what the hell

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Kelly's pov :
It was another shift day , it wasn't as busy like usual , on and off calls once in awhile . Mostly just slight accidents . I remember we all had just eaten lunch and I was sitting out on the squad table with Tony , Capp and Cruz . They were all playing a game , while I was doing paper work . Capp being Capp , being the stupid one playing the bored game . Truck was out with ambulance for a call .
"Oh come on!" Capp yelled .
"Haha let's go!" Tony said laughing , Kelly just looked at them and rolled his eyes .
"Don't roll your eyes" Capp said smacking him .
"Owe ! I didn't!" Kelly said laughing .
"But you did" Cruz said .
"Let's play again!" Capp said with a smile , and after about 4 minutes someone was walking up to the app floor . None of the squad members realized being too busy with their game , and Kelly doing work .
"Severide" A voice said , all the squad members stop and looked up the voice . Realizing who it was they all stared and went quiet .
"You better talk to her quick before Stella gets back" Cruz said whispering to him . Kelly nodded knowing exactly how Stella would react if she saw Seager . "I got this" Kelly said standing up . "What do you want Seager?" He said walking over to her.
"I need your help with a fire investigation" She said showing him the files , as he was looking through them truck and ambo pulled back up to the station .
"Well shit" Capp mumbled , Seager had knew Stella was on truck so she started a conversation .
"Wedding ring , must be married now" She said as truck and ambo got out of their cars , Kelly just looked up at her .
"None of your business" Kelly said and then saw Stella staring . "Not interested" He said giving back the files , right as soon as he was gonna walk away Seager started talking .
"Just because your wife over there that's staring might be jealous you are working with another women , doesn't mean you can't do shit!" Seager said loudly , making everyone stop , and Kelly stop in his tracks . You can talk bad about his past relationship and he won't care , but not Stella . Kelly was madly in love with her , and he wouldn't let anyone talk bad about her .
"Excuse me" Kelly said turning around .
"You heard me ! She's just jealous because you are working with a women . Who would married someone that gets jealous easily" Seager said laughing .
"Are you fucking insane!" Stella started to say but Brett and Violet grabbed her .
"No ! Stop!" Violet said , Capp had stood up to go get chief before anything else got worse .
"You know .. you coming here with the nerve to talk like that about my wife" Kelly started to say just as Chief came out along with everyone else who wasn't already outside , Chief had stood infront of Kelly .
"You can turn around , now!" Chief said firmly .
"I'm just speaking the facts ! He married a crazy women" Seager said .
"You have no rights to step on this firehouse floor to start something with my firefighters and paramedics" Chief said . "So you can turn your ass right now around!" He said .
"I just wanted a partner in this case" Seager said laughing . "You know ,Kelly with how much your wife must have felt yesterday after she tried saving that guy and couldn't , and then her having to hear the cry's of the widow and the young girl knowing her dad was gone ! I feel like you would be more interested in helping" She continued , Stella felt a wave of grief and guilt take over her hearing those words . Her anger face turned to sickness and guilt remembering that call .
"I need a minute" Stella said to the girls and walked away .
"Stella!" They said and went after her , everyone looked at them and watched Stella walk away . Boden was going say something but Kelly started talking .
"You may be the second person on the calls of a suspicious fire , but you have no idea what's it like to run into a burning building , and seeing a life unconscious ! The the guilt you feel have after not being able to save them" Kelly said upset "And hearing the cries of those who are finding out who they love is gone , watching them sob . Trying to comfort them knowing you can't do much anymore and have to walk away!" He said trying to not cry , or yet slap her "So my wife has absolutely nothing to do with your petty ass ! She did everything she could , but there's a point for our own safety we have to call them gone ! So you can walk your little ass out of this firehouse and keep my wife's name out of your stupid shit ." He said more upset .
"Kelly chill" Seager said putting her hands up .
"You do not tell me to chill!" Kelly said getting up in her face , before Boden and everyone else went to grab him . "You fucking started this ! By telling me my wife is jealous when she is not , she is just in love with me , more than you will ever know ! I already work a dangerous job , I don't need two dangerous job . You will never understand how much Stella cares about me , she is not jealous , she doesn't wanna lose me!" He said furious . "You and your petty ass don't show up to my work again!" He said and turned around to find his wife .
"It's okay ! It not your fault" Brett said holding Stella as she cried .
"She's is fucking insane" Violet said rubbing Stella's back .
