one year down , forever more to go

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Kelly and Stella have been married for a year now . Kelly didn't want to take her out , and Stella didn't wanna go out . They both wanted to be home all day .
"Happy one year anniversary baby" Kelly said giving her a kiss
"One year down , forever more to go" She said smiling .
"Duh , pack your bags we are going to the cabin for a day" Kelly said smacking her butt .
Both Stella and Kelly have moved into their new house , and could not be more excited . After they finally gotta to the cabin , Kelly wasted no time in making out with Stella .
"Shit" Stella moaned .
"Time for you to be under me ! Screaming and moaning my name" Kelly said and threw her on the bed .
After about 5 hours of love , they both decided to chill .
"We better have made a baby" Kelly said whispering in her ear
"With how much you railed me and came into me , I think we might have made a baby" Stella said rolling on his chest smirking . That night and those few days , they spent each others love and affection , and made sure to catch up on love. —————————————
2 week later -
Stella's pov :
I woke up every morning feeling nauseous . I cannot stand bad smells . I was supposed to have my period last week , and it never came , knowing my body I'm never late .
"Babe" Kelly said knocking on the bathroom door .
"Yes?" Stella asked opening the door.
"Let's go , or we are gonna be late" Kelly said grabbing his jacket .
"Okay , give me a minute" Stella said with a sad look .
"Are you feeling okay?" Kelly asked rubbing her back ,  Stella looked at him and sighed .
"If I'm being completely honest , no" Stella said looking down .
"Do you think you're maybe pregnant ?" Kelly asked grabbing her hands . 
"I hate to say it , but yes" Stella said shaking and in a nervous tone  . Kelly could tell she was nervous , and wanted to make sure she knew he was here for her .
"Don't be nervous ! It's okay if you are . You know I'm here for you love , let's go to work and after shift we can get a test" Kelly said hugging her , comforting her .
"Okay" Stella said smiling , feeling his comforting in his arms .
A few hours at work :
"Hey , you feeling okay ?" Brett asked walking into the bathroom .
"Me , yeah why ?" Stella asked washing her hands .
"No you aren't , you have been off all day and last week" Brett said putting her back against the sink "Tell me what's going on , please . I love you and I'm worried about you" She added and Stella looked at her sighing .
"Okay fine" Stella said drying her hands "I think I'm pregnant" She said and Brett looked at her shocked .
"Shut up!" Brett said laughing . "How , are you positive?"
"Yeah , me and Kelly have been trying , and think it worked" She said .
"Oh my god" Brett said hugging Stella .
"But not for sure so keep it low" Stella said laughing.
"You know I will" Brett said winking at her .
That night at Stella and Kelly's house :
"You stay in here ! I'm gonna go take the test" Stella said opening the box .
"Okay" Kelly said smiling sitting down on the end of the bed .
Stella's pov :
"Oh my god" I mumble about 4 minutes later as tears roll down my eyes .
There it was , the positive pregnant test . I saw my very own eyes see the pregnant test . It was positive , I didn't wanna work my self up , so I took another one , and it was also positive . I bend down and start crying , I couldn't believe it . Me and Kelly are having a baby . I had no words so I just open the door slowly .
"What's wrong?" Kelly asked seeing Stella crying coming out of the bathroom .
"Nothing wrong , it's good news" Stella said shaking .
"Let me see" Kelly said smiling and grabbing the tests "Shut the hell up" .
"We are having a baby" Stella said laughing and crying . Kelly said nothing but lift Stella up in a hug .
"Oh my god" Kelly said kissing her "My wife is carrying our baby , our first baby!" .
"Mhm , he or she is growing" Stella said smiling , Kelly just grabbed her and held her , trying to process that a baby was in his wife's stomach . They both just held each other , crying .
"Do you wanna work with Kylie ?" Kelly asked a few minutes later giving Stella some water after she asked for some .
"I do actually ! So I am still with you and everyone ." Stella said with a smile .
"Okay" Kelly smiling . That night Kelly made sure Stella was in good care , and of course their unborn child . Both so excited for this new chapter that they were making .

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