Stella is now back on duty

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Stella's pov :
It's now my first day back on truck after having Elliana , and lord am I nervous . I don't wanna leave her , but at the same time I know Cindy will take good care of her . All being in thoughts , I didn't realize Kelly was coming up behind me .
"Honey , are you okay?" Kelly asks seeing something wrong in my eyes . "Your eyes are saying something is wrong" .
"I don't wanna leave her" I say as tears fell down my face .
"Come here" Kelly said pulling her into a hug "She will be okay ! I promise" He said more in a calming tone .
"I guess" Stella say wiping away tears "Hey , do you know if Casey will be there still today?" She asked with a sigh .
"I think , yeah" Kelly says grabbing the baby's stuff "Why?" .
"This is big ! But I'm thinking about asking Brett and Casey about being the godparents of our child" Stella said with a big smile . "It's been almost a month since we had her , so I thought why not!" She said with a grin .
"They would love that!" Kelly says with a big smile . "I think we should!" .
"I really hope" Stella says grabbing Elliana .
"They will ! Now , we should probably go now love so we aren't late!" Kelly says giving her a kiss before they headed out . Once they dropped Elliana at Cindy's , they headed to the station , and which they were a little late . So they tried to rush to the locker rooms , but chief found them .
"Late ! Severides!" A voice came from behind them , with the sound of disappointment .
"Yeah ... sorry baby wasn't the best this morning" Kelly says turning around with an awkward smile . Chief nodded his head in disbelief , before growing a smile .
"I'm just kidding!" Chief says laughing . "It's okay!" He said with more laughter .
"Dear god!" Stella says sighing . "God!" She said with a laugh .
"Where's Brett and Casey?" Kelly asked with a laugh of relief .
"I think they are in the buck room" Chief says pointing. "But also , glad to have you back Stella!" He says giving her a hug .
"Thank you chief ! Also , sorry we were late" Stella says hugging him . 
"It's okay!" Chief said before walking away .
"You wanna ask them or me?" Kelly asks as Chief walks away .
"You can ! But , I wanna go with you" Stella says with a smile .
"Okay let's go!" Kelly says rubbing her back while they made it to the bunk room . Once they walked into the bucker room , everyone looked at them and went quiet .
"Look who it is!" Violet said smiling running to Stella hugging her . "Ugh ! I missed you!" She said hugging her tightly .
"Stella is back!" Cruz said clapping with a smile .
"Oh my ! I was only gone for like a month!" Stella says giggling .
"We missed you though" Brett said hugging Stella . "I missed you a lot!" .
"Hey can we talk to you and Casey?" Kelly asked with a smile .
"Yeah sure!" Brett said turning around to yell for Casey "Casey , get over here!" She hollered .
"What's up?" Casey said going over to them "Oh look ! Stella's back!" . He said making them all laugh , as Casey gave her a big hug .
"This is a lot to ask ... but will you both be the godparents to our child?" Kelly asked with a smile , as he prayed .
"Wait us?" Brett said in shock . "Us? Like us?" She asked in more shock .
"Yes you two! I had thought about it and I think it's honestly the best . I look at you Brett as a sister , and Casey ,  Severide looks at you like a brother" Stella explains with a smile .
"I would be honored!" Brett said hugging Stella , again . But with more happiness .
"Yes bro ! I will" Casey says hugging Kelly as they both laughed with a smile .
"It has our horror to let you be our godparents to our child!" Kelly said "But also , told you babe they would love the idea" He said hugging Stella with a smirk .
"Whatever" Stella said rolling her eyes , smacking him .
"Meeting!" Chief yelled right after Stella said that and everyone came to the meeting room . "Alright good morning" .
"Good morning!" Everyone said settling down .
"I wanted to first say ! Stella is now back on duty and let's all give her a warm welcome back" Chief said and everyone clapped with some smiles
"Thank you!" Stella said as everyone cheered and Brett came from behind her and gave her a big hug .
"Now , second off ! Casey will be joining us for a month or two , and will be second Chief . So whenever I call off or I can't be here , Casey will be your chief"  Chief said putting his clipboard down . "So if he orders you something , you listen to him!" .
"Wait , really?" Brett asked having no idea .
"Yes !" Casey said going up to the front by chief  "I am going to go work at another firehouse once I get the permit to be a chief! I've done some training , and knowing how well cheif is I will learn some best things from him!" .
"Well , that's good news!" Kelly said with a smile . "I'm happy for you !" He said giving him a big hug .
"Thank you man!" Casey said with a smile .
"Alright ! Meeting is dismissed!" Chief said and everyone got up quickly before going their own ways .
