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"I cannot believe Brett and Casey are getting married!" Stella said with a smile .
"I know right!" Kelly said .  "You gonna help Brett get ready?" .
"Oh shoot!" Stella said standing up . "I have to go!" .
"Bye , love you!" She said rushing out the door . "See ya later!"
"Wait!" Yelled Kelly as Stella rushed out of the door . "Well , mommy is gone now . We shall get ready" He said going to their bedroom .
At Molly's ••
"Brett!" Stella yelled "I'm sorry I'm late" She said out of breath. "When you have baby you lose track of time!" .
"No , you are prefect on time!" Brett said with a smile "You look gorgeous in that dress!" She said giving her a hug .
"Look at you though!" Stella said with a grin "What do we need to do?" She asked going over to her .
"My hair needs done" Brett said with a grin "Do you wanna do that?" She asked sitting back down .
"Yes!" Stella said with a smile "How long do we have?" She asks grabbing the hair stuff . "Is your sister coming?" .
"Why wouldn't she!" Brett said with a chuckle . "Just because she is a baby doesn't mean she isn't coming!" .
"I was just asking!" Stella said with a laugh as she did her hair . "Okay , seriously how long do we have!" She said doing Brett's hair .
"Like 3 hours left!" Violet said coming back out . "Look at me , we got to do the rest of your makeup!" .
"Ugh ! I am so nervous!" Brett said with a smile . "You think everything is going to go as planned?" She asked with a nervous laugh .
"Of course! Why wouldn't it ?" Stella asked with a smile .  "What do you want to do with your hair?"  .
"Just a simple hair style , nothing to fancy!" Brett explained . "I don't know why I'm nervous , just wedding nerves?" She asked with a giggle .
3 hours later ••
"This is nervous racking!" Brett said . "How the hell did you do all this?" She asked trying to breathe .
"What do you mean?" Stella asked trying to fix up her hair a bit . "Look at this hair ! So pretty!" She said with a grin .
"How were you not nervous to be walking down the aisle!" Brett said with a smile . "I'm freaking the hell out!" .
"I was , trust me!" Stella said fixing the dress . "Trust me , I was really nervous!" .
"Hey! It's packed!" Violet said rushing back in .  "We all ready?" She asked fixing her hair up .
"I'm not!" Brett said with a chuckle . "I'm gonna puke!" .
"It's okay!" Violet said with a smile . "This will all go as planned!" She said fixing herself up . "We will walk out now , give you time to prepare ! Remember , the music starts playing you go!" .
"I know!" Brett said with a sigh . "Go , because I need some time to myself before I throw up!" She said as the girls walked out . "Please lord , don't let this flop!" .
"Oh , look it's a baby!" Stella said going over to Brett's sister . "Two babies!" She said as Kelly came up to her .
"Hey!" A man's voice said . "Remember me , Scott!" Scott said with a grin .
"Yeah , I remember you!" Stella said with a grin . "Are you staying for the wedding?" She asked grabbing Amelia .
"No , unfortunately I have night shift I have to attend!" Scott said with a smile . "Brett wanted to take the baby after the wedding , and I'll pick the baby up in the morning!" .
"Oh , that's cool!" Stella said with a smile . "Well , safe working!" She said as everyone started to sit .
"Yeah , you going to take the baby?" Scott asked with a chuckle .
"Might as well!" Stella said with a smile . "Already have my own , but might as well have this one!" She said with a laugh .
"Oh , that's cool!" Scott said . "Okay , well I got to go! Bye!" He said walking away .
"Hey!" Kelly said with a smile . "Look's like you have found a new baby!" He said sarcastically .
"Shut up!" Stella said with a laugh as she sat down . "Hi baby!" She said giving her daughter a kiss . "Let me hold this chunky butt!" She said taking her daughter .
"You holding two babies , that's hot!" Kelly said with a laugh .
"Good evening everyone!" Chief said as everyone went silent . "It's now the night we have been all waiting for ! Matt and Sylvie becoming one together until they are old , and laying on the nursing home beds!" He said as everyone laughed . "Matt , you ready to make Sylvie Brett a Sylvie Casey?" .
"Yes sir!" Casey said with a smile . "So ready!" He said as the music played and everyone stood , Brett making her way to her soon to be husband . "Wow!" He said as she walked towards him , glowing more then ever !
"Hey there handsome!" Brett said as she got up to him .
"Wow!" Casey said with a chuckle . "Just , oh my lord!" .
"Speechless?" Brett said as everyone sat . "Because same!" .
"Okay!" Chief said as everyone went silent again . "Us , all of us are here tonight for one special moment! It's something I think we all wish to enjoy while we are alive , and that is marriage! Brett , would you like to go first on your vows?" .
