she's finally better

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"Hey , so is your mom being released today?" Stella asked grabbing Elliana diaper bag as he came in the room .
"Yeah!" Kelly said with a smile . "3 weeks later and she is finally going home!" He said with a laugh .
"That's good!" Stella said "You taking her home?" .
"No , Katie is" Kelly said with a sigh "Thinking about visiting her this weekend!" He said with a grin .
"You should" Stella said changing Elliana's diaper . "I think she would enjoy that!" She said with a grin .
"We , should go" Kelly said with a smile "She would probably love to see her granddaughter , and you!" He said with a laugh .
"Yeah , you can take her" Stella said putting pants back on Elliana . "I'm going to stay here , keep the house safe!" .
"Babe" Kelly said looking at her .  "Look at me" He said grabbing her hand .
"Yeah" Stella said looking at him . "Hmm?" She said putting the babies new diaper on .
"We , should go!" Kelly said pointing at all three of them "All three of us !" He said with a smile . "What is going on?" .
"Nothing" Stella said taking Elliana in her arms . "Why?" .
"Okay ! Then we should go , together!" Kelly said with a grin.
"Okay" Stella said walking away . "Yeah!" She said patting the baby of the back .
"Oh my lord" Kelly mumbled following her . "You feeling okay?" He asked crossing his arms . "Because you sure aren't acting like you are okay!" .
"Tired babe ! She's not the best sleeper you know that!" Stella said putting Elliana in the high chair . "Feed your daughter or no?" She asked with a smirk .
"Yeah!" Kelly said with a smile . "Go do your thing!" He said giving a quick kiss .
"Thank you!" Stella said giving Kelly a kiss . "I'm gonna go shower" She hollered walking away .
Friday night ••
"What's up with you?" Brett asked walking past Stella .
"What do you mean" Stella asked confused .
"Been off today , you okay?" Brett asked with a laugh .
"Yeah!" Stella said with a smile . "Hey Kelly!" .
"Hey , you ready to go?" Kelly asked rubbing her back .
"Yeah" Stella said with a smile . "Bye Brett!" She yelled as she walked away .
"We better get going then ! Got get our stuff and get Elliana!" Kelly said with a smile . "I told my mom we would be there about 9:30" He said giving her a kiss .
"Bye!" Brett yelled with a wave . "Stay safe!" .
"Babe ! Okay , what is going on!" Kelly asked seeing how quiet she was . "Stella , speak!" He said upset .
"Your mom probably hates me!" Stella said upset . "I'm being front up honest!" She said getting in the car . "She probably does!" She said with a sigh .
"Why would you say that?" Kelly asked throwing his stuff in the car .  "Honey , why would she?" .
"Easter , remember!" Stella said as she buckled up .
"Easter?" Kelly said confused "Oh ! Babe ! She wouldn't hate you!" He said hugging her .
"Yeah , you sure about that?" Stella asked as they drove off .
"Positive , and if she had a problem she can talk to me!" Kelly said grabbing her hands. "Okay?" He asked with a smile .
"Okay!" Stella said with a smile . "Whatever you say!" She said with a sigh .
2 and half hours later ••
"Baby slept all the way thankful!" Kelly said as they pulled up to his mom driveway .
"Yeah!" Stella said unbuckling . "Thank the lord!" She said with a chuckle .
"My favorite people!" Jennifer said coming outside with a smile . "Oh ! Hi Stella!" She said hugging her .
"Hi!" Stella said with a smile . "So glad to see you!" .
"Kelly!" Jennifer said giving him a kiss on the check . "Oh and of course my baby grandchild!" She said taking the baby .
"Hi mom!" Kelly said with a smile . "Hey babe , will you grab our stuff?" He asked with a smile .
"Yeah of course!" Stella said going to open the trunk .
"Hey Stella when you get a chance can I talk to you?" Jennifer asked looking at Kelly who was looking at his mom and wife . "Alone?" She said softly .
"Yeah , let me get this stuff and we can!" Stella said grabbing their bags .
"No rush!" Jennifer said with a grin . "Let me show your room Kelly!" She said as Kelly followed her . "I didn't know if you want Elliana to sleep with you guys or not , so baby crib is in here just in case need to move it there's a room across yours!" She said opening the guest room .
"Stella likes the baby sleeping with us" Kelly said setting his stuff down . "Anxiety!" He said with a giggle .
"Hey while we are alone , I'm sorry for easter!" Jennifer said sitting at the edge of the bed . "I didn't mean to come off like that and he had no reason to be touching Elliana" .
