getting the hospital bag ready

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General pov :
Stella is now 22 weeks pregnant . Casey has been in town for 2 weeks now , and has been working around the firehouse . The baby wasn't being much a pain as well , and that was something Stella was grateful for .
"Good morning baby!" Kelly said with a smile giving her a kiss .
"Good morning" Stella said with a grin "Oh , yeah after shift we need to get the hospital bag ready!" .
"You are only 22 weeks though?" Kelly said confused as he grabbed his jacket .
"I know , but you never know" Stella said grabbing her shoes . "Plus , it's better to be ready than not" She said getting up .
"Yeah , true" Kelly said putting his jacket . "Let's get going!" He said as they went out on the door . That day was pretty calm , calls weren't terrible for nobody thankfully . Stella had an appointment for the baby around noon , so she waited patiently for squad to get back to say from a car accident to say goodbye to Kelly .
"Hey ! I love you!" Stella said grabbing his hand "Stay safe ! I'll see you tonight!" She said walking away .
"I love you too!" Kelly said giving her a quick kiss "Text me how it goes!" He yelled as she walked away .
"Where's she going?" Casey asked with a grin as everyone walked up to him .
"Baby has appointment" Kelly said sitting down . "So , chief she won't be back!" He said grabbing his pen .
"Everything good with the baby?" Chief asked with a sigh .
"Yeah ! The baby is healthy , doc thinks the baby will come around 34 or 35 weeks!" Kelly explained with a smile .
"Damn , that's early ! Will the baby be okay?" Brett asked going into the turnout room .
"Baby will be fine! The baby is just gonna be here earlier" Kelly said before everyone went their separate ways . The rest of the day day wasn't terrible , and after shift was over Kelly made it home to see his wife sleep on the couch still having the tv on .
"Honey" Kelly said shaking her gently . "Hey , it's me!" .
"Hmm?" Stella said slowly opening her eyes . "Oh , hi!" .
"You wanna go to bed?" Kelly asked playing with her hair . "You look exhausted" He asked as she stretched .
"Will you go with me?" Stella asked sitting up . "Please!" .
"If you want me to" Kelly said with a grin . "I will!" .
"Yes , please ! At least until I fall asleep" Stella said with a smile . Kelly agreed with her , and cuddled with Stella until she had fallen asleep . Once she was asleep , Kelly had gotta up and shut the bedroom door so he didn't wake her up . He had made himself some food before showering. After his shower , he watched the news before cuddling with Stella for the night . Quickly falling asleep .
The next morning :
Kelly's pov :
I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains . I groaned as I stretched , when I went to go cuddle up with Stella her side was cold . It shocked me for a second knowing I'm the first one up but I soon heard the shower turning off always , and it wasn't long before I seen her coming out of the bathroom with a grin , and her bump was popping too . My smile grew seeing that baby bump of her's .
"Hey there mommas!" I said with a big smile sitting up .
"Hey there handsome ! How long have you been up?" Stella said with a smile as she grabbed clothes .
"Like 20 seconds , do you mind if I shower while you get ready?" I said standing up . "Well , actually I'm gonna do it!" .
"Go for it ! I don't mind" Stella said with a grin and then gave him a kiss . After they both were ready , they headed to the station . Where a house fire was already reported right after everyone had changed .
"I love you" Kelly said giving Stella a quick kiss and then got his suit on .
"I love you too" Stella said with a smile . She watched him walk away , and went to her desk . After about an hour everyone had gotta back.
"You okay?" Kelly asked being the first one out of the truck .
"I'm exhausted" Stella said opening her arms for a hug .
"Do you need to go sleep in my office?" Kelly asked holding her as close as he could .
"No , it's fine" Stella said sighing . "Just hold me" She said with a smile .
"She okay?" Brett asked as she walked by them .
"Exhausted" Kelly said rubbing Stella's back .
"Let her sleep ! I'm sure chief wouldn't mind" Brett said seeing the exhausted in Stella's eyes . "You look exhausted!" .
"She doesn't wanna sleep , she wants to be held" Kelly explained with a smile . "Trust me , she is needy with being held!" He said with a laugh .
