going home as three

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Kelly's pov :
We have been in the hospital for about 4 days , and today we are going home . I am beyond excited ! These last few days with our baby girl has been amazing and I can't wait to go home with her . Whatever the future holds for us , I just pray it's good .
"Going home as three , baby!" I say with a smile after coming out of the bathroom .
"I know ! I'm so excited to be out of here!" Stella says standing up to grab the baby "When you gonna be going back to work?"
"I don't know honey . But that's not what's important , what's important is going home!" Kelly says grabbing the baby bag .
"Yeah ! I'm so ready to get a hot shower and some sleep!" Stella says with a grin .
"I'll feed the baby and get her ready for bed , you focus on yourself" Kelly says grabbing the baby out of Stella's arms .
"Babe , you sure?" Stella says signing the paper work .
"Yes honey ! It's almost 9 at night , you need some rest you have been up these past 4 days way too much" Kelly says .
"Have a good night guys ! Safe drive" April says with a smile .
"Thank you April!" Kelly says and walks out to the hospital with his wife and baby girl .  "Home time!" He says as they walk out of med .
When they got home , Stella waisted no time and took a shower . Kelly fed the baby with a bottle for the first time , and it went well . After she was fed , Kelly changed her diaper and outfit . While after Stella's shower , she made sure the baby and Kelly were okay before going bed . Kelly soon after going to bed too . Asleep as a family of three !
The next morning —
Stella's pov :
I had bad anxiety with the baby sleeping without being near us last night so I had took the baby to our room after Kelly had fallen asleep and put her in her other bed beside me where I felt more comfortable with her .  She woke up at least 3 times to either be fed and changed , which wasn't bad . Kelly sleeping through it all .
I remember hearing her cries around 5:30 in the morning and took her in my arms to see if she was hungry but she wasn't just needed her diaper changed which wasn't terrible and it didn't take long before we were both out again .
Until around 8 , I woke up to her giggling and let me tell you it was the cutest thing to ever hear . Hearing her giggle at such a young age was something wasn't expecting to hear , but it was cute .
"What are you doing to her?" I ask rolling over giggling . But Kelly was still asleep and if I'm being honest that scared the shit out of me . "Babe , I know you fucking with me!" .
"Baby , what are you talking about?" Kelly says waking up , yawning .
"You weren't just messing with her?" Stella asked sitting up .
"No?" Kelly says looking at her , she just lays back down and laugh . "Are you okay?"  He says sitting up .
"She was giggling , but she might be hungry and ready to get up" Stella says and grabs the baby . "Thought you were playing with her or something that's all" She says grabbing her phone .
"Wait ! Do you need me to take her?" Kelly yells as she walks out s
"No ! Don't worry about it , sleep" Stella says shutting the door before Kelly lays down again and sighs , going into his thoughts .
Kelly's pov :
As I watch Stella and the baby walk away , it hit's me . I'm a father , it hasn't felt like it these past days from all the joy meant . But I'm a father , to a healthy baby girl . A beautiful, healthy girl at that !
Stella seems upset , but I try to brush it off like I usually do . She might just be tired which I don't blame her , and I feel bad knowing next week I'll be at work instead of at home helping with the baby . When I had finally gotta out of my thoughts after just a few minutes , I get up to go help Stella . When I walk out to the living room , I see her feeding Elliana , and it hurts me to see her eyes look so drained .
"Baby , let me help you" I say "You are exhausted and I can see it in your eyes honey" He says reaching his arms out .
"I'm okay" Stella says turning the baby on her stomach to burp her .
"Honey no ! You look like you are fighting to stay awake ! Let me take her" Kelly says with a serious look "How much were you up with her?" .
"Like at least 4 times" Stella says with a sigh of tiredness .
"Yeah and I got so much more sleep than you ! You need sleep , so please" Kelly says reaching his arms out more to give her the hint he wants the baby .
"Fine!" Stella says sighing giving Kelly Elliana . "Lucky I love you!" She says sarcastically as she gets up .
"Go get rest ! It will be daddy and daughter day" Kelly says sitting down with the Elliana "I love you!" He yells with a smile .
"I love you too!" Stella says before shutting the door , not long before passing out again .
General pov :
Kelly and Elliana spent the day together , Elliana doing the most sleeping .  Which was helpful for Kelly because he got some extra work done that he needed to catch up on .
