Carver and Seager ?

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General pov :
Everyone has noticed Carver has been off lately . Which , whatever they didn't care but Stella was curious . Without knowing what was going on , it was driving her insane .
"Have you notice Carver hasn't been acting weird ?" Stella asked grabbing a breakfast bar .
"Around you or what ?" Kelly asked grabbing his stuff .
"Around me" Stella said taking a bit of her food.
"Kinda of , why do you like him?" Kelly said jokingly making Stella look at him mad "I'm joking baby" 
"You are so fucking stupid" Stella said laughing .
"I'm stupid?" Kelly said sarcastically , looking at Stella .
"Excuse me!" Stella said pushing him .
"I'm kidding" Kelly said "Let's get going before we are late" .
At the station -
"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Gallo asked everyone as they all got there shirt and pants on .
"Eggs" Capp said .
"Eggs ?" Gallo asked .
"Yes , eggs!" Capp said in a serious tone .
"Fine , is that fine with you guys" Gallo asked everyone and everyone nodded yes .
After about 10 minutes , eggs were ready . Everyone came into the common room and got a plate .  Hungry , and praying the bells didn't go off .
"Hey , do you want food?" Kelly asked as he seen Stella .
"Uh , no" Stella said with a sassy tone .
"Okay sassy" Kelly and everyone laughed .
"Hey , when are you due?" Chief asked as he walked in .
"The doctor said the baby might be here early in January , why?" Stella asked .
"Just trying to figure out when Kelly will have to have to call of work so I can get someone else on squad" Chief explained grabbing a plate .
"Aren't you due in January?" Gallo asked sitting down .
"Either January in the beginning or towards the end of January" Stella said grabbing water .
"You are , what 18 weeks?" Brett asked sitting down .
"Yep" Stella said with a smile as everyone started sitting down to eat .
General pov :
Calls for everyone wasn't terrible , mostly just bruises .  It was 3pm , and everyone had gotta back from a slight major car accident . Stella was coming out to talk to Kelly , but got interrupted with Carver going after Wendy .
"There you are!" Carver said as he went up to Wendy and gave her a kiss . Everyone froze and looked at them . "How's your day baby?".
"It's good , you?" Wendy said with a smile .
"That's good , it's been good good . I missed you" Caver said . He had turned around to see everyone staring at them "What?".
"Uh , so like you know you wouldn't have been able to get around this firehouse hiding a relationship" Stella said giggling .
"I know , but no more hiding it . I knew one of you would have found out sooner than later" Carver said .
"Damn right , I find out everyone secret relationships" Capp said and everyone laughed .
"Okay , well congratulates" Kelly said .
"Thank you" Seager said with a smile .
"So wait , the bar talk lead to this?" Stella asked as she was collecting the pieces .
"Bar talk ?" Herremann ask looking at Stella .
"Yeah , I saw them like 2 or 3 weeks ago talking at Molly's together . I thought it was just about a case" Stella said .
"Yeah , well . After the bar talk , we went home together" Carver said but before he could continue with this conversation , Stella stop him .
"Okay , before I threw up stop" Stella said and everyone agreed with her "But  , if you are gonna make out go somewhere else please" Stella said jokingly and everyone laughed .
"I won't do that" Carver said with a grin "Just wait until later tonight" .
"Lord , I think I'm gonna be sick" Stella said and then walked away .
Later that night at Stella and Kelly's house-
"Wendy and Carver dating , I never could have seen that" Kelly said as he was putting the dishes away "Baby , what's wrong?".
"Thinking" Stella said sighing .
"About what honey?" Kelly asked walking over to her .
"It's about Seager and Carver" Stella said sighing .
"What about them?" Kelly asked .
"Just find it strange , have a feeling they won't last forever" Stella said with a grin .
"Well even if they don't it's their problem , not yours" Kelly said .
"Yeah , you're right" Stella said looking at him .
"Are you feeling alright?" Kelly asked softly .
"Yes" Stella said with a grin "Baby is just being a pain "
"Awe I'm sorry , how about you get some rest" Kelly said hugging her .
"Okay , come join me soon" Stella said with a smirk .
"I will babe" Kelly said with a smile . It wasn't long before Kelly had finally gotta ready for bed . He showered real quick , before getting just some boxers on . Seeing his sleeping wife , made him melt . She was an angel sleeping . "Goodnight sweet baby" .
The next morning :
At Carver's house -
"Good morning gorgeous" Carver said coming out of the bedroom "Lord women" .
"What?" Wendy said with a smirk . She was making coffee , only in a white shirt , no bra or pants . "Like what you see?" .
"You know it" Carver said as Wendy came over to him . "I don't wanna be late to work , but I wanna do things to you"
"You wanna be late?" Wendy said taking her shirt off "Because I can make you" .
"Fuck!" Carver said as they both slowly started making out , again . Let's just say , Carver was 20 minutes late .

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