future grandma & auntie

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General pov :
Stella and Kelly have been waiting all week to tell Kelly's mom and sister they were expecting .
Kelly was out getting some snacks as Stella was getting the guest bedrooms ready .  She felt nervous , she didn't know why . Once she was done , Kelly had came home about 10 minutes later . She came up to him , and hugged him . She loved always greeting him at the door .
"They will be here in 10 minutes" He said putting the snacks away . "You okay?" .
"Yeah" She said laughing . "Why?" .
"Babe , what's wrong?" He asked.
"I feel like your mom will hate me" She said about to cry .
"Honey , babe" He said grabbing her hands "Why do you say that?" .
"I honestly don't know" She said shaking .
"Don't over think it baby" He said hugging her "It will be okay , you are just stressing your out" .
"I guess" She said smiling .
"Go get the gifts , they should be here anytime soon" He said giving her a kiss .
"Okay" She said and walked away , right when there was a knock on the door .
"Mom , Katie" Kelly said smiling and hugging them .
"There's my handsome boy" His mom said hugging Kelly and giving him a kiss on the cheek .
"Hi Kelly" Katie said smiling and giving him a hug .
"Hey Katie , how are you?" He said smiling .
"I'm good" She said "Where's Stella?" .
"She will be right out" He said shutting the door "Sit down"
"Stella!" Katie said as Stella walked out of the bedroom .
"Hi Katie" She said smiling as she was giving her a hug "I have gifts for you both" .
"Gifts? " They both asked .
"Here" Stella said giving them the box . "I hope you enjoy" .
"Im nervous" Katie said smiling .
"You wanna open it?" Jennifer asked Katie .
"Sure" Katie said grabbing the box . When Katie had open the box , it was an ultrasound of the baby's heart beat . Both Katie and Jennifer froze , in shock .
"Kelly" Jennifer said with tears in her eyes . "Kelly Benjamin Severide , get over here . My sweet boy is going to be a daddy" .
"Look at me , I am becoming a daddy" Kelly said with a smile as his mom hugged him tightly .
"Stella , are you carrying my niece or nephew? " Katie asked shaking as tears rolling down her eyes , still trying to process what was happening .
"Yep , you are gonna be an auntie" Stella said smiling .
"Oh my god!" Katie said standing up and hugging Stella "Yes , i'm gonna be an auntie!" .
After they talked for a while , catching up on life and about this new life that is growing in Stella , they all decided to go out and eat . Pizza was what the were all craving , so pizza it was .
After they ate , they headed back to the house . Stella was really tired , so she decided to shower and get ready for bed . Kelly , Katie and Jennifer stayed up and talked and watched tv until around midnight they all went to bed .  
The next morning :
Kelly and Stella were still fast asleep . Stella was on her back , one hand on her stomach and the other by her hand . Kelly was on his side facing the wall .
He woke up around 9:30 , to hear talking out in the living room . He rolled over and saw Stella fast asleep next to him . He just watched her sleep for about a minute until he got up and went out to the living room , to see his mom and sister up and watching tv .
"Morning" Kelly said to his sister and mom .
"Morning" They both said .
"What do you guys want to eat?" Kelly asked going to make coffee .
"Maybe we should go out and eat , and then maybe visit your dad" Jennifer said nervously . "I know you and Benny weren't close , but I'm sure he would enjoy some company" .
"Sure , yeah dad would love that" Kelly said smiling , before walking away to the bedroom again .
"Did I do something?" Jennifer asked .
"Mom , I'm sure you didn't . He probably just misses dad like we do" Katie said rubbing her mom's back .
Kelly's pov :
Im sure dad would dad love to see us , he probably hasn't had lots of company . It's just 10 in the morning , and wasn't expecting those words from my mom this early . I just brushed it off and went to shower , after my shower I saw Stella awake now on her phone . She gave me a grin seeing me .
"Morning" She said smiling at me .
"Hey , morning" I said smiling and grabbing clothes .
"What's up?" She said sitting up .
"Nothing much , why?" I said laughing .
