please , save my daughter!

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General pov :
Stella is now 19 weeks , everything is ready for the baby to come any day now . The bump wasn't as big as Stella she thought it would be but she was thankful about that . Baby hasn't been doing much making her feel nauseous too , but more kicking as well .
Today , Stella today was going to help Violet with ambulance while Brett went to get Casey so he could be in Chicago before Stella gave birth . Even know it wasn't close to the due date they needed Casey with them at the station , he was also gonna help Chief .
"Hey , you sure you can work with Violet?" Kelly said grabbing Stella's waist .
"Dude , I don't if you are calling me fat but this shit still fits me honey!" Stella said .
"Honey , I wasn't calling you fat . I wanted to make sure you felt comfortable enough doing this" Kelly said laughing .
"Yes , duh ! I love working that girl" Stella said with a smile .
"What about me?" Kelly said jokingly .
"Dude ! " Stella said grabbing her stuff .
"Okay ! Okay!" Kelly said laughing as they went out the front door .
At work , everyone had gotta changed and put their stuff in their locker before going to eat some breakfast . Stella and Violet got their first call , which wasn't terrible . Everyone else had a calm day , until this call came in .
"Ambulance 51 , Engine , Squad , and Truck report to house 55678 West Street , possible suicide attempt . Mother calms the daughter will not open her door , and has left a note outside her door" The operator said .
"Well , great!" Violet said as everyone rushed out to the cars .
It didn't take long for them to get to the scene , the first thing they saw was the mother being distraught .
"Ma'ma , what's going on?" Chief asked grabbing the mother , trying his hardest to calm her down . Everyone one by one got out of the trucks , and went over to chief who was trying to get the mother to calm down .
"My baby ! She's in her room and will not answer her door!" The mother said crying . "Please! I can't lose her!".
"Okay , what's your daughter's name?" Chief asked .
"Anna!" The mother yelled . "Please!" .
"Okay ! Ambo along with everyone else go !" Chief said . Everyone rushed up the stairs knowing this would end badly if they didn't act now "She will be okay , I promise" .
"Anna ! It's the fire department please open this door , whatever you are thinking , it's not worth it!" Violet said banging on the bedroom door . With no response after about 10 seconds, she looked at squad and had Kelly kicked down the door .  When the door got kicked down , it was a horrifying scene . The young girl was hanging from her ceiling fan .
"Oh my god!" The girls said , horrified . Stella couldn't stand there , she had grabbed the girl and the rope taking her down slowly making sure she didn't hurt the girls neck . She went to feel for a pulse , and there was not a slight sign the girl was alive anymore .
"Cpr?" Violet asked grabbing the heart monitor .
"There's not a pulse , I have to!" Stella said starting to do cpr .
"Anna , baby!" The mother yelled , but the firefighters grabbed her and stopped her . "No! God!" .
"Take her , chief!" Capp said .
"No! Please!" The mother yelled as chief took her away away .
"1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10" Stella whispered, and then she went again . "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" .
"Stella" Violet said seeing no heart beat on the monitor . She went to grab Stella , and could see she was about to cry . But Stella fought Violet off not giving up .
"One more , just one more !" Stella said and went again as everyone else was frozen in silence, all just standing there staring at what they thought was the young girls lifeless body but before they knew it there was a sigh of breath from the girl . Everyone look at the heart monitor , and saw a heart beat . They all let out a sigh of relief . Anna was in daze of confusion as everybody else gave a smile to Stella .
"Anna , you are going to be okay!" Stella said "Stay awake , you are going to be okay" Stella said as the stretcher was being brought in . "Keep your eyes on me ! I'm Stella , you are going to be okay!" .
"I'm sorry!" Anna said and went into Stella's arms , crying . Stella just held the girl has she cried .
"Hey , it's okay!" Stella said holding the girl tight , and after a few minutes Anna had finally calmed and was put on the stretcher . When she was brought out , the mother ran to her daughter , with a laugh and cry of happiness to see her daughter showing signs of being alive .
"Anna ! She's alive!" The mother said going to Violet .
"Yes , but she will have to be taken to the hospital" Violet said as they put Anna in the back "Hey , you wanna drive?".
"Sure . You sure though?" Stella asked .
"Go for it , one time before Brett comes back" Violet said sarcastically as when climb into the back of the ambo .
Back at the station , all the trucks had gotta back . While ambo was taking the girl to the hospital . 
"Your wife , I've never seen her that panicked" Carver said to Kelly with a grin .
"Trust me , she has been more panicked . You just haven't known her forever" Kelly said with a giggle .
"She's a badass , and you are one lucky guy!" Carver said and then walked away , along with everyone else to go chill in the common room where it wasn't hot .
After about five minutes , Carver had gotta a message from Seager telling him to meet him outside , which of course he went outside.
"Hey there handsome!" Seager said with a grin .
"Hey , what's up?" Carver said with a smile .
"Wanna have some fun , or no?" Seager said touching Carver said . "Because I know you want this body!"
"Lord , you drive me crazy" Carver said as led he to the turnout room , where he slowly and passionately kissed Seager .
After about 5 minutes of them making out , ambo had came back which made them stop with what they were doing .
"You did good Stella!" Violet said with a smile .
"Thank you , and sorry if I took over" Stella said as she turned off the ambo .
"No , it's okay ! Im gonna inside though , since everyone else I guess is in there too"  Violet said and then got out .
"Shh!" Carver said . After about a 20 seconds , he thought Stella and Violet went inside and they continued .  With them moaning , Stella walked by and heard them . She paused and started laughing  , before walking into the common room .