"Mom , it's okay" Kelly said taking the baby . "I mean not okay that he just touched our baby but we didn't need to storm out like we did!" He said unpacking the babies stuff .
"No you had every reason to ! I never told you I was seeing someone and some man you didn't know touched your baby" Jennifer said as Stella walked in the front door. "So it's my fault!" She said with sigh .
"Kelly!" Stella yelled . "A little help?" She yelled with a sign .
"Yeah!" Kelly said giving his mom the baby before going to help her . "Here , let me take this!" He said taking his bag. "Follow me to our room!" He said putting his arms around her back as they walked to their room .
"Oh , wow!" Stella said with a chuckle . "That bed look's so comfortable!" She said putting her stuff down .
"You rudely just left your wife!" Jennifer said sarcastically . "Hey Stella , can we talk!" She said getting up .
"Yeah!" Stella said with a grin . "Here , unpack our things!" .
"Here take your daughter Kelly!" Jennifer said with a smile . "This way!" She said leaning her to the end of the hall .
"What's up?" Stella asked with a smile as Jennifer shut the door . "Am I in trouble?" She said with a chuckle .
"No ! I want to apologize for Easter I know you are overprotective with Elliana and you have every right to be!" Jennifer said with a grin . "I shouldn't have been upset with you , it's your baby!" She said with a smile .
"It's okay" Stella said with a grin . "Elliana at the time was just young so I was overprotective" She said with a sigh . "Well still am overprotective!" She said with a laugh .
"No , it's not okay!" Jennifer said with a sigh . "I shouldn't have been the way I was" She said crossing her arms .
"I forgive you Jennifer ! I really do!" Stella said with a smile. "Come here!" She said giving her a hug . "I forgive you!" .
"Thank you!" Jennifer said with a smile . "Thank you !" She said again as Stella back away .
"Of course!" Stella said with a smile . "Glad you are doing better by the way!" She said with a laugh .
"Babe!" Kelly yelled from the bedroom . "Sorry to interrupt but she needs mommy's milk" He said coming up to them with a grin .
"Dear god!" Stella said with a laugh . "I'll feed her and give her a bath!" She said taking the baby . "You two have son and mother time!" .
"The bathroom is connected to your room!" Jennifer said with a smile . "Knew you two probably would need it!" .
"Haha!" Stella said with a chuckle . "Well night you two!" .
"Night!" They both said as she walked away .
"Well, do you want a drink?" Jennifer asked walking to the kitchen . "Oh , I want to show you my patio I've been working out too!" She said with a big smile .
"What do you have to drink?" Kelly asked following his mom .
"Hmm!" Jennifer said opening the fridge "Beer!" She said with a smirk .
"Mom!" Kelly said with a sigh . "You just had a stroke!" He said shaking his head .
"It's okay!" Jennifer said opening the bottles . "You want one or no?" She said with a grin .
"Fine!" Kelly said taking the beer . "But you better not have another stroke!" He said as they went outside both giggling .
They sat outside for about 30 minutes just talking about life enjoying the sky that was filled with stars . Stella and the baby went to bed after Elliana had a bath . Kelly and Jennifer shorty going to bed as well , thankfully it was a peaceful night .
The next morning ••
"Lord!" Jennifer said trying to be quiet . "Shh , can you pans be any louder!" .
"Yes they can!" Kelly said startling her . "Sorry!" He said with a grin . "Really didn't mean to scare you!" .
"Jesus Kelly!" Jennifer said with a laugh . "You trying to kill your mom?" She said standing up .
"No!" Kelly said with a smile . "But good morning!" He said sighing . "Coffee?" He asked with a grin . "I need my coffee!" .
"You have to make it!" Jennifer said turning the oven on. "I'm busy!" She said with a smirk . "Oh Katie is coming by soon!" .
"That's great!" Kelly said looking for the coffee cups . "Where's the coffee cups?" He said looking around .
"Right here!" Jennifer said opening the cabinet  . "Is Stella up?" She asked going back to the what she was doing .
"Her and the baby are out still!" Kelly said making the coffee . "Probably will still be for a little bit!" He said as the front door open . "Well hello!" He said going over to his sister .
"Good morning!" Katie said with a grin as her "That drive here was so busy ! Who would know a saturday morning would be so busy!" She said with a laugh as Kelly hugged her . "Smells like coffee!" She said putting her stuff down .
"Your brother is making coffee!" Jennifer said mixing the pancakes . "You want some?" She said spraying the pan .
