welcome to this world baby girl <3

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General pov :
The moment Kelly was ready , they rushed to med . Stella feeling the pain of the baby she couldn't help but cry . The moment they arrived to med , doctors got her into a room.
"Okay mommy , baby girl is being a pain so don't push or anything until we get you stable" The doctor explained as Stella came back to the bed after getting changed .
"Okay" Stella said looking at Kelly , the moment the doctor walked away she started crying .
"Hey , what's wrong?" Kelly says bending down to hug Stella .
"I'm just tired , and I'm scared" Stella says in between sobs .
"Why are you scared?" Kelly asks rubbing Stella's hand .
"I don't know . I just am" Stella says wiping away tears .  "I'm probably just stressed" She said with a sigh .
"Don't be . I'm right here baby!" Kelly says giving her a kiss .
"Kelly Severide becoming a father!" A familiar voice came into the room .
"April?" Kelly said smiling , seeing her for the first time in a while "When the hell did you become back?" He asked giving her a hug .
"Like last month . Felt coming back to med" April said with a smile "Can't believe you married to Stella ! She's beautiful , and your baby will be gorgeous!" .
"Thank you!" Kelly says smiling "Are you gonna help us?" Kelly asked grabbing Stella's hand.
"One of them" April said going over to set Stella up on the mechanics "What's wrong?" She asks seeing Stella in tears .
"Just tired , and scared" Stella says trying to not cry .
"I know you are scared , but you will feel pain for maybe a minute and then it's like nothing happen . You are in the best hands giving birth , this baby will be born healthy!" April says with a smile "And your husband is right here , he is gonna be the best dad! Trust me , this man is in love with you! You and this baby will be so lucky and protected" .
"Thank you" Stella says with a smile as she slowly falls asleep .
It was around 5:30 in the morning now .  Stella was fast asleep awhile Kelly was awake beside her scrolling on his phone . As she slowly woke up , she felt contractions coming back again and could barely stand the pain .
"Babe!" Stella says in pain "Go get the doctors!" Kelly didn't ask and rushed to find the doctors .
"Hey there gorgeous , she ready ?" One of the doctors asked with a smile .
"I think she is" Stella said with a smile "I think I feel her head!" She said groaning in pain .
"Okay yep she is ready ! Dad hold her hand , mom we are gonna push okay when I say push!" April says grabbing Stella's hospital gown , as the rest of the doctors get ready . "Maddy , watch her stables!" April ordered .
"Copy!" Maddy said .
"We are gonna push Stella ! This baby is ready!" One of the doctors says with a smile , they looked at each other to tell each other they were ready .
"Okay , one the count of three!" April says "One , two , three push!" .
"Come on , push push push!" One of the doctor says , Stella does her best and push as she holds Kelly's hand .  "I see her head ! Keep pushing!" The doctor yelled with a smile.
"Push Stella!" April said with a smile . Stella pushed for about a good minute , before the room was filled with cries of the baby and cheering from the doctors "Look at that , she's here!" April says wiping the baby and then rapping the baby up . "Look , it's momma!" April says heading Stella her daughter .
"Oh my god!" Stella says holding the baby , as tears fell down her face . "Hi sweet girl" Stella said stroking her little face .
"Babe , she is perfect!" Kelly says trying to not cry "You did so good!" He said giving Stella a kiss .
"Don't cry , you'll make me cry even more" Stella says wiping away tears "Hold her , meet your baby girl!" .
"Oh my god , hi baby!" Kelly says with a smile "I'm your daddy ! You are so beautiful!" He said rocking her in his arms .
"What's her name?" April asks coming back into the room with scissors and baby soap .
"Elliana!" Stella says with a smile looking at her daughter "Elliana Shay Severide" .
"Awe , you thought of Shay!" Kelly says with a smile .
"I know how much she meant to you , so of course I did" Stella said with a smile . "And Anna ! Just spelled different!"
"It's perfect!" Kelly said with a smile .
"Mom do you want to the umbilical cord , or dad?" April asked.
"Here baby , you do it!" Kelly says handing Stella their daughter .
"You sure?" Stella asked with a grin .
"Yes!" Kelly said with a smile . "You pushed her out , so you do the honors!" .
"Alright mom , here you are gonna cut her cord off!" April said giving her scissors .
"Oh god" Stella said with a laugh as she cut the cord off .
"Good job!" April says with a smile . "Alright , I'm gonna take her and get her washed up and make sure everything is okay with her ! I'll back in just a few!" .
"Good job baby" Kelly says giving Stella a kiss "I love you" .
"I love you more!" Stella says with a smile "You gotta call everyone!" .
"I will , but let's love her first!" Kelly says with a smile .
