new member to 51

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General pov :
Stella and Kelly just found out they are expecting , both so excited  ! Stella was more than excited to be carrying this baby . It was still so unreal to them both , how did they get here . It all feels like a dream , they didn't want to end . Kelly was so excited to be a father , that's all he wanted .
"Chief!" Kelly said knocking on his door .
"Yes , Severide?" Chief asked looking up .
"Me and Stella need to talk to everyone , so can we go to the meeting room?" Kelly said smiling .
"Talk about what ?" Chief asked confused
"Just something" Kelly said walking out "Just get everyone in the meeting room" He said walking away with a smile .
"Okay ! I'll get everyone" Chief said standing up .
General pov :
After everyone was in the meeting room , everyone was talking , laughing . Brett and Violet were talking about a call , Capp was being Capp and messing with Tony , like usual .
"Alright listen up!" Chief said firmly "Both Stella and Kelly have some announcement"  He said confused looking at them .
"Announcemen ?" Tony said with a question tone .
"Probably getting re married" Capp said making everyone laugh .
"Capp , be quiet" Kelly said giving him a serious tone "It's something else" .
"You can tell them" Stella said "I don't want to" .
"Severide tell us" Cruz said with a sassy tone .
"Shut up"  Kelly said "Okay , we will need a new lieutenant on truck".
"Are you leaving us?" Brett asked worried .
"Until next February because Stella will be working with Kylie , and if one of the paramedics isn't here , she can also sub , because we are expecting a baby in January" Kelly explained with a smile , everyone froze , and looked at them with a big smile . Chief looked at Kelly and smacked him with his clip bored .
"Severide!" Chief said with a big smile "Come here,  congratulations" He said hugging him .
"Thank you chief" Kelly said laughing .
"No!" Brett said with a smile still trying to process what was happening "Shut up!" .
"You are messing with us" Cruz said with a big smile .
"Yeah , we are messing with you" Stella with a laugh .
"So you are saying , Kelly is going to be a father" Capp said with a big smile . "About time we have a new member at 51!" .
"Well , now Stella has one in her stomach" Kelly said with a big smile .
"Congratulations" Herrmann said hugging them both "This baby is gonna be born with the best parents".
"Thank you" Stella said with a smile .
"Thank you Herrmann" Kelly said with a smile pulling Stella into his chest .
"Ambo 51 , truck , squad , and engine report to a car accident , caller says multiple people are stuck"
"You sure you want to do this?" Kelly asked grabbing on Stella
"Just one more time" She said smiling .
Luckily , the call wasn't major . After stella had came back to the station , she got changed and went home to rest . After shift , Kelly came home to Stella shopping for baby stuff .
"Hey there" Kelly said smiling at her closing the door .
"Hey love" She said smiling looking up .
"What are you doing?" He asked putting his stuff down .
"Shopping" She said giggling . "I was bored so I decided to" .
"Well , this weekend my mom and sister are gonna come up so we are gonna tell them the news" He said hugging her from behind "Also , you can start working with Kylie next week" .
"That's exciting" Stella said smiling "Oh ! I have a very first check up for the baby Thursday" .
"So we can see the baby?" Kelly asked grabbing a snack .
"Yeah , it won't be much ! The baby will be small still , but he or she will be there" Stella said shutting her laptop .
"Im excited!" Kelly said sitting down smiling .
"I am too" Stella said "I missed you all day ! Let's watch a movie and cuddle"She said sitting down by him .
"You know I can't say no , come here!" Kelly said smiling .
They both watched spider-man , Stella didn't last she ended falling asleep after like 30 minutes into the movie . Kelly didn't realize for awhile , but when he did he smiled so big . Seeing his beautiful wife peacefully asleep in his arms . He ended up falling asleep too right before the movie ended .  Stella was out until sometime around 4 in the morning , with the tv still playing credits .
