baby shower

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Kelly's pov :
Today is my day off , along with Stella's . So we both decided to get the baby room ready . We had already had the room painted , we just needed to make the crib and set up everything . Seeing Stella happy decorating this baby girl room makes me happy . It's hard to believe she's 19 weeks pregnant already with our first child , this baby was growing so fast and I know before we both know it we will be in the hospital welcoming this baby into this world .
"Hey ! I am going to go get the crib" I said grabbing my keys .
"Uh , do you need my help?" Stella asked folding the laundry .
"No honey . You stay here , Cruz is gonna help me . He probably come back and help me set it up too . I don't need you lifting a crib when you have a baby in your stomach" I said putting my shoes on .
"Okay , be safe" Stella said giving Kelly a kiss .
"I will , I'll be back later" I said going out the door .
At the store -
"Hey man!" Cruz said , giving Kelly a bro hug .
"Hey , thank you again!" Kelly said with a big smile .
"Anytime , I'm always happy to help you both get ready for this baby ." Cruz said as they went off to find a crib and dresser . They had found one that they both knew Stella would love about 30 minutes later , and bought it before heading back to Kelly and Stella's house .
"Hey there Stella!" Cruz said giving her a hug .
"Hey Cruz!" Stella said with a smile .
"Chloe , Javi and Otis with be here soon" Cruz said .
"Okay!" Stella said with a smile as she kept sorting clothes out .  "Are you guys coming to the baby shower tomorrow?" .
"You know it!" Cruz said helping Kelly with the crib . It took them about an hour to set up everything , and thankfully Chloe Javi and Otis came by to entertain her .
Later that night - (⚠️also drug talk and murdered in this part so please skip if you can't take that!!⚠️)
Stella and Kelly were laying in bed , Kelly was fast asleep but Stella was wide awake . She couldn't sleep , so she got up when she heard Kelly's snoring and went to baby's room where she sat in the rocking chair thinking about life . She had missed her mom lately , she hated living life without her especially when big things happened . She just wished her dad hadn't take her mom away , there's dad's she's fine and some not so much . She had no idea how long she was in the baby's room though before Kelly realized she wasn't in bed .
Kelly's pov :
I was out before Stella , work had been exhausting . I was asleep for I don't know how long , but when I went to roll over to cuddle with Stella when I felt her side cold . I woke up so fast to not see the bathroom light on , or hearing her in the kitchen . "Babe!" I yelled , but nothing . When I went out to kitchen, everything was still here that she would take to leave  . But thankfully I soon saw the baby's room light on after walking down that hall, so I went in there to see her sitting in the chair spaced out .
"Honey , what are you doing?" I asked making her jump .
"You can't do that baby" Stella said giggling "Just thinking about life" .
"Yeah , you wanna talk about it?" I asked kneeling down by her .
"I don't know" She says sighing . "Just missing someone right now" .
"Like who ? You can't be quiet with me about this stuff . I'm your husband I need to know" He says grabbing her hands .
It took Stella a moment before she could say anything , she was fighting back tears . "Baby , talk to me" .
"I miss my mom" She finally says standing up she he wouldn't see her crying , but deep down he knew .
"Come here babe" He said pulling her into a hug , she couldn't take it anymore and started breaking down in his arms .
"I guess it's just hard for me even more knowing we are married and having a baby together" She says about 5 minutes later , pulling away from his arms wiping away tears .
"Is there anything else you wanna talk about?" He asks .
"Yeah , you and barley anyone knows what happen to my mom . But I think I'm ready to open up about her" Stella says . Kelly grabs her waist and makes her look at him .
"Tell me , I want you to vent to me . I know it is hard , but I'm here to listen "Kelly says . Stella sighs , looking at him .
"My mom wasn't in the best relationship with my dad . He was addicted to drugs and alcohol . Some nights it would be so bad he would come home drunk as hell , screaming at my mom and my sister . With me being oldest I always tried to get out of the house" Stella says wiping away tears .
"I never knew you had a sister" Kelly says softly trying his hardest to comfort her .
"Yeah , her name is Sophia . She lives in Arizona, she I think part time military" Stella said with the break of about to cry again . "But , there was really bad night , me and Sophia were out shopping . When we had finally got home around 9:30 , dad and our mom were screaming at each other and I guess my dad snapped he ended up killing our mom . I couldn't let Sophia see our mom lifeless on the floor , so I took her to the neighbors and called 911 . But ... by the time the ambulance got there she was gone" .
"Oh , I'm so sorry love!" Kelly said feeling his heart shattered "Come here baby" .
"Just wish I could've saved her" Stella says crying , more this time again remembering her mother being in that body bag . As the police's radios chatter in the background , the emergency lights flashed . Her dad in cuffs , giving her a look she will never forgot . Telling her sister mom is gone , and hearing her sister's sobs as she fell into her arms .
"I know you wish you could , but honey look at me" Kelly said grabbing Stella's chin "If you would've gotta in the line , you probably wouldn't be here baby . I know you wish you could've saved her , but look at it this way . She wanted you to live , if you got killed that night too , who would I have to be my wife , carrying this sweet baby girl?" .
