getting baby ready

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General pov :
Now that Stella and kelly know what the baby is , it's time for a name , baby clothes and the baby room set up . Stella was really excited . She was really ready for this baby to come , she was ready to meet her .
"Hey , babe" Kelly said grabbing his stuff .
"Yeah?" Stella said looking up at him .
"After work , you wanna go look for a crib and stuff for the baby?" . Kelly asked with a big smile knowing Stella's answer .
"Yes!" Stella said excited , with a smile .
"Okay." Kelly said giving her a kiss "Let's get going baby".
"I think I'm gonna stay home today" Stella said making him look at her with a confused look . Stella wasn't the type of girl to skip work . Even if she felt like hell , unless she was in the hospital she wouldn't skip work .
"What's wrong , you feeling okay?" Kelly asked pulling her into a hug .
"Everything good . The baby has an appointment later and I need to catch up with rest , and also make a list of everything we need for the baby" Stella said with a smile .
"Okay , but call me when the appointment is over with" Kelly said giving her a kiss .
"I will , be safe" Stella said .
"I will , I love you" Kelly said opening the door.
"I love you more" Stella said as he walked out the door .
General pov :
Today was a meeting day before shift could start , cheif needed to make sure everything good . The oxygen and everything was working on truck . They also needed to get someone on truck for lieutenant , who was trained well enough since it's been weeks since Carver has , and isn't trailed for a lieutenant . Although it doesn't seem to be hard to be a lieutenant , it takes a lot of work to be one .
"Okay , good morning!" Chief said walking in .
"Good morning" Everyone said quieting down .
"Severide , where's Stella ?" Chief asked . Even though she wasn't on truck until next February , she still showed up to the meetings , mostly to be with Kelly .
"Oh" Kelly said as everyone looked at him "She stayed at home" .
"Is she okay ?" Violet asked .
"She's tired" Kelly said "But , yeah she's okay" .
"Well , tell her we are thinking of her" Chief said with a smile "Also we will have new lieutenant come in later to be on truck so make him feel welcome" .  After the meeting , a few hours passed . Some were watching tv , some were laying down and squad was their table . Stella had finished up the appointment and decided to call Kelly .
"Who is that? " Cruz asked .
"Stella , hold up" Kelly said standing up going to his office .
"Hey there mister" Stella said starting the car .
"What's up?" He said with a smile as he shut his office door .
"Baby is good . She's healthy girl, she was asleep when I got to see her I was wondering why she hasn't kicked me since you left" She said giggling .
"Awe , she must be comfortable" Kelly said smiling "Oh yeah , we will have to go shopping tomorrow . I have a 24 hour shift , sorry baby"
"I don't like being alone" Stella said in a sad tone .
"I know , but it will be okay . Just lock the door and if something happens grab a pan" He said laughing . "But seriously if something happens , call me" .
"I will" Stella said "I'm gonna go home and eat , probably gonna nap . Maybe I'll swing by and see you and everyone later".
"Please do!" Kelly said begging "I need a hug from you" .
"Okay , I will" Stella said with a smile "Well , I'm gonna head home . Love ya , be safe" .
"Love you baby" Kelly said and hung up . When he started walking out to the squad table , squad wasn't there . But someone was walking up to the firehouse . "Can I help you , sir?" .
"Uhh , yeah is this firehouse 51?" The guy asked .
"Yes , yes it is" Kelly said looking at him confused .
"Im the truck lieutenant" The guy explained .
"Oh , welcome!" Kelly said giving the guy a hand shake "Here follow me to chiefs office" .
"Okay" The guy said with a smile .
Later that day :
Stella's pov :
I had just got done with shopping for everything , mostly everything . I was ready to see my husband , and everyone else . I felt gross , and needed to shower . Which I did , and after my shower I grabbed my things and started driving to the firehouse . Just praying everyone was there .
General pov
After Brett walked in the station , Gallo yelled it was dinner time . Everyone rushed into the common room to eat . After like 5 minutes of eating , Stella had texted Kelly .