"Yes!" Brett said taking the microphone . "I'm not the best with speeches , but Matt this is something I've always wanted ! To be treated and loved by a man who cares about me and my sister ! Losing my mother , and to know she would be so proud of me and you!" She said with a smile of tears . "I think I remember the first time I realized you were falling in love with me when me and Gianna had gotta into an accident and you leaped out of the moving truck to make sure I was okay!" She said as everyone laughed . "Why me , is something I ask . But you choose me , out of all the girls me! That , is something I am beyond grateful for and will want to grow old with you! I love you , always and always!" She said giving chief the microphone back as she wiped tears away .
"Woah! That was emotional , and now it's time for Matt's vows!" Chief said with a smile as gave Casey the microphone .
"Today , is something I never imagined!" Casey said with a smile . "But , now that I'm standing infront of the beautiful wife of mine , and infront of all these amazing people we all love ! I was never to believe in love after my first marriage , and I know you hesitated with us being a thing but thank you . Thank you for choosing me , I can't ask for a better wife than you ! Sylvie , I'll love you for eternity and more!" He said giving the microphone back as everyone clapped with cheers .
"Now , repeat after me Sylvie!" Chief said with a smile "I , Sylive take you , Matt to be husband , my partner in life and my one true love . I will cherish our union and love you more each day than the day I did before . I will trust you and respect you , laugh with you and cry with you , loving you faithfully through good times and bad times , regardless of the obstacles with may face together . I do" .
"I , Sylive take you , Matt to be husband , my partner in life and my one true love . I will cherish our union and love you more each day than the day I did before . I will trust you and respect you , laugh with you and cry with you , loving you faithfully through good times and bad times , regardless of the obstacles with may face together . I do" Sylvie said with a smile .
"Now , Matt repeat after me!" Chief said looking at him . "I , Matt , take you Sylvie to be my wife my partner in life and my one true love . I will cherish our union and love you more each day than the day I did before . I will trust you and respect you , laugh with you and cry with you , loving you faithfully through good times and bad times , regardless of the obstacles with may face together . I do!"
"I , Matt , take you Sylvie to be my wife my partner in life and my one true love . I will cherish our union and love you more each day than the day I did before . I will trust you and respect you , laugh with you and cry with you , loving you faithfully through good times and bad times , regardless of the obstacles with may face together . I do!" Matt said grinning ear to ear .
"I now pronounce you husband and wife ! Matt , you may kiss your bride!" Chief said as they kissed , everyone stood up and cheered for them as they walked down the aisle .  It was only around 10pm now and Stella was getting tired , so was the baby .
"Hey , can we head home?" Stella asked trying to put the baby to sleep in her arms . "I'm tired , Eliana is tired!" She said with a sigh .
"Yeah , let's say bye to everyone and we can head out!" Kelly said putting his drink down before walking over to Casey . "Hey man , congrats to this amazing new life!" He said as they hugged . "Me and the girls are gonna head out!" .
"Oh , that's okay!" Casey said with a smile . "You have a safe drive , tell Stella I said thanks for coming by!" .
"Of course!" Kelly said with a smile before he walked away . "Hey ready to go?" He asked grabbing their stuff .
"Yeah , she's out!" Stella said with a sigh . "Thank you for understanding that I was ready to leave!" She said as he opened the door for her .
"Of course , love!" Kelly said unlocking their car . "Casey said thanks for coming by , it's for sure going to be weird with him  and Brett both being gone!" He said with a sigh .
"I think they are both staying in town until he can find another bigger place to live" Stella explained looking at him as he gave a confused look . "They wanna start trying , and if they do end up pregnant they want to be somewhere bigger!" She said as Kelly gasped not knowing that .
"I thought he was living already somewhere else!" Kelly said confused . "I mean , congratulations for them to start trying having a baby is a hand full!" He said driving away .
"I mean , look at us we got married and had a baby girl!" Stella said with a grin . "We moved too , so I can see why they would want to !" She said laying her head back . "The back to him having a place already , he moved out of his old house in oregon so him and Brett could live together at her place ! For one it's easier to be here than rushing to find a house somewhere else , and closer to everyone until they can get a bigger place back up in oregon ! So says Brett!" She said with a chuckle .
"Well , that's good news because I need my best friend!" Kelly said with a smile  . "I need you too , don't worry!" .
"You better need me!" Stella said as they shared a quick kiss . "Now , pay attention to the road so we can get home safe!" .
okay , i know how short this chapter is , and i'm sorry ! i didn't know what else to write so i just made it short !! next chapter won't be short , i promise!!

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