"No , something is wrong" She said with a serious tone . Kelly looked at her and knew she wasn't gonna believe him if he said he was fine , he sighed . Before he finally got the courage to tell her what was going on .
"My mom wants to go by my dad's grave" I said putting on shirt and boxers on .
"Okay , so do you?" She asked .
"I do , but i'm missing someone else right now . She's been gone for 11 years now" I said about to cry .
"Babe" Stella said seeing him about to cry . "Come here" .
"I just miss her , and I wish she was here" I said wiping away tears .
"Shay ?" She asked quietly .
"Yeah , Shay" I said putting his pants on "I guess it just hits me to know she doesn't get to see you , us married and having a baby together . She would be so proud to see who i've changed into"
"Babe , she is" She said grabbing my checks wiping away tears "She has been watching down on you for years , I promise . She loves you still . She sent the baby , and me . She knew you needed me , so she sent me to you" .
"I love you" I said as tears rolled down his eyes "I don't know how i would be without you" . 
"I love you so much more" She said giving him a kiss .
"I guess let's go to my dad's grave" I said sighing going to find pants .
"Okay" She said giving him a kiss . Stella had decided to get ready too , while after Kelly was ready he just chilled on the bed scrolling through his phone.
"Where you going?" Kelly asked .
"Living room , I think I left my perfume in my bag" Stella explained . "I'll be right back , still gotta do my makeup" .
"Hey Stel" Katie said standing up , grabbing Stella's hand .
"Yeah?" Stella said turning around .
"Is Kelly okay?" She asked with a serious look "I know our mom didn't mean didn't hurt him , I know it was probably a shock to him for her to ask" .
"He's okay Katie" Stella said smiling "He's just got a lot on him , works been stressful on him" .
"Okay , good ... I mean good he's okay" Katie said giggling . "So grave?" .
"We will go eat , and then go to your dad's grave" Stella said before walking back to the bedroom to finish getting ready .
After everyone was ready then headed to a pasta place to eat . After they had ate , they drove an hour to Benjamin grave . When Kelly saw his dad's grave , flashbacks filling him over and over , he didn't like being in this position . He felt like breaking down , good bond or not with his dad seeing his own father laying under the grass was hard for him .
"Babe" Stella said grabbing on his waist "You okay?" .
"I'm okay" Kelly said smiling trying to hide the tears . "Just a shock to me" .
"Look at dad" Katie said with tears filling her eyes . Kelly saw his sister about to cry so he hugged her . "Missing him , feels like forever since I saw him" .
"I love Katie , he loves us" Kelly said hugging her .
After like 10 minutes at Benjamin's grave , they all said their goodbyes and drove back home . Stella , Jennifer and Katie all watched a movie while Kelly took a nap for about 3 hours . After he woke up , Kelly's mom and sister said goodbye and left to go back home .
"Lord , I'm exhausted" Kelly said "That nap didn't help" .
"Yeah , and we both have work tomorrow" Stella said putting her hands on his chest .
"Right" Kelly said giggling . "Forgot about work" .
"Oh , well I didn't so I'm gonna head to bed" Stella said "Love ya" .
"Okay , I will be there soon" Kelly said .
Kelly's pov :
As I watch Stella walk to the bathroom , I smile to myself . I love this women . We are having a baby , together . She was carrying my baby child . I cannot wait for what else holds for us .
"What you thinking about" Came a voice as I was thinking
"Oh , life" I said sighing and then laughing .
"Life , huh . Must be interesting" Stella said with the tone of knowing something was wrong .
"Yeah , life" I said standing up   .
"Well" Stella said walking over to him "Whatever it is , stop . Because I know it's something not good" .
After Stella talk to Kelly , she gave him a kiss and went to brush her teeth . She ended up falling asleep after laying down. Kelly stayed up a little longer , until like 10:30 until he decided to get ready for bed . When he walked into the bedroom , he saw his beautiful wife sleeping so peacefully . He couldn't help but smile to himself . When he was ready for bed , he cuddled up with Stella and fell asleep for the night .
also boy or girl ? i can't decide 😭

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