"Hey babe , I'm outside . Are you here?" Kelly smiled at that message . Not knowing Tony was looking at him confused .
"What you smiling at?" Tony asked with a giggle .
"Stella's here , she's outside" Kelly said standing up , everyone looked at Kelly and stood up rushing outside to see Stella .
"Stella!" Violet and Brett said running to her .
"Hey!" Stella said as they hugged her , carefully .
"Hey babe!" Kelly said giving her a kiss .
"Hey!" Stella said as Cruz came up to her with open arms .
"It's so good to see you!" Cruz said hugging Stella .
"I'm so glad I could see you guys" Stella said with a smile .
"How's the baby?" Cruz asked with a smile .
"She's a healthy baby girl" Stella said .
"That's good" Chief said hugging Stella "Come in!" .
Stella had went inside with everyone else , until the bells had gone off again about 15 minutes later . Stella said bye to everyone and went home . She had made supper , she wanted to make it quick so she had just made soup .
After she ate , she had taken a bath.  After her bath , she watched the office for a while , until she saw Kelly's phone on her screen about 5 minutes into her show .
"Hello?" She said turning the tv down .
"Hey there baby" He said with a smile "Were you asleep?" .
"Nope , watching tv" She said giggling .
"The office?" He asked laughing .
"You know it" She said laughing with him "How's shift been"
"Actually pretty good , chief made us all go lay down to get some sleep" He said yawning .
"Im sure he didn't make you" Stella said giggling .
"Eh , I guess" He said .
"Well , you better get some rest" Stella said with a laugh .
"Yeah , I guess . I will see you tomorrow" Kelly said .
"I love you" She said .
"I love you too , bye" He said and then hung up .
After he hung up , Stella decided it was time for bed . So did Kelly .
The next morning :
Kelly's pov :
I woke up to chief waking us up , I don't remember once a call coming through that night , which was usual . But I liked getting some rest , everyone else had slowly gotten up and went into the locker room . I was too tired to change , so I grabbed my stuff .
"Say hi to Stella for me" Brett said as she walked away .
"Will do" Kelly said with a smile  .
Kelly's pov :
When I walked into me and Stella's bedroom , Stella was taking up mostly all the blankets . I laughed and smiled at it , she was adorable sleeping . It was 7 in the morning , so I quietly took a shower and got some food in me before I went back to bed with Stella now in my arms . I slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile .
Around 11am -
Stella's pov :
I slowly open my eyes to the sun shining through the windows , I look over so see my husband asleep next to me . I was really hungry and had to pee . I didn't wanna wake up Kelly knowing he had just gotten home not long ago , but when I went to get up I felt hands grab my waist .
"I don't know where you think you are going , missy" Kelly said in a sleepy voice .
"Uhh , pee" I said giggling .
"Not right now . I need to be held by you" Kelly said making her heart melt . She let him lay on her chest , and without 5 minutes he was out again . This time he didn't wake up when she got up after about 10 minutes after he fell asleep .
She had went pee and showered . She had made herself some food too , she had ate and watched some tv . It was about 12:10 when she heard footsteps coming from the bedroom .
"Not cool" Kelly said coming out the bedroom .
"What?" Stella said giggling .
"I haven't gotta any of your love since yesterday morning . I needed your love" Kelly said with puppy eyes . Stella laughed and rolled her eyes .
"You are acting like a lost puppy" She said turning her show done "But come here" Kelly waisted no time and fell back asleep in her arms .  She melted seeing him .
Stella's pov :
Seeing Kelly's asleep in my arms made me melt , him on my belly but still in my arms . He had never slept this much , so I knew shift was probably exhausting so I let him sleep . He was asleep for about an hour until he woke up  , with a smile seeing me .
"Hi" He said seeing Stella .
"Hello" I said smiling "Can I go pee now?" .
"Fine , go pee" He said sitting up and laughing .
That day was filled with Kelly taking care of his wife and their daughter , and catching up with sleep .

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