Stella's pov :
I remember me and Kelly watching a movie . I didn't last long though . I had fell asleep in , this baby didn't like being nice and barely let me sleep without me having to pee every hour . I guess sometime after I fell asleep , he fell asleep with me too . Carrying this baby already is so tiring , and I'm sure Kelly is just as tired as I am . When I woke up , it was dark outside . The tv was still on . Kelly was kinda of on me sleeping . I look at the clock to see it's 4 in the morning . I didn't wanna move and wake up him so I ended up falling asleep again , luckily the baby was nice to me and didn't make me have to pee every hour. But when I woke up again , it was 10 in the morning . I had to pee now , and Kelly wasn't really on me anymore so i got up and went pee before changing and falling asleep again in bed . I was just praying I wouldn't have to pee for a while again , because I didn't want to move .
Kelly's pov :
I woke up to being alone . The couch was empty , it was just me . The tv was still on , with the sun coming in . I was still in my jeans from yesterday , I was really tired for some reason knowing I went to bed around 11 . It honestly took me awhile to get up . But once I finally got up , I went into the bedroom . I saw Stella asleep , I smiled she was asleep in my shirt , and sleeping so peacefully . I wasn't tired anymore now , so i wanted to at least change and get some coffee . It was about 15 minutes later , I was watching the news when I heard Stella gagging . I felt my husband senses kick in , knowing how much she hates throwing up I stood up so fast knowing she needed me .
"Babe" I said standing up rushing to the bedroom . "Stella!".
"Let it up" I said grabbing her hair and rubbing her back trying my hardest to comfort her .
"I'm okay" She said standing up , flushing the toilet .
"You sure?" I asked . 
"Yeah, just the baby ." She said washing her hands . "Can you cuddle with me?" .
"Yeah , I would love to" I said hugging her .  They both went to the bed and cuddled . Kelly had played with Stella's hair as she fell asleep . She was out in about five minutes . Once she was out , Kelly decided to go swim for a few . Stella however didn't sleep for long , when she woke up it was about 1pm . She was hungry and needed her husband love .
"Kelly!" She yelled for him . But nothing , she soon found him in the hot tub, asleep . Somehow he fell asleep in the hot tub , she giggled seeing him .
"Kelly Severide" She said splashing him with the water .
"Damn , babe" He said opening his eyes quickly "I was asleep".
"In the hot tub?" She asked him , raising her eyebrows .
"Yeah , you gotta problem with that?" He asked giggling .
"Okay , whatever go back to sleep" She said standing up "I will just go make myself some food then" .
"Babe!" He yelled "Stella Celeste Severide" .
"Don't you say my full name" She said turning around giggling as he ran up to her .
"I will if I want , don't throw me an attitude" He said giving her a kiss .
"Well , i'm your wife , not your child" She said jokingly rolling her eyes .
"I can still say your full name" He said "Now , what do you want to eat?" .
"Hamburgers" She said with puppy eyes , and with a big smile .
"I will start some then , you go relax" He said going towards the kitchen . "Go relax , honey" .
"I'm going to, chill" Stella said giggling .
"Yeah staring at me is definitely relaxing" Kelly said . "I know , I'm just too fine" .
"Shut up" Stella said laughing "I need to go pee though , so" .
General pov :
As Kelly made dinner Stella watched tv , while also baby shopping , again . She was so in love with this new chapter . Kelly is more overprotective . Making sure her and the baby is okay . Which she loved . Having an overprotective husband is all she wants , and he is . It was about 15 minutes later when hamburgers were done . Stella was more the ever hungry .  She heard him yell dinner was done , she got up and got herself a plate .
"It smells good" She said with a smile .
"Good , made them just the way you like them" He said giving her a kiss .
"Yes!" She said excitedly "Reasons why I love you" .
"You are so adorable" He said with a big smile .
"I know" She said winking .
After dinner , Stella went pee before joining Kelly in the pool . The water was just right , and so was the night weather  . Her and Kelly had a romantic night in the pool , sharing kisses and love before getting a good nights rest , cuddled up with each other .

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