my wife to the football game friday night!" Kelly said shutting the fire trunk door . "Father's day is coming up so why not?" He said with a grin . "Capp , would you want to watch the baby?" He asked as Capp looked at him shocked
"Me?" Capp replied back with a grin . "You trust me with your child!" He said sitting up . "Hell yes I will!" . 
"Great!" Kelly said with a sigh . "I feel like Sophie has been doing too much babysitting , so you need something to do!" .
"You calling me lazy!" Capp said with a groan . "So rude!" .
"Sorry!" Kelly said walking away before he opened the door to run into his wife . "Oh , so glad I found you!" He said .
"Oh looking for me?" Stella asked with a grin. "What's up?"
"I was thinking about taking us to a football game friday night!" Kelly said crossing his arms . "Just us , couple date!"
"Ooo , yes that sounds nice!" Stella said leaning against the wall . "I'll ask Sophie if she's up to babysitting!" She said .
"No need!" Kelly said with a grin . "Capp will!" .
"Capp?" Stella asked raising his eyebrows . "Babe , you trust him?" She said sarcastically . "Oh lord!" .
"Yes , he wants to!" Kelly said giving her a kiss . "So why not!" .
"Fine , but anything happens to our child I will sue!" Stella said sarcastically as she walked away . "Love you!" .
Friday night
"Hey , I'm going to get a beer!" Kelly said standing up . "You want something to eat?" He asked grabbing his wallet .
"Beer will be fine!" Stella said with a sigh . "Hey , hot dog too!"
"Will do!" Kelly said with a grin before he walked away . "Two beers and a hotdog!" .
"20 dollars and 12 cents!" The cashier said . "Two beers and a hotdog!" She yelled . "That will be right out , go over there!" .
"Thank you!" Kelly said as he backed up . "Oh my god ! I'm so sorry!" He said backing into someone . "Renee?".
"Kelly?" Renee said with a chuckle . "What the hell!" .
"Well , that is something I wasn't expecting!" Kelly said with a smile . "How are you?" He asked with a grin .
"Better than ever!" Renee said . "Looks like you have a ring on that finger , who's the lucky girl?" She asked with a sigh .
"Stella!" Kelly said grabbing his food and drinks . "Married for almost three years! With a baby too!" He said with a smile .
"Oh that's great!" Renee said with a grin . "Really great!" .
"Well , I gotta go!" Kelly said walking away . "Here you go!"
"Oh , thanks!" Stella said . "I just thought of it , we didn't do anything for our second anniversary so this feels like a thing to do to make up it!" She said opening the beer . "Or just me?" .
"No you are right!" Kelly said with a smile . "I love this!"
"You okay?" Stella said with a grin . "You look like you saw a ghost!" She said taking a bite of her hotdog .
"I ran into someone!" Kelly said with a sigh as he took a sip of his beer . "Wish I didn't!" He said looking at her .
"Who?" Stella asked looking at him quickly . "Tell me , who?"
"Renee!" Kelly said shaking his head . "She was right behind me in the line when I was ordering our stuff!" .
"Well , why does it seem to be a big deal?" Stella asked .
"Because we all know she is jealous , and now she will probably stop by at the firehouse tomorrow and be like "ran into you yesterday , thought to bring you something!" Kelly said raising his hands upset . "We all know that will be the way it goes!"
"You want me to say something , because I will!" Stella said placing her hands on his thighs . "Babe?" .
"No , maybe!" Kelly said with a smile . "Let's just enjoy this game!" He said wrapping his arms around her .
like i said , chapters will be short!

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