"What's so funny?" Chief asked confused .
"Uhh , nothing" Stella said laughing .
"What's wrong?"  Violet asked looking at her with a confused look .
"Nothing" Stella said going to sit by Kelly .
"You sure?" Kelly asked grabbing her waist .
"Positive" Stella said and took a drink of Kelly's water .
"Ma'ma , that was my water" Kelly said and everyone laughed .
After about 10 minutes , Seager and Carver decided to chill .
"Hey , I think we should continue this later tonight . My place , after shift?" Carver said with a smirk .
"You know I can't say no" Seager said putting her shirt on .
"Bet , I love you!" Carver said and walked into the common room and Seager walked away to her car .
Everyone turned and looked at him the moment he walked into the common room, especially Stella who heard them .
"Hey Carver ! Can I talk to you , privately?" Stella said standing up .
"Uhh , sure" Carver said turning red .
"Let's go , buddy" Stella said patting him on the back , and gave everyone a look .
"I think something happen , knowing that look of her" Kelly said taking a sip of his water sitting back .
"What's up?" Carver asked as Stella shut her office door.
"You know if you are gonna have sex , especially is this firehouse , maybe don't be loud" Stella said "Just giving you advice , knowing you are the new guy!" She said and then walked away .
"So , wanna tell me what that was about?" Kelly asked as Stella walked back into the common room .
"No , because it's tmi" Stella said sitting down .
"Oh dear lord , is it what I think it is?" Capp said shaking his head in disgust .
"Maybe , but I told him a little advice knowing he's the new guy" Stella said and everyone laughed .
The next day :
"Hey , guess what!" Kelly said seeing his wife .
"What?" Stella said with a smile grabbing her phone .
"Brett will be back later , like after shift but with Casey!" Kelly said with a smile .
"Yay , I missed them both!" Stella said clapping her hands in excitement .
"Me too!" Kelly said with a smile .
"We should probably get goin-" Stella started to say but her phone buzzed with a message .
"Hey , it's Anna! Thank you saving me yesterday , you gave me another chance at life ! Thank you again!"
"Babe , you okay?" Kelly asked  , rubbing her back .
"I got a message from Anna yesterday , no clue how she got my number but she texted me thanking me" Stella said with a smile .
"Awe! I mean you did save that girls life!" Kelly said giving her a kiss "We should probably hit the road though!" .
The day was filled with not bad calls , Stella wasn't feeling the best with the baby kicking a lot . She was exhausted and wanted to go home already . Which was hard on her , a lot of.
"Ambulance 51 , medical run West Street Apartment 234" The operator said .
"Ugh! I'm so tried!" Groaned Stella sitting up .
"Let's go" Violet said as she took a last bite of her food .
"Hey , be safe" Kelly said grabbing his wife hand as she walked by him .
"You know I always am!" Stella said with a smile .
When they got to the scene , it was a guy who hadn't taken his meds . He wasn't it in the best shape , which made the situation worse . 
But back at the station , a car had pulled up to the station and a guy walked up to the app floor .
"Severide!" A voice said , as the squad members looked at the voice they seen it was Casey .
"Casey!" Severide said standing up with a smile , as everyone else had came out hearing Casey voice .
"Hows the future dad?" Casey said with a smile giving Kelly a big hug .
"I'm doing good!" Kelly said with big smile as everyone else came and hugged Casey .
"Must be the new guy?" Casey said to Carver giving him a hug .
"Hi , yeah ! Carver!" Carver said nervously with a smile .
"Got lucky with this firehouse!" Casey said as Brett walked up to Casey .
"When will ambo be back?" Brett asked as Casey pulled her into his arms
"I would think soon , they left like 40 minutes ago ." Chief said
"Hey , you wanna tell them the news" Casey said with a smile .
"What news?" Cruz asked .
"Guess who's getting married soon!" Brett said showing her ring . Everyone yelled in excitement , and started clapping .
"Look at you go man!" Kelly said with a smile "God , Stella will be beyond excited , and Violet too!"
"V already knows , it's Stella who doesn't" Brett said . "I do trust her ,  Violet somehow deep down knew and I wanted Stella to be surprised"
"Well , Stella will be excited!" Kelly said with a smile .
After Kelly finished his conversation , everyone had gathered around the squad table and talked .  After about 10 minutes , ambo had returned . Everyone went quiet and looked at them as they drove into the station .
"Finally!" Casey said and everyone laughed , Violet was the first one out of the ambulance .
"Hey V!" Brett said going to her with open arms
"Brett!" Violet said with a smile as they hugged .
"Where the hell is Stella?" Kelly asked .
"She was doing a recheck of everything" Violet said and then Stella came around the ambulance .
"Well hello!" Casey said going towards Stella with open arms.
"Casey! Hi!" Stella said with a smile as they hugged
"How's the baby doing? " Casey asked rubbing Stella's back .
"She's been a kicker!" Stella said sighing going over to Brett to get her a hug .
"How far are you?" Casey asked with a smile .
"20 weeks , almost 21" Stella said rubbing her stomach .
"Hey , Stell's what's new on my finger" Brett asked .
"Uh , I don't kn-" Stella said confused , until she saw the ring "Ahh ! He proposed ?" .
"Yes!" Brett said as Stella hugged her .
"Hell yes!" Stella said with a smile "Told you y'all were the right ones together!" She said and everyone laughed , as they all went into the station to talk some more .
That day was filled with catching up with Casey , and Brett planning the wedding . 

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