mayday mayday !

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The morning before shift :
"Babe" Stella yelled for Kelly coming out of their bedroom .
"Yeah honey ?" Kelly asked putting his stuff on the counter .
"Hi!" Stella said smiling and going in for a hug .
"Hi love" Kelly said hugging her tightly "Are you okay?" He asked with a chuckle .
"Yeah , just don't wanna work today" Stella said giving him a quick kiss as she backed away from him .
"Me either ! I just wanna be in bed with you all day" Kelly said kissing her passionately . Stella had gotta turned on from that and was into it for about 20 seconds until she came to her senses .
"Babe" Stella said pushing him away laughing "Lets not be late" She said grabbing her stuff.
"Okay , fine!" Kelly said opening the door . Once they got to the station , they put there stuff in their lockers while everyone else waited for them in the meeting room .
"Okay , is everyone here?" Chief asked walking in the room .
"Not Stella and Kelly" Cruz said sitting down .
"I'll give them a minute" Chief said , and right after he said that Kelly had walked in . "Where's your wife?" He asked with a grin as he put his clip border down .
"She's coming ! She's being slow" Kelly said and everyone laughed as she was walking in confused to why everyone was laughing .
"What's so funny ?" Stella asked tucking in her shirt in her pants . "What did do you?" She asked looking at Kelly .
"He just called you slow" Capp said and Stella smacked Kelly .
"Okay ! Let's get started" Boden started to say and everyone went quiet , as Stella went to walk past Kelly but he pulled her to him so he could hold her by the waist . Kelly held her and put his head on her shoulder as Boden talked . Carver saw them and got jealous ..
Boden talked for about 10 minutes until he was done .
"Let's go to the turnout room" Kelly whispered to Stella and she smirked .
"Bet!" Stella said , they waited until everyone wasn't paying attention and they went into the common room where they started kissing each other passionately . Kelly's hands were trying to get her shirt off , but couldn't get far when someone yelled breakfast was done .
"Let's go eat" Stella said sad and Kelly followed her behind .
"Dude" Brett said laughing . "That's my seat!" .
"Not your only seat" Capp said joking . "So haha!" .
"Gonna kill you" Brett said laughing and everyone else laughed .
"Yeah and if you do I bet Kelly would save me" Capp said sarcastically making everyone giggle , as Stella and Kelly walked in Kelly heard Capp talk about him .
"What about me" Kelly asked in a serious and sarcastic tone , everyone turned and looked at him and laughed even more knowing cap was caught saying Kelly's name .
"Brett told me she was gonna kill me so I said you would save me" Capp said making Kelly turn and looked at him with a blank expression . "What?" He asked taking a bit of his food .
"I'm not saving you unless it's an actual emergency!" Kelly said with a smirk .
"Yeah , Capp!" Tony said as he sat down .
"Whatever!" Capp said rolling his eyes as the rest sat down to eat . Breakfast was served and everyone had finally started eating before the bells would interrupt their meal . But Stella who had breakfast before shift had put her head down to rest her eyes . After like 10 minutes , the bells had went off . When they went to the scene , there was not a fire . Every thing seemed fine making everyone confused .
"Are you sure it's here?" Kelly asked fixing his oxygen.
"Yeah , I'm sure!" Chief started to say but got interrupted .
"Help!" A guy yelled running towards them . "Help!"
"What's the matter?" Chief asked as everyone circled around him .
"My basement is smoking ! I was trying to do laundry and something sparked" The guy said panicking . "I called you guys because I don't think that's normal!" .
"Truck and squad go check it out!" Chief ordered . "Engine stay back" He said as truck and squad went inside . Squad and truck went to the basement to see smoke coming from the dryer . Which was something that doesn't happen every day . 
"Over heated ?" Gallo asked as the rest of everyone one by one came down to the basement .
"I believe so" Kelly said , the moment he was going to tell chief over the radio when an explosion happened . Everyone was blown back and knocked out from the explosion . Outside , chief and the paramedics along with engine saw the explosion .
"Squad , truck report " Chief yelled panicking . "Someone report back to me , now!" He said panicked . It was only about 2 minutes everyone had woken up , besides Stella and Kelly who were blown all the back , hidden by dust . Stella's head was on kelly's leg , Kelly was on his back with one of his hands on his head and the other by Stella . Both knocked on the worst some how .
"Is everyone okay" Capp yelled as everyone sat up .
"Yeah!" Everyone said getting up . Capp thought he heard everyone , but he was wrong . Some how nobody heard Kelly and Stella's pass alarms going off . "We are all okay and coming out" He said as everyone made it upstairs .
"Copy" Chief said with sign of relief  . When everyone had came out , Herrmann saw Kelly and Stella were uncounted for .
"Guys , where's Kelly and Stella" Herrmann asked being the only one to see those two not being there , everyone froze and at him with a worried look .
"Shit!" Chief  said panicking "Severide ! Kidd report" He said yelling , with a worry in his voice . "Where were they last seen?" He asked looking at everyone .
"By the right side of the dryer" Cruz explained with a sigh "Can we go in?" He asked taking his mask off .