Brett and Violet were comforting Stella knowing how much guilt she had already put on herself from that call , there isn't lot's of calls that get her but that one did . When Kelly had walked in to see Stella crying , Brett and Violet looked at him .
"Babe ! Is she okay?" Kelly said worried going over to Stella pulling her into his arms holding her as she cried even more feeling Kelly safety and his arms . "I'll tell you how she is when she's calmed down" He said to the girls and they both nodded . They walked away , feeling guilt take over them too because Stella was more then a friend and coworker , she was their sister to them and seeing her hurt and crying made them hurt too .
"Breathe honey" Kelly said holding Stella tightly .
"It's all my fault , isn't it" Stella said sobbing .
"Babe , no . Don't let her get to your head" Kelly said giving her a kiss on the head .
"I wanna go lay down" Stella said about a minute later .
"My bed or no" Kelly asked , and Stella pointed at him . "Let's go" He said . They both went to laid down , Stella played with his shirt while Kelly played with her hair and rubbed her back . Stella had soon fell asleep on Kelly's chest . Kelly felt her hand slowly stop so he knew she was asleep . Kelly covered her up and laid with her for about 5 minutes until getting up , making sure she stayed asleep . He had shut the blinds and gave Stella a kiss on the forehead before shutting the door , and going out to common room where everyone was . Brett and Violet looked at him quickly .
"She's okay" Kelly said "She's sleeping right now"  He said grabbing water .
"She didn't cry herself asleep .. right?" Violet said worried .
"No , she had offered to lay down" Kelly said taking a sip of the water "We are just humans , and yes we signed up for this but not all the time we can just find a dead body and act fine . So she gonna be asleep for a little unless the bells go off, so let's all keep it down" He said and everyone agreed .
Everyone was still in the common room , some talking , some on their phones and some watching tv .
20 minutes later —-
Gallo had order some pizza a little while ago , and it was just now arriving , once the pizza had been delivered everyone went to grab a piece while Stella was waking up .
Stella's pov :
I don't remember much before I fell asleep , but when I woke up it was dark and I was alone . I knew Kelly had probably left me to sleep in peace , but I'm just glad he was there for me while I fell asleep . I rubbed my eyes and got up to hear everyone in the common room , I knew it was probably dinner . So I started making my way to common room , when I arrived everyone looked at me like they haven't seen me cry before .
"You good?" Boden asked worried
"Mhm ! I'm okay now" I said sitting down by Kelly .
"Are you hungry?" Kelly asked and Stella nodded no . "Okay" He said rubbing her back as she laid her head on his shoulder . After like 20 minutes , everyone had went there own ways . Ambulance had a check up run on an old lady . Squad was at the squad table ,  Stella went to do paperwork , the rest of truck members and engine were in the buck room were laying down .
After about 20 minutes , Brett and Violet got back .
"How was it?" Kelly asked as they were walking in the firehouse
"Good ! She just didn't have enough sugar in her" Brett said holding the door for Violet , Brett had decided to go shower and lay down , and everyone else followed and went to lay down after Brett .
The next morning ——-
Everyone had actually gotta good sleep with not being woken up . Everyone was out like a light . Some of them snoring , some of them laying in the most uncomfortable positions but yet still comfortable . Stella was the first one to get up as the sun started shining in her window .
Stella's pov :
I woke up to it being 6:55am , the sun was starting to come up . My bed sheets were a mess , and I felt like i had actually gotta a goods night rest , usually i wouldn't . I sat in bed for about 2 minutes before getting up to wake everyone else .
"Guys , get up" She said shaking everyone .
"Mmm" Capp moaned .
"What time is it?" Brett asked opening her eyes .
"Almost 7 , second shift will be coming in soon" Stella said going towards Kelly's office . 
"Babe" Stella said laying on him giving him a kiss .
"Mmm"Kelly said opening his eyes . "Time to go home" He asked yawning .
"Yep" Stella said smiling getting off of him .
"Everyone up" Chief asked coming into the bucker room and everyone nodded .
When Kelly and Stella had gotta home , Stella had showered . Everything was still rushing over her , what Wendy had said yesterday still wouldn't leave her head . She tried to shut it off , but it was hard . Once she had gotta out of the shower , Kelly was making breakfast .
"Good morning , again!" Kelly said smiling .
"Hi" Stella said softly as Kelly walked over to her to hug her .
"Don't let her get to your head" Kelly said giving her a kiss
"I know" Stella said smiling .
That day , they had spent mostly sleeping , and catching up on love .

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