General pov :
The beginning of shift wasn't bad . Call's weren't too bad , and there wasn't a lot of them . Which in a way , Stella was thankful for that because she had just gotta back on duty .
It is about 7:15 in the evening now , and squad was out while everyone else is getting ready for dinner . Besides Stella who is fast asleep in the buck room , trying to get some catch up on rest in case calls got too busy knowing how night shifts can be sometimes .
"Do you think dinner will be done?" Capp asked as they were heading back to the station .
"Capp" Tony said rolling his eyes .
"What?" Capp asked "I'm hungry!" He said with a laugh .
"Dear god" Kelly said laughing shaking his head . "It's probably ready Capp" He said looking at him with a grin .
"It better be ! I haven't eaten since lunch" Capp said rubbing his stomach .
"Sounds like a you problem" Tony said looking at him with a serious look .
"Shut up!" Capp said smacking him .
"You both shut up" Cruz said laughing , looking at them both . Everyone just laughed , the rest of the drive back was quiet .
"Now that we are back , maybe you should go see" Kelly said sarcastically as they pulled back into the garage about 10 minutes later .
"Lord ! I'm so done with the both of you!" Cruz said getting out the truck . 
"You are the one who got into this conversation" Capp said taking his jacket off and hanging it up . "Not me!"
"Whatever , Capp!" Cruz said heading inside .
"Don't whatever me" Capp said smacking him .
"What is going on?" Chief asked as everyone looked at them .
"He started it!" Capp said pointing at Cruz , and once Kelly walked in everyone looked at him .
"Dont ask me ! They were fighting in the truck" Kelly said putting his hands up "Uhh , where's Stella?" He asked not seeing her anywhere in the common room .
"I think she's asleep" Brett said taking a bit of her food .
"Let her sleep then" Kelly said and got some food before sitting down and eating with everyone else . Everyone was eating and talking when about 5 minutes a familiar voice came into the room .
"Is Stella in here?" Cindy asked . Everyone looked at her and went quiet , before they all smiled seeing not only Cindy but Ellliana .
"Well , hello!" Kelly said going up his daughter with a smile "No , she's asleep" He said giving his daughter some kisses .
"I want this baby ! Go wake her up" Casey said and took Elliana into his arms .
"Alright I will" Kelly said with a laugh as walked to Stella's office . When he opened the door , she was sleeping so peacefully "Hey , baby Elliana is here" He said shaking her gently making her wake up .
"Hmm ! Who is?" Stella said waking up , stretching and yawning .
"Elliana ! She wants to see her mommy" Kelly said giving Stella kiss with a smile . "She misses you!" He said playing with her hair .
"Okay , give me a minute to get up!" Stella said sitting up on the bed , stretching , trying to also adjust to lighting .
"Okay" Kelly said and went back out to everyone else . "She's coming" He said with a smile , where Hermann came up behind him from using the restroom .
"Hey there !" Hermann said with a smile , seeing his wife .
"Hi honey!" Cindy said with a smile as they shared a kiss .
"Who watching the kids?" Hermann asked giving his wife a hug .
"Your oldest son ! He wanted to be pain so I made him" Cindy said with a sigh and everyone laughed , just when Stella was coming out when Elliana started squealing seeing Stella .
"Hi baby!" Stella said taking Elliana into her arms giving her kisses .  "Oh my god! I missed you!" She said giving her daughter lots of kisses and hugs , as Elliana just smiled .
"Look ! She's a mommas girl!" Brett said laughing , as she looked at Kelly seeing that face of "seriously".
"She is and Kelly doesn't like!" Stella said and everyone laughed . "When did she eat?" She asked .
"Right before we came" Cindy said . "She's been an eater" She said with a smile .
"How old is she now?" Gallo asked with a smile .
"Almost a month!" Kelly said taking his daughter into his arms , but didn't last for long before she started winning wanted Stella . "Fine , go back to your mother" He said rolling his eyes and everyone laughed some more .
"Nicknames yet or too soon" Casey said sarcastically .
"No actually" Kelly said with a smile . "Do you babe?"
"Uhh" Stella said laying Elliana in her arms rocking her to sleep , seeing how Elliana could barely keep her eyes open now "I don't know , she's too young" She said as she went to sit down , and everyone had followed her . They had all sat and talked for awhile , mostly about random things . But about 20 minutes later , the bells rang for a fire making everyone groan .
"Here !" Stella said giving "I love you baby! I'll see you tomorrow ! Thank you Cindy!" She said giving her daughter kissed before giving Cindy Elliana , trying to rush out .
"Anytime ! Stay safe!" Cindy said hollered , waving to everyone . "Your mommy is a real bad ass!" She said with a smile before they headed out to her car . Elliana falling asleep on the way back to her house .