Stella was asleep until like 3:30pm , she was exhausted and Kelly just let her sleep .  When Stella got up , Kelly and Elliana were watching tv , she smiled seeing that sight .
"Hi sleepy head!" Kelly says with a smile "You feel rested?".
"Kinda of ! Can I have my baby?" Stella says reaching her hands out with a smile .
"But she's comfortable with daddy!" Kelly says with puppy eyes "Aren't you comfortable with daddy?" .
"Hmm ! She needs mommy though" Stella says sitting down "Did she eat already?".
"Yeah ! Like right before you got up" Kelly says giving Stella Elliana "She's been fussy though ever since her last nap was which like 1:30 , she slept for like an hour !" .
"She probably needed mommy" Stella says sarcastically making Kelly roll his eyes .
"Yeah right ! She loved spending time with me" Kelly said standing up . "Well since you have her , I'm gonna go shower" He says going towards their bedroom .
"Okay , don't slip!" Stella says with a laugh .
A week later —-
General pov :
Baby Elliana has been on this planet for a week now , and she's been the most perfect baby ever , she is starting to get her mommy's hair but daddy's eyes .
Kelly is going back to work tomorrow which he doesn't want to but has too . He's been upset about thinking about leaving his girls for awhile now , and it's killing him . 24 hour shift or not , he's leaving his girls for a long time .
"Baby , are you going to be okay tomorrow without me?" Kelly asks with tears in his eyes .
"Yeah , we got each other!" Stella says looking up at him "Why are you crying baby?" She asked with a sad smile .
"Just don't wanna leave my girls alone ! They need their protector" Kelly says wiping away tears .
"Maybe we should get a dog? Some dog that isn't mean but keeps their family safe" Stella suggests . "I know dogs are a lot of work , but maybe Elliana and the dog will become best friends!" .
"Doesn't mean anything ! I want to know my girls are alive and safe" Kelly says grabbing Stella's hand .  "I just worry about you both , I know you are a good mommy but still!" .
"Baby , we will be okay ! You need to get some rest though , you are probably just exhausted . I'll get Elliana fed and ready for bed and then we will be in there" Stella says giving him a kiss .
"Okay , I love you" Kelly says as he walks towards the bathroom to get ready for bed .
"I love you too!" Stella yells with a smile before hearing Elliana cries on the baby monitor . "Oh shoot ! I'm coming baby!" She says rushing to the babies room .
After Elliana had eaten and was ready for bed , Stella put her to sleep . Which in 10 minutes Elliana was fast asleep . When the baby was out , Stella also got ready for bed , and she was out within minutes of hitting her pillow . Thankfully , Elliana wasn't up all night .
The next morning :
It's around 6:30 in the morning nowand Kelly's alarm is going off , only making Stella wake up . "Ugh" Stella says with a groan " Babe , your alarm!" She says shaking him .
"I got it!" Kelly says turning it off .  "Good morning , sorry if that woke you up" Kelly says , but no response . When he looks over he see's both his girls fast asleep , Stella's arms around Elliana . He melts at the sight , before getting up to get ready for work just minutes after seeing the time is flying . He gets up and showers . When he gets out of the bathroom after about 10 minutes he sees Stella up feeding the baby .
"Good morning gorgeous girls!" Kelly says giving his girls a kiss before getting his boxers and pants along with his shirt on real fast wanting to hold his daughter .
"Good morning!" Stella says with a smile "If you want to hold her before work you can"  She says seeing be wants to hold her .
"Yes!" Kelly says excited grabbing his daughter . "Yay ! Hi my baby!" He says giving her kisses .
"Be careful with her babe!" Stella said giggling .
"I'm gonna miss my girls ! 24 hours without seeing you both" Kelly says with a sad tone .
"I know ! 24 hours without us having you around" Stella says with sad eyes  "I don't know how Elliana will be without you" .
"Maybe you should swing by later , like this afternoon" Kelly suggests going to the bathroom to brush his teeth .
"That actually doesn't sound bad ! I think we might do that , but we both are gonna get some rest though first" Stella says standing up following Kelly . "Can I have my baby back though?" .
"Uhh no ! She's spending time with her father" Kelly says in a sassy tone . "And last time I checked , she was OUR baby" He said with a serious tone before giggling .
"She is ... never mind you have her" Stella says and then walks away laughing .