"No!" Chief said firmly "The house already exploded , it could happen again and I'm not risky anymore lives!" .
"Stella , Kelly" Chief said panicking .  "One of you , answer!" .
"Come on" Violet said panicking too , she couldn't see two important people gone she already lost one . In the house , Stella slowly started waking up to hearing her and Kelly's pass alarms going off . She coughed due to the dust slowly coming to her senses to where she was .
"Report , please one of you" Chief said worried as the time slowly just passed by as if a movie scene .
"Babe!" Stella said sitting up seeing Kelly unconscious still . "Baby" She said panicking . "Babe , come on!" She said started to cry . She went to feel for a pulse , and felt one . She let out a sigh of relief but was still panicking as he wasn't waking up .
"Mayday , Mayday !" Stella yelled through the radio crying her eyes out . Everyone's heart dropped to their stomachs hearing her cries . "Seveirde down" She said panicking .
"Is he breathing?" Chief asked just as much panicking , hearing "mayday mayday" from any firefighter is everyone worst nightmare . They had no idea if he was seriously injured or not.
"Barley" Stella said panicking . "Barley , please send Brett and Violet in" .
"What do you mean barely?" Chief asked . "Stella , speak!" .
"He's got a pulse but he's not waking up" Stella said . "Come on Kelly!" She said shaking him crying her eyes out holding his hand . "Wake up for me" She said making sure he was still breathing , everyone heard her begging for him to wake up making everyone eyes fill with tears . Right as soon as she grabbed his hand and went to feel to make sure he was breathing, Kelly woke up coughing.
"Babe" Kelly said panicking sitting up fast , he wanted to make sure his wife was okay before him .
"Oh my god" Stella said crying her eyes even more out seeing him alive and awake .
"Are you okay , are you hurt" He said worrying hugging her . "Don't cry , i'm okay baby"
"I'm okay , are you hurt . " She said making sure he was okay , he nodded saying he was okay "Lets get out" She said wiping away tears.
"We are coming out" Kelly said and everyone sighed of relief hearing him . When they got out , everyone looked at them with the most thankful look ever that they were both okay and alive. Another ambulance took the guy once there was a "mayday" .
"What the hell happen?" Chief asked .
"No clue , me and her were standing by each other talking with everyone else about how it might be the dryer over heated and then everything went dusty and i felt Stella land on me before i blacked out" Kelly said shaking .
"Are you two okay though?" Chief asked as he let a sigh of relief out "Do you need med?" He asked taking his helmet off .
"No , she is fine and so am I" Kelly said , once chief had walked away Kelly hugged Stella tightly . Everyone watch them hug each other before getting the scene cleaned up .
Back at the station , Stella had decided to go wash up . She was thinking about how lucky they both got when she felt hands wrapped around her waist .
"Hey sexy" Kelly said kissing her neck "Do you mind if i help you shower" He asked kissing her neck turning Stella on .
"Fuck babe" She moaned .
"Shhh" He said laughing .
"You know , you can't come in here and act like I know how to be quiet" Stella said turning to face him . "You know how hard that is , for me!" She said with a smirk.
"You are trouble" He said smirking and going into a passionate kiss . They both moaned in the kiss , Kelly's hand's roaming her body like it was the last time . Stella was in love with this make out session but she was hungry .
"Has much as I liked to have fun , I'm hungry" Stella said pulling away with a laugh .
"Fine" Kelly said grabbing a towel . "Meet me in the common room" He said getting out with a frown .
"Copy that sir!" Stella said giggling before she shut the water off. After Kelly had gotta changed , he went out to the squad table to get a his paper he was working out before the call .
"You both scared the shit out of us!" Tony said as Kelly sat down .
"Yeah , I don't know how I didn't hear your guys pass alarms!" Capp said with a grin . "Really sorry!" He said with a sigh .
"It's okay!" Kelly said with a grin "We are alive , and that's all that matters!" He said before working on his paper .
"Dinner!" Gallo yelled after about 5 minutes and everyone came out of the bucket rooms and from the app floor . Stella being the last one to the common room .
"Hey , how was the water?" Brett asked as she sat down .
"Cold" Stella said giggling . "Why?" She asked going to get a plate . "If you want one , better take one!" .
"Yeah , feel like taking one!" Brett said taking a bite of food .
"Better do it soon before the thing goes off" Stella said grabbing something to drink  . After everyone had ate , squad and ambulance got a call to a car accident .
"Hey" Stella said grabbing his hand "Don't get hurt this time! I I can't be hearing another mayday" She said giving him a kiss as he smiled .
"I promise love , I won't ! I'll come back alive" Kelly said before he rushed out to the truck .
"You okay?" Gallo asked with a smile .
"Yeah! Just worried about him" Stella said wiping away tears "Maybe overreacting , but still!" She said with a laugh .
"He will be okay ! He's strong and always makes sure he comes alive for you" Gallo said rubbing her back . "You aren't overreacting , it's just a wife protector in you!" .
"Thank you" Stella said hugging him
"Always" Gallo said hugging her back .
ignore me fixing some chapters up!

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