"Yeah,  why not!" Katie said sitting down. "Where's my niece and Stella?" She asked with a grin .
"Both out!" Kelly said giving his sister his coffee that he was going to drink .  "Here , hope you don't mind the extra coffee creamer in there!" He said with a smirk .
"Are we not walking them up?" Katie said taking a sip of coffee . "What?" She said as Kelly looked at her .
"No!" Kelly said with a laugh but soon heard the baby crying "Actually , the baby is crying so hold up!" He said rushing to the room . "Hi! Good morning!" He said quietly grabbing the baby before going back out to the kitchen .
"Oh my goodness!" Katie said getting up . "Good morning!" She said as the baby started to cry . "Oh I'm sorry!" .
"She's probably hungry!" Kelly said grabbing a bottle . "Hold her , I'll make her a bottle" He said as the baby cried more .
"No shhh!" Katie said with a smile . "Shh!" She said rocking her .  "Look , it's auntie!" .
"Damn Katie!" Jennifer said sarcastically . "She must hate you!" She said with a laugh .
"She hates everyone in the morning!" Kelly said shaking the bottle . "Give me her!" He said taking the baby .
"Fine!" Katie said with a sigh rolling her eyes . "Ooo food's done!" She said with a smile . 
"After the baby is feed I'll get Stella up" Kelly said sitting down .
"There's no rush!" Jennifer said . "If she needs rest she can !"
"Elliana won't be okay without having her mom!" Kelly said sarcastically . "Other wise I would say yeah she can sleep all day!" He said with a smile . But , after Kelly fed the baby he ate some food before thinking it was time to get Stella up . "Alright!" Kelly said getting up . "Let her play with some toys !" He said putting the baby on the floor .
"Going to get Stella up?" Jennifer asked with a smile .
"Yep!" Kelly said with a smile . "Be back!" He said walking away . "Hey , babe!" He said yelling for her . "Stella?" .
"Yes?" Stella said peaking her out of the bathroom . "What's up?" She said coming out .
"Didn't know if you were hungry!" Kelly said with a grin . "What were you doing? He said with a sigh .
"I just took a quick shower!" Stella said finding some clothes . "Why?" She asked with a laugh .
"Just wondering!" Kelly said turning around . "Breakfast is ready so if you want you can!" He said opening the bedroom door .
"Yeah! Give me a minute!" Stella said taking her towel off . "I'm going to get dressed!" She said putting her bra on .
"Copy!" Kelly said getting lost on her body . "Yeah , copy!" .
"Control yourself!" Stella said putting some underwear on . "Control yourself!" She said slowly with a chuckle .
"I am!" Kelly said with a smirk . "Okay , well whenever you want come out to the living room!" He said turning around to walk out the bedroom door .
"Hey Kelly!" Jennifer said with a smile . "Is she awake?" She asked with a smile .
"Yeah! She took a shower so she's getting dressed right now!" Kelly explained picking up his daughter . "What do we want to do today?" He asked sitting down .
"I was thinking maybe go to the lake!" Jennifer suggested . "There's a lake like 15 minutes from here!" She said with a smile .
"That would be nice!" Kelly said with a smirk . "I'll have to ask Stella if Elliana has a swimsuit!" He said as Stella came out from the corner .
"Why does she need a swimsuit?" Stella asked with a confused look .
"My mom wants to go to the lake today!" Kelly said with a smile . "So I didn't know if Elliana had one" .
"I haven't gotta her one ! She's only 4 months!" Stella said with a sigh . "But she can put her feet in the water!" She suggested sitting down .
"It's your child!" Kelly said with a smirk . "Well yes our child but still!" He said .
"Fine , maybe we will get her one!" Stella said going to kitchen . "Go to the store you two , or all of you!" She said turning around .
"Let's go Katie!" Kelly said getting up . "Mom , you want to go? Family trip?" He said with a smile .
"Yeah , can I put some pants on?" Jennifer said getting up .
"Yes , because I need to as well!" Kelly said giving Katie the baby . "Here , you want her?" He said with a grin .
"Give her to her mom , she hates me!" Katie said putting her hands up .
"Give me!" Stella said putting her coffee cup down . "Go get ready!" She said taking her baby .
"Hey , you okay?" Kelly asked leaning against the counter .
"Yeah , my girl thing has came!" Stella said shaking her head . "So , I'm in a mood!" She said with a chuckle .
"Oh ! Oh , that thing?" Kelly said with a laugh . "You need anything , like pad?" .
"No , I brought mine!" Stella said with a grin . "Go get ready , I'll be fine!" She said grabbing her coffee cup .