"We made mommy mad" Kelly says laughing .
"I heard that!" Stella yelled laying back down before they both laughed . After Kelly brushed his teeth , he gave Elliana back to Stella so she could get back to sleep , as he went out to the kitchen to get something quick to eat .
"I'm gonna head out now ! I love you both , come and see me later" Kelly says grabbing his bag . 
"I love you too!" Stella says as he gives her a kiss .
"Bye baby !" Kelly said giving Elliana a kiss too before heading out the door . One his way to work , he got into some thoughts .
Kelly's pov :
Running late wasn't like me , but I was today . I wasn't okay leaving my girls for 24 hours , it was hard . I wanted to have them in my arms , but knowing Stella she would be okay , she's a badass . I was still in my thoughts when I arrived to the station , not thinking everyone was gonna be in the common room all I heard was Capp said something . Everyone slowly looked at me and grew some smiles .
"Guys , it's the father"!" Capp says going up to give Kelly a hug as everyone else cheered . 
"Look who it is ! Kelly Severide!" Casey said going up to him  "How's the girls doing?" He asked with a smile .
"Both were passed out when I left" Kelly says with a smile .
"Kelly ! It's good to see you!" Brett said as she walked into the station . "How's my girls doing?" .
"Both are doing good!" Kelly said . Everyone gave him a hug before eating some food , but not so soon before the bells went off .
Stella's pov :
After Kelly left me and Elliana were out again , until around 12:15 I heard her giggling next me .  I woke up with the most biggest smile seeing her smiling next to me trying to learn what her toes were .
"Good morning sweet girl!" I said giving her kisses making her giggle even more "Do you want to see daddy?" I asked and she gave me the biggest smile ever .
I had decided to change her and fed her while I called Kelly . I had no clue if it was lunch time and or if they were out , but like I knew it Kelly didn't answer me , which I didn't mind . I knew he was probably busy . I put Elliana in her crib for a little after she was done eating while I got ready .
After I got ready , we headed to the station .  The car ride there was nothing but her trying to talk , which was the cutest thing .
When we got there all the trucks and ambo were out so we waited in the car . Which wasn't bad because Elliana had fallen asleep again . I just scrolled through my phone , waiting and after about 20 minutes I'll saw everyone pulled up so I got Elliana in my arms , waking her up . "Hey , you wanna see daddy?" I asked and she grow a smile on her face as she stretched "Oh big stretch!" I said with a giggle getting her blanket because it was kinda chilly outside . Absolutely nobody was paying attention to when I walk up to the app floor , that's until chief noticed me .  His smile told me he had missed me .
"Is that the newborn Severide!" Chief said with a smile making everyone look at Stella and Elliana with a big smile as Kelly came towards Stella with open arms .
"Hi baby!" Stella said giving him a hug with a smile . "Thought you would like us to swing by for a few!" .
"I'm glad you did ! I missed my girls!" Kelly said with a big smile before giving his girls a kiss . "Let me have my baby girl" He said grabbing Elliana gently and lift her in the air , as Elliana made the biggest smile , squirming , everyone's
heart melted seeing him so happy with Elliana .
"Hey there Stella" Brett said giving her a hug "How have you been?" She said with a smile .
"Oh I miss you ! Stella said with grin "Exhausted ! loving this life i'm in right now"  .
"Hey there Stella ! Looks like he's loving this life of his" Herrmann said with a laugh .
"He's loving it!" Stella said hugging him .
"Oh yeah before I forget to tell you , how about you take her to my wife's house sometime " Herrmann suggested with a smile .
"Are you sure ? She's been a pain" Stella said with a laugh .
"Yes ! Cindy been talking about it forever I swear , just like we have a 24 hour shift and need someone to babysit her take her to Cindy's" Herrmann said .  "She would love to babysit that little chunky girl!" .
"Okay ! Thank you so much" Stella says as Kelly comes up to her .
"Come inside" Kelly suggests laying Elliana in his arms .
"Are you sure?" Stella says not wanting to interrupt their work time .
"Yes , come inside!" Chief said "We haven't seen you since last week before you went into labor" He said with a smile .
"Okay!" Stella said with a smile , everyone went inside and talked caught up on life . Loving the little new 51 member . It was about 15 minutes before squad got another run , so Stella stayed for a bit longer before heading home .

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