baby reveal !

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General pov :
Stella is now 15 weeks pregnant , and today is the day everyone finds out what the baby is . Is it a girl , or is it a boy ? Kelly was the first one up , he wanted to run to the store to get snacks and drinks . Stella was still asleep , she had been up all night peeing and feeling sick . Kelly had gotta home around 10:30am , and decided to shower . He wanted to get ready before getting Stella up . Once he was ready , he decided to get Stella up seeing the time .
"Babe" Kelly said shaking her gently as she slowly opened her eyes .
"What time is it?" Stella asked slowly adjusting to the light in the room .
"Almost 11 , I thought you would like to get up before everyone comes around noon" Kelly said snugging against her .
"Yeah , I will" Stella said sitting up , rubbing her eyes . Yawning .
"Okay , I'm gonna get everything ready" Kelly said giving her a kiss before heading out of the room .
Stella showered , gotta ready and was ready right before 11:50 . She slowly came down the stairs , holding her stomach . Glowing , the baby bump was really showing .
"Woah" Kelly said smiling , frozen .
"Huh?" Stella said smirking doing a spin .
"You are so fucking hot"  Kelly said giving her a kiss "And that baby bump is really pumping out!"
"Okay , shut up" Stella said laughing .
"What , it's true" Kelly said giving her another kiss , passionately this time .
"Babe , let's not get into this" Stella said laughing , pulling away .
Both Stella and Kelly helped each other get ready around the house, until around 12:05 Brett and Violet showed first . After they arrived , everyone else one by one showed up , one by one . Until the house was filled with talking and laughing .
"Alright , everyone be quiet!" Kelly yelled a few hours after everyone arrived "It's time for the baby reveal , we have inside a bucket and you are gonna right down what you think it is , and come back here!" .
"Hey" Jennifer said coming up to Stella "I'm happy for the both of you , Kelly will be the best father ever . You take good care of him , I trust you with everything to keep my baby boy safe and loved" .
"You have my promise , he's not going anywhere . He's loved and will be in the care of me" Stella said with the smile "He's gonna be the best daddy ever" .
"Babe" Kelly said coming up to her as his mom was walking away "What was that all about?" .
"Oh , your mom?" Stella said looking at him "She wanted to congratulate us , again" .
"Was that all?" Kelly asked suspiciously .
"Yeah , I think" Stella said .
After about 5 minutes , everyone one by one came back outside as Kelly and Stella got ready to see what the baby was . Stella was mixed emotions . Kelly held her tightly until everyone was outside , and ready . Kelly look at his wife and smile .
"You ready baby?" Kelly asked with a big grin , as everyone started recording .
"Ready" Stella said sighing . "Let's count down!" .
"5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1,!" Everyone yelled , they pushed a button and ... pink came out !! It was a girl!!
"It's a girl!" Kelly said excitedly as he hugged Stella , everyone yelled in excitement . Hugging one other , happy . Screaming , jumping up and down . It felt like time was going by slowly as the pink stuff fell out of the sky .
"We are having a girl !" Stella said smiling . "Oh my god , it's a baby girl!"
"Baby , we are having a baby girl! Kelly said kissing Stella , grabbing her tightly . As they both wiped away tears .  It was girl , firehouse 51 was now expecting a baby girl . A Severide baby girl .
give me some name ideas loves , please ! i think i already have one picked out , but i want to see some of your guys names ideas!

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