"Okay!" Kelly said giving her a kiss . "Once I have pants on , we are leaving!" He yelled as he walked to his room as the girls laughed .
Later that day -
"Wee!" Katie said swinging Elliana around . "Ready!" She said splashing the baby gently .
"Katie!" Stella yelled going over to them . "Hey , does she need any more sunscreen?" She said with a smile .
"Uh , yeah sure!" Katie said picking the baby up . "Here , go to mommy!" She said giving Stella the baby .
"Can't get sunburned!" Stella said giving Katie the sunscreen . "Oh , I know you were having fun!" She said with a smile .
"Babe , look at my suntan!" Kelly said going over to her . "You like my legs! They are so tan!" He said lifting his leg up . "You like daddy's tan Elli?" .
"No , she hates it!" Katie said spraying sunscreen on Elliana . "Tell him!" She said giving the baby kisses .
"She loves it!" Kelly said walking away . "Mom , snacks?" He said with a smirk as he sat down .
"Jesus Kelly!" Jennifer said with a chuckle . "It's as if your child self never left!" She said getting snacks . "What do you want? Fruit snacks , chips? Fruit? Baby food?" .
"Not baby food!" Kelly said with a chuckle . "Give me some chips!" He said laying down with a sigh .
"Okay ! If you want to play with her more in the water you can!" Stella said giving her the baby back . "Just , be careful!" She said grabbing the sunscreen .
"Let's go!" Katie said with a chuckle . "Water!" She said as Elliana squealed with a smile .
"Hey , share?" Stella said sitting down . "Mmm , thank!" She said as he gave her a chip . "You know , I can imagine us in a few years with more kids ! Elliana have siblings and playing with them!" She said with a smile .
"I can see it too!" Kelly said taking a bit of his chip . "Maybe some time later we should try again , make Elliana a big sister!" He said giving her a kiss with a smile .
"Yeah , but I wanna try when she's a little older!" Stella said with a grin . "She's still young , so no rush!" She said laying down with a smile .
"Yeah , for sure!" Kelly said with a smile . "I'm going to go play with Katie and Elli , you wanna come?" He asked getting up .
"No , you go ahead!" Stella said rolling over . "I'm going to tan , so go ahead!" She said with a smile .
"Alright babe!" Kelly said going before walking away . "Are you having fun sweetie?" He asked taking his daughter in his arms .
"She's in love with this water!" Katie said sitting down . "Oh , yeah this water feels good!" She said laying down .
"What is that!" Kelly said in a panic . "Katie May ! Get up!" He said running away . "Ahh!" .
"Ahhh!" Katie said getting up . "Kelly Chester!" She said splashing him with water . "Give me a damn heart attack!" She said as the baby started laughing .
"See , even she is laughing!" Kelly said as she splashed him more . "Stop , you are going to get the baby wet!" He said with a laugh as he covered her head .
"You scream like a little girl!" Katie said laughing more . "I only believed you because of your screamed like a little girl!" .
"Haha!" Kelly said with a chuckle as he splashed his sister .
Sunday afternoon :
"Hey , seriously thank you for coming to hang out with me!" Jennifer said hugging him . "I loved having you and the girls!" .
"Of course mom!" Kelly said giving her a kiss on the cheek . "Katie , thank you for also just coming down and hanging out with us!" He said hugging her .
"I loved hanging out with you guys!" Katie said with a smile . "We need to do this again , when you both don't have shift!" .
"Shift has been busy!" Kelly said with a grin . "Hey , is she asleep?" He said grabbing the baby carrier .
"Not really , she is falling asleep!" Stella said going to the car . "My back hurts!" She said throwing stuff in the car .
"Hey , thank you for coming over!" Jennifer said hugging her . "I really appreciate you being here!" She said with a smile .
"Oh , no need to thank me!" Stella said with a smile . "Depending if we have don't work maybe come down on fourth of july!" She suggested with a sigh .
"Oh , yes please!" Katie said hugging her .  "That would be so fun!" She said with a smile .
"Maybe , I think chief said we don't work that day but who know!" Kelly said grabbing his keys . "Well , let's head out!" He said with a smile . "It was great seeing you guys!" .
"You too!" Jennifer said . "Safe drive!" She said as they got into the car .
"Love you both!" Kelly said starting the car . "Say bye Elli!" He said backing up .
"She can't speak!" Stella said with a chuckle . "Bye you guys!" .
"She can try!" Kelly said as he honked . "See ya!" He yelled  as they drove off .

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