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General pov :
Stella is now 13 weeks now . The baby is getting bigger and bigger every day . It's been exhausting , but Stella knows it will be all worth it once this baby is here .
It was a warm August morning , the couple was still sleeping . Stella woke up about 5 minutes before the alarm went off , she just stayed laying down facing the ceiling listening to Kelly's breathing as he slept . Once Kelly was up , she rolled over to him . Making him open his eyes wider and trying to adjust what was happening .
"Baby , are you okay?" He asked wrapping his arms around her .
"Cuddles , just need cuddles from my husband" She said getting comfortable "Hey , I think I have an idea about something" .
"What's that?" He asked .
"We should go on a baby moon" She said with a smile.
"Like a honeymoon , but a baby moon?" He asked . "I would love that , when do you think we should do that?" .
"I was thinking Friday , go somewhere Friday come back Sunday" She explained .
"Let's do it , I will talk to chief" He said with a smile .
"Okay" She said with a smile . After about 5 minutes of cuddling , Kelly decided to get up for a shower . Stella had laid down for a few more minutes , exhausted .  Once Kelly was out of the shower , Stella got ready . Arriving to the firehouse , Brett run to Stella with open arms .
"Stella!" Brett said excitedly .
"Brett!" Stella said hugging her .
"How's the baby?" Brett asked .
"He or she is going good , growing" Stella said smiling .
"12 weeks now , it's crazy" Brett said , and right after she said that the bell rang for everyone to go out.
"I love you" Kelly said giving Stella a quick kiss. 
"I love you more" Stella said as she smiled . She watched everyone pull out and then went to her desk .
"How's momma doing?" Kylie asked smiling getting paperwork .
"Tired" Stella said sitting down laughing .
"I bet" Kylie said laughing with Stella .
After about 30 minutes after the bells went off everyone got back , and of course Kelly had to find his wife .
"Hey there" Kelly said rubbing Stella's back .
"Hey , how was it?" Stella asked smiling .
"A car ran a red light , and hit two cars that were turning" Kelly explained sighing .
"Damn" Stella said working on paper . "Talk to chief yet?" .
"Not yet , but I will once I'm done with my shower" Kelly said "Love ya" .
As the day when by slowly , calls on and off . Mostly just slight accidents or just check ups . Kylie had left early for a dentist appointment . Squad was the most busy that day , thankfully it was a fast day so Stella's day went by pretty fast for her .
Once she grabbed her stuff after her shift ended , she went to find Kelly because thankfully it wasn't a 24 hour shift .
"Can I have the keys?" She asked finally finding him .
"Impatient?" He asked jokingly "Yeah , here" .
"Hey" Capp said stopping Stella "Keep Severide dad busy" .
"Capp" Stella said rolling her eyes , laughing "I will" .
Stella headed to the car , and waited for Kelly . The drive home was quiet . Kelly was exhausted from that shift and Stella was just as exhausted . Once they both got home , Kelly showered while Stella made dinner . After dinner was done , Kelly slowly made his way out to the kitchen .
"Smells good" He said coming out to the room .
"It's pizza night" She said giggling .
"I don't care , it smells good still" He said laughing  .
"Okay babe" She said rolling her eyes "Did you talk to chief?" .
"Yes , I did and he said it was okay" He said grabbing a plate "Where you wanna go?" .
"Cabin , can chill on the lake" She said with a smile . "Grill food , watch the sunsets" .
"You know me well" He said with a smile .
After they ate , Stella had showered too . After her shower , she had laid down and passed out . Kelly eventually went to bed too about an hour later . Cuddled up with his wife
Friday night -
Stella's pov :
I had taken the day off so I can pack , once Kelly would come home we are gonna hit the road . I am so excited to just go relax , and breathe . I loved going to the cabin , it was always something I enjoyed going to . I knew the baby would love it someday .
It was around 7:50 when I heard the doorknob moving . I turned the tv off , and smiled . "Kelly!" I said with a smile . "Hi , I missed you!" .