That call was about an hour long , and after everyone got back everyone was exhausted . Knowing it was only around 9 nobody wanted to sleep quite yet , they also just gotta back from a call so mostly everyone was either hungry or felt gross .
"Where you going?" Kelly asked grabbing his wife's arm before she could go anywhere else .
"Shower ! I feel nasty" Stella said taking her suit off . "Why?" She asked hanging her suit up .
"You wanna sleep with me tonight or no?" Kelly asked with puppy eyes .
"Hmm ! What's the magic words?" Stella said with a giggle .
"Please , babe?" Kelly said grabbing her waist , giving her more puppy eyes .
"Fine ! But I'm gonna go shower now" Stella said giving a quick kiss before walking away . Kelly watching her walk away , getting into his thoughts for about the 100th time .
Kelly's pov :
I know I have thought of this way too many times , but dear god I'm so in love with this woman ! She just gave birth to this healthy baby girl of ours and back on shift , it really makes me love her more seeing how hard she works and loves this job . I always wanted a baby boy too though, but having this little girl kinda changed my mind . It's honestly fun being a girl's dad to that sticker butt . I was honestly really tired though and wanted to go lay down , having this newborn was a lot of work and on top of that shirt was exhausting .
"You not gonna sit with us?" Capp asked seeing Kelly walk past their squad table .
"Not really ! I'm exhausted" I explained with a sigh "Sorry" .
"Understandable ! You get some rest" Cruz said with a smile "You look exhausted and I know how it can be with the newborn baby" He said giving Kelly a bro hug .
"Yeah , goodnight!" I said and walk away to my office .  Honestly , the moment he hit his pillow he was out like a light . He was beyond exhausted . Stella is a fighter for staying up so much with Elliana , he really doesn't know how she does it but she manages .
Kelly is out for however long he was asleep before he felt hands wrap around my body and people chatting , making his eyes open trying to figure out what was happening .
"What time is it?" Kelly ask confused , slowly opening his eyes some more .
"About 10:30 , everyone is getting ready to lay down" Stella says laying her head down on him . "Do you still want me to sleep with you?" She asked teasing him , only knowing what is answer was gonna be .
"Yes ! Of course" Kelly said grabbing her tightly making sure she doesn't go anywhere "Good night ! I'm passing out again" He says closing his eyes .
"Okay love" Stella says with a laugh as Kelly makes him comfortable again , now with his wife in his arms . Stella falling asleep right after him .
General pov :
Once everyone had passed out around 10:40 last night . It was quiet in the firehouse , just filled with people sleeping and people snoring , mostly the guys snoring . That day was more than exhausting for some reason , and thankfully no calls came through the night while they slept . Having no calls coming through the night was rear , but they thanked god .
Around 6:30am now , Kelly slowly woke up to seeing Stella fast asleep , along with hearing some people snoring . The sun was just coming up and he knew second shift would be coming on shift soon .
"Babe" Kelly said rubbing her back to wake her up "Lets get up" .
"What time is it?" Stella says waking up , trying to adjust to the lighting .
"6:33" Kelly says looking at his phone , also seeing a message from Cindy "Hey , Cindy texted me saying she will watch Elliana while we catch up on sleep" He said to her with a sigh of relief he can sleep some more. He loved his daughter , but he was tired .
"That's fine , I guess" Stella says sitting up .
"What's wrong?" Kelly asked hearing something was clearly wrong .
"Just tired" Stella says stretching .
"Something else is obviously bothering you babe" Kelly says grabbing her waist . 
"I don't know" Stella says with a sigh . "I'm seriously okay babe" She said with a smile giving a kiss .
"Alright , just making sure!" Kelly said before chief came into the bunk room .
"Guys up!" Chief yelled turning the light on .
"Dear heavens! What time is it?" Capp asked throwing his pillow over his face , winning .
"Time for shift to be over!" Chief said "Now up!" He said then walked away . Everyone slowly got up and made themselves to the locker room , where they grabbed their stuff . It being so quiet from nobody having any energy to talk . The moment Stella and Kelly gotta home they were both out like a light again , Kelly being the first one up around 2:30 in the afternoon , and Stella just a little after that . It wasn't long before Kelly came through the front door with Elliana now in his arms , making Stella smile big .
"Oh my goodness!" Said Stella with a big smile . "Is that my baby girl!" She said grabbing Elliana out of the car seat .
"She was a talker on the way back . I think she missed you!" Kelly said with a sarcastic laugh .
"Duh , of course she missed me!" Stella said giving Elliana some kisses . "I missed you!" She said , before they went on with their day .
That day was really calm for them , and Stella loved Elliana . Kelly mostly catching up on the football game , or sleep .

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