"Just hearing the gunshots firing knowing my mom probably suffered in pain before she took her final breath" Stella said wiping away tears . "What were her last words , did she beg him to help her ?" .
"Your mom loves you still , and wanted you to live for her . She is up in the sky , she gave this baby kisses from above . She told this baby that she loves her very much" Kelly says rubbing her back , trying to calm her down "Now , let's get some rest . Okay?"
"Okay , but please don't tell anyone this" Stella says as they walked to their bedroom .
"I won't" Kelly said "Now , get in my arms and get some good rest . Because I'm right here and I love you so much" He said as they climbed into bed .
"I love you more" Stella says cuddling in his arms . "We have a big day tomorrow!" .
"Yes we do!" Kelly said with a smile as they both fell asleep .
The next morning -
Stella's pov :
I was up an hour before Kelly , which wasn't usual for me but today with the baby shower I wanted to get ready and prepared for later . I think I was so into my thoughts , that I didn't realize Kelly was behind me . "Shit!" I yelled , jumping .
"Sorry baby , you just looked so pretty getting everything ready" Kelly said with a smile . "You got everything ready love?" .
"Yeah , I think so!" I said standing up "Food needs to be cooked , snacks I think are ready . Drinks are all ready , all the decorations are mostly up . I need to shower and get ready!" .
"How about you take a break and go get ready , I'll start the food" Kelly said giving her kiss on the cheeks . 
"Okay ! Thank you love!" I said going to the room with a smile .
Kelly's pov :
While I was making the food , I was in my own thoughts . Remembering what Stella told me last night . I never knew how much trauma she went through as a child , and I know there wasn't much I could do but being her husband it upset me . I really don't know how long I was in my thoughts , before I felt hands around my waist .
"Hey baby" Stella said with a smile . "Food smells great" .
"You smell great!" I said turning around . "That outfit is so hot on you!" .
"Oh , don't play with me like that!" Stella says with a grin .
"I love playing with you though , baby" I said slowly leaning into her lips . "And those lips , I could kiss all day" .
"Babe!" Stella yelled . "The food!" .
"Shit!" I said turning around "Trying to burn us down ? We work as firefighters , let's be smart here" .
"Excuse me!" Stella said with a laugh . "You are the one who was kissing me!" .
"Yeah because duh!" I said in a sarcastic tone "Those lips are mine , and I love kissing them!" .
"Okay whatever!" Stella said with a giggle "I'm going to finish getting ready , people should arrive soon!" .
About 20 minutes later -
"Cruz!" Kelly said with a smile "Oh , so glad you could come!" .
"Always!" Cruz said giving him a bro hug . "Javi , this is Kelly . Remember him?" .
"Yes!" Javi said with a smile "Hi !" .
"Hey there! How's life being a big brother?" Kelly said with a smile .
"Loving it!" Javi said with a smile .
"Hi Kelly!" Chloe said coming in behind them . 
"Hey there!" Kelly said giving Chloe a hug "Hi Otis!" .
"He's been a cranky butt!" Chloe said with a life . "Look who it is , the mother to be !".
"Chloe!" Stella said with a laugh and smile "Oh my god ! I'm so happy you could come!" .
"Always! Here is your gift!" Chloe said handing her a bag of.
"You didn't have to!" Stella said with a smile .
"No , I did!" Chloe said with a smile .
"Thank you! Make your self at home ! Food is over there , beer and wine !" Stella said pointing . "I'm gonna finish getting ready !" .
After about an hour , Stella was ready and everyone was there . Their house was filled with people, and laughter . Gifts were everywhere , music was playing .  Pictures were being taken , and it was almost time to open some gifts .
"Hey , how's the father to be?" Chief asked coming up to Kelly .
"Good" Kelly said sighing .
"What's up?" Chief asked , seeing something was bothering him .
"I don't know if I'm allowed to tell anyone" Kelly said looking at him .
"Tell me" Chief said in a series tone .
"It's about Stella , she doesn't want me telling anyone" Kelly said looking at Stella who was laughing with Brett and Violet .
"Kelly , what is going on?" Chief said .
"Last night Stella talked me about her childhood . Her mom wasn't in the best relationship with her dad , and I guess one night her and her sister came back and Stella's mom was shot" Kelly explained . "I feel like a failure in a way , she didn't deserve any of this" .
"Oh . Kelly , this wasn't your fault" Chief said "Her father was a dumbass , and obviously had no heart . Don't put that one you" .
"I know it's not my fault , but I'm her husband" Kelly said .
"I know , but Kelly she has me , you and everyone else" Chief said . "I know it's hard , but there's only so much we can do" .
"I guess" Kelly said looking down .
"Don't put this one you , you are a perfect husband" Chief said .
"Thank you" Kelly said with a smile .
"Gift time!" Stella yelled .
"Well , let's go open some gifts!" Chief said patting Kelly on the back .
"Let's go!" Kelly said taking a sip of his beer .
That day was filled with laughter and joy , and Stella being surrounded by people she loves . Along with this baby future family of 51 .
I have no idea about Stella's backstory , but I made one up .

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