"Yes , exactly!" Stella said getting out of his arms and they both laughed "But I'm gonna go work now , see ya!" She said blowing them both a kiss before walking off . That day was pretty rough , calls were exhausting. After shift , Kelly was tired . Stella had decided to take bath , she wanted to relax , the baby was draining her . When she was done after about 20 minutes , she walked out to the bedroom to grab some clothes to see Kelly fast asleep , he was so adorable sleeping . She could see he was exhausted , so she let him sleep . After she was dressed she had and went to make dinner for herself , she didn't know if Kelly was gonna eat , but she didn't mind . She just ate dinner on the couch watching the office .
2 hours later :
Kelly's pov :
I don't remember much after coming home I was pretty tired . I woke up to hearing the tv on , the sun was down , I was cold and only in my pants . I was also hungry so I decided to get up and eat after I don't know how long just laying in bed . When I had walked out of the bedroom I saw Stella with her head on the couch .
"Hey pretty girl ! You alive?" I said going up to her making her jump . "Sorry!" I said with a chuckle .
"Jesus Kelly , you can't be sneaking up on me!" Stella said with a laugh .
"My bad baby , what time is it?" I asked going over to the kitchen to get a snack .
"10:20" Stella says muting the tv .
"Damn , so there was no point of me getting up" I said grabbing leftover chicken .
"I guess not ! But I'm going to bed now so!" Stella said standing up. "Goodnight!" .
"Wait , can I have a hug at least" Kelly asked with puppy eyes .
"Ugh , fine!" Stella said rolling her eyes sarcastically . "Hurry , this baby is exhausting!" She said with a chuckle .
"I love you so much , go get some rest ! Be in there soon!" Kelly said and Stella walks away to get ready for bed .  Kelly had eaten some chicken and rice and watched something random on tv . He was still tired so he had decided to shower , and after his shower he made sure the house doors were locked before going to bed with Stella . Cuddling up with her , soon falling asleep .
The next morning :
Stella's pov ::
I woke up before the alarm , which was strange . But I had no energy to get up either , the baby was already awake and I knew that from the kicking so I knew that was probably the most reason I was already up . But I didn't wanna wake up Kelly so I just stared up at the ceiling , listening to Kelly asleep .  I don't know how long I was just laying wide awake , listening to Kelly asleep and move his position every 40 minutes . But finally after like an hour and half though , I heard his alarm and him groan . I felt a sigh hearing him awake , now I wasn't alone .
"Lord!" Kelly mumbled . I'm sure he thought I was still asleep when he rolled over to me . "Are you awake?" He asked looking at me .
"Have been for an hour now" I said sighing as I pulled a pillow to underneath my feet .
"Why didn't you wake me up ? Are you feeling alright?" Kelly asked pulling me to his chest .
"Baby thinks it's funny to kick me , and I didn't wanna interrupt your sleep" I said as he rubbed my back .
"Baby , you know I don't care! You should've have woke me up. I wouldn't have mind" Kelly says playing with her hair.
"I know , but you have a 24 hour shift today , that wouldn't have been fair to you" Stella says sitting up .
"Still , I don't care . I would rather know you and the baby are okay next me" Kelly says rubbing her back .
"Trust me , you would know if we weren't okay" Stella says looking back at him "Anyways , I'm gonna go shower now that you are up!" She said getting up and grabbing some clothes .
As Stella shuts the door , Kelly gets up and starts the coffee before getting ready . After like 10 minutes , Stella was done with the shower and walked out to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.
"What are you doing out here with no clothes?" Kelly said jokingly wrapping his arms around her .
"Sir , I still have a towel on!" Stella said with a laugh .
"Uh , well you are still naked under that towel!" Kelly said kneeling down to her stomach . "Baby girl is popping!" .
"She's being a kicker!" Stella said rubbing her stomach . "I think today I'm gonna stay home though baby" .
"Why? You feeling alright?" Kelly asked grabbing his coffee cup .
"Actually , I will come in late . I don't have any energy to go anywhere right now , and I know that's not excuse for work but being 22 weeks pregnant is tiring!" Stella said taking a sip of coffee .
"Okay, fine!" Kelly said giving her a kiss . "I better get going though honey . I'll see you later . I love you!" .
"I love you too! Stay safe!" Stella said as he walked out the door . "Alright sweet girl , we shall go get ready!" She muttered rubbing her stomach .
Stella had gotta ready for work and went to her shirt , the 24 hour shift for everyone else was exhausting .

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