A few hours later -
General pov :
It was around 9 now , and Stella was fast asleep along with the baby . Kelly had to decided to call chief , but knowing they had a shift today and Kelly wasn't there it was probably obvious .
"Chief!" Kelly said with a smile . "Glad you picked up!".
"What's up Severide?" Chief said standing up .  "You aren't here" .
"Well , tell everyone to head to med because baby Severide has been born!" Kelly said with a smile . 
"Oh my god!" Chief said laughing in excitement . "Alright , we will be there soon!" He said before hanging up to find everyone . The moment everyone knew , they all rushed to med .
"You guys here to meet baby Severide?" April asked coming out to the waiting room .
"Yeah , can we ?" Chief asked with a smile as everyone gathered around him .
"Of course ! Let me go make sure both mom and dad are ready" April said and then walked away "Dad , do you wanna take baby to meet everyone?" She said with a smile .
"Yeah , of course ! I think she's awake now!" Kelly says standing up , grabbing the baby .
"Okay , perfect!" April says with a smile and walks out . As Kelly is grabbing the baby Stella wakes up .
"Where you going ?" Stella asks rubbing her eyes .
"Everyone is here" Kelly says "But you stay , and sleep you have been up all night" He says as he walks out .
"Okay!" Stella said before falling back to sleep .
"Well hello!" Kelly says going out to the waiting room , with a smile on each others faces . The moment they heard his voice , they turned around and were in "awe" of her .
"Oh my god!" Violet says with a smile "Kelly , she's beautiful!".
"Thank you ! January 14th , 5:35am" Kelly says with a smile and everyone circled around him .
Kelly Severide is now the one holding the baby . Everyone in the firehouse has mostly had a baby , and now it's Kelly and Stella's turn . They are the ones with a baby girl . Elliana Shay Severide , born a healthy girl , and to a perfect family .
"Who wants to hold her?" Kelly asked , and Brett raised her hand up .
"Me ! Me!" Brett said clapping her hands in excitement .
"Here you go!" Kelly says handing the baby to her .
"Oh my god!" Brett says with a smile and takes the baby in her arms , making her heart melt "She's so tiny!" She says as tears fall down her face .
"Congratulations man!" Casey says giving him a hug . "This baby is gonna be one lucky baby!" .
"Thank you" Kelly says with a big smile .
"How's Stella ?" Herrmann asked giving Kelly a hug .
"She's tired out , she wasn't feeling the best during labor so she's sleeping" Kelly explains .
"What was going on ?" Violet asked , stroking the babies head .
"No clue . We all think it was stress , or Elliana was just being a pain" Kelly said with a laugh .
"What's her full name ?" Chief asks .
"Elliana Shay Severide" Kelly says with a smile .
"Thinking of Shay ! Was it Stella's idea?" Capp says with a grin .
"Yeah ! We had a talk about Shay like months ago and I think she wanted her middle name special" Kelly says taking the baby back .
"That's so sweet!" Casey says with a grin .
"Your turn to hold her!" Kelly says giving Casey the baby .
"Oh my , she's so tiny" Casey says with a giggle "Hi sweet girl!" He said softly , with a smile .  After everyone had held her , Kelly could tell the baby was getting tired and hungry .
"She's starting to cry ! What did you do Chief?" Capp says jokingly and everyone laughs .
"She loves me , that's why" Chief says and everyone laughs more . "I think she wants her mom though" .
"She's probably hungry , she hasn't ate since like 10 and it's almost noon" Kelly says taking the baby back .
"Misses her mommy!" Brett says with a grin . "I see a mommy's girl!" .
"Not so fast ! She's going to be a daddy's girl!" Kelly said sarcastically , as everyone laughs . "Thank you for coming by ,  it means a lot!" .
"Of course!" Everyone says with a smile .
"When will you and Stella come back on duty?" Chief asks .
"I think I'll be back on duty by next week , Stella will need a break for a while so probably February" Kelly says as everyone starts to walk out .
"Well have fun" Cruz says and then everyone walks away . As Kelly walks into the hospital room , Stella is wide awake on her phone .
"Hi!" Stella says with big smile .
"Here , she needs milk!" Kelly says giving the baby to Stella "She was a bit grumpy" .
"Oh dear! Okay , close the curtains" Stella says getting the baby in feeding position .
"How long have you been up?" Kelly says closing the curtains .
"About 20 minutes , why?" Stella says feeding the baby .
"Just wondering" Kelly says with a smile while sitting down .
That day was filled with lots of loves , smiles and happiness . Spending their first full day with their daughter , their healthy baby girl .
I usually don't post until 5 days after the other chapter , but i was too excited!!

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