"Oh" He says with a smile "Hi baby , you ready to go?" .
"Yeah , are you?" I asked "I been ready in fact" .
"Yeah , let me go pee and pack" He starts to say .
"Packed for you already , you are welcome" She says with a grin .
"Oh , so you must be really ready" He says laughing "Alright , let me go pee and then we can get going ."
"Okay" I say with a smile .
Once Kelly was done using the restroom , he grabbed my stuff and his stuff and we headed to the cabin. I had fell asleep within a few minutes of the drive , as much naps I could get I would still get really tired no matter what . I must of been out for about 30 minutes , when I woke up Kelly was waking up and we were out that cabin .
"Babe" He said "We are here" .
"Okay" I say opening my eyes "Do you need help with our stuff?" .
"No , don't worry about it" He says "Go get changed and we will watch a movie or something" .
As Kelly got all the stuff in the cabin , Stella changed . It was already 9:30 , and she was exhausted . She had been up since 8 that morning . Once she had gotta changed she made herself comfy in the bed waiting for Kelly to come find her .
"Babe!" He yelled about 5 minutes later . "There you are , are you ready for bed or something?" .
"I am , I'm exhausted" She said .
"I'm glad you said that , cause I am too" He said with a smile "Let me get changed and I'll join you" .
As Kelly got ready , Stella was out already . Kelly cuddled up with her and passed out .
The next morning-
Stella's pov :
All I remember is going to cabin , and falling asleep . I was exhausted . When I woke up , the sun was coming up and the birds were singing . I looked up and saw Kelly fast asleep next to me , slightly snoring . I smiled to myself , and just watched him sleep . I was so into watching him sleep , until I felt a sudden urge to go pee . I stood up , and went pee . When I came back into the room , Kelly was now awake .
"Good morning , handsome" I said smiling "Sorry if I woke you up" .
"You didn't baby" He said smiling "Woke up by myself" .
"Oh , okay" I said "I'm hungry" .
"What do you want?" He asked .
"Pancakes , and eggs" I said with a smile .
"Alright , I will make that" He said getting up "What do you want to do today?" .
"I was thinking we could go swimming" I said following him .
"I want to fish , so you can swim and I can fish" He said "Is that okay?" .
"Yeah , sure" I said .
As Kelly made them breakfast , Stella gotta ready . She wanted to get ready for the day , 9 in the morning or not she was used to getting ready this early . Right when she was done getting ready , Kelly yelled breakfast was ready .
"Babe!" He yelled "Breakfast!" .
"Okay , I'm coming!" She yelled coming out of the bedroom . "Smells good" .
"It better be good" He said giving her a kiss on the forehead "Hey , do you mind if I shower while you eat?" .
"Uh no , go away" She said sitting down .
"You sure , I can sit with you" He said .
"No , it's okay . By the time you are done , I'll be done" She said smiling .
"Okay love" He said and then walked away .
Kelly felt bad , and hated being rude . But he wanted to shower , and he just prayed Stella wasn't gonna be upset about him leaving to shower .
Right after Stella was done eating , she put her dirty plate in the sink and went outside for fresh air , while after Kelly was ready he came out of the bathroom to a quiet living room .
"Babe!" He yelled , but nothing "Stella!" .
"Jesus baby , I was outside" She said coming back in . "I was enjoying the fresh air" .
"Okay , but you scared me" He said giggling "You can't go somewhere and not tell me what you are doing . What if a bear had gotta you?" .
"A bear?" She said giggling "A bear ? Where did you think of a bear?" .
"I'm just saying" He said giggling "What if?" .
"You are so dramatic" She said sitting down "I need to sit down , so are you gonna be okay with that?" .
"Yes , I am" He said laughing "I'm gonna go make myself some food" .
Kelly made himself some breakfast , which was just some eggs . Once his eggs were done , he came outside with Stella and they chatted . They spent the day making sure each other were filled with love , and fun .

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