Grant ?

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Time jump!
Stella's pov :
As I was waiting for Kelly to finish up getting ready , I was in my own world . I was 14 weeks pregnant now , which was crazy our baby was growing .
I had a gut feeling too , which I hated . I didn't know what , but I just had a gut feeling . Soon though , I was cut out of my thoughts when I felt Kelly hug me from behind .
"What's up?" He whispered .
"Just thinking" I said sighing .
"About the baby or something else" He asked grabbing his shoes .
"I don't know how to describe it , but let's go" I said .
"Babe , wait!" He said grabbing her hands "What's going on , tell me what's wrong?" .
"Baby , I don't even know . I think I'm just exhausted" I said "I'm okay though , let's go" .
Later that day at work ——
"Hey ! Does anyone know what's going on with Stella?" Kylie asked as she walked into the common room where mostly everyone else were . Everyone looked at her , confused .
"She's been off all morning , she woke up and only said a few words to me" Kelly explained , making everyone now look at him confused .
"Well what did you do now?" Capp asked jokingly .
"I didn't do anything ! She's probably exhausted , she is 14 weeks carrying a baby ! She is gonna be off from all the exhaustion." Kelly said .
"Yeah , but that's not the thing . It's like something is bothering her" Kylie said taking a bit of food .
"Well , just leave" Kelly started to say but got stop when Stella walked into the room .
"What" Stella asked confused "Did I do something?" She asked .
Everyone nodded no , before looking away again . She gave them all a dirty and confused look .
"Uh , okay then" Stella said and then walked away .
"She is honestly probably just stress" Kelly said . "Just leave it , or you will stress her out more" .
"Copy!" Kylie said before walking away . After Kylie had walked away , everyone was sent out to a call , woman was trapped in her car from a semi that rolled over on her car .
After everyone gotta back about an hour later , everyone circle around the squad table talking about dinner , yeah food again . They didn't really have lunch , so everyone was hungry .
"Alright , what do we want to eat?" Gallo asked coming back out with his phone "Order something , or make something" .
"I want pizza" Capp said "So pizza" .
"Capp" Kelly said rolling his eyes "What if not everyone wants that" .
"Everyone can suck it up" Capp said "Pizza y'all?" . Everyone agreed with pizza after Capp asked , so Gallo ordered pizza . Everyone was still circled around the squad table for some reason , when someone start walking up to the firehouse . Absolutely nobody was paying attention , except for the driver of engine . The engine driver stop what he was doing and went over to Grant .
"Hey ! Sir what can we help you with?" The engine driver asked stopping him from going any further .
"Hi ! Is Stella Kidd here?" Grant asked .
"She is ! But I will have to ask where she is" The engine driver explained .  "Give me moment , stay right here" He said before walking away .
"Alright man" Grant said smiling . "Wow! Not much as changed!" He said to himself .
"51!" The engine driver yelled, everyone just looked at him confused . "Some guy is here asking for Stella" He said confused .
"Wh- that son of bitch!" Kelly mumbled as he stood up , walking up to Grant with Herremann , Capp , Tony , Chief , Cruz and Mouch .
"Who's that ?" Gallo asked confused .
"Yeah , who's that?" Ritter asked .
"Uhh , Stella's ex husband Grant , let's just put this it this way he tired killing her" Brett explained keeping an eye on him .
"What the hell do you want?" Kelly asked .
"Look ! I just wanna talk to Stella . Is she here?" Grant asked backing away .
"She is , but not like you will be talking to her" Kelly said in upset voice . Brett , Violet , Ritter and Gallo had all grouped around Grant by now .
"Hey , can squad" Kylie started to say as she walking out to the app floor,  but noticed everyone was circled around someone . She turned around and went back to Stella "Stella , someone is here and whoever it is everyone is circling around them" .
"Wonder who it is ! I'll gonna find out" Stella said standing up .
Walking out to the app floor , she saw a glimpse of Grant along with hearing his voice . She had felt like a pain of agony and flashbacks hit her . She wanted to walk away , but she couldn't look afraid . But she had finally got the courage after about 2 minutes , from wherever she got it from . She stepped infront of everyone , she was only thinking about , if he stabbed her or tried to , the baby is now at risk even more .
"Guys , move ! Grant , what a surprise!" Stella said stepping infront of everyone . "What brings you here?" She said trying to back up everyone , but nobody budged . Grant wasn't gonna get away with trying to hurt Stella or the unborn baby .
"Babe" Kelly mumbled , trying to grab her waist .
"Kelly , I got this ." She said looking at him with a serious look "I had went through him for years , I can do it again baby . I promise" .
"Look , I don't bring harm . You have a group of people around you protecting you , which I understand I tried ending your life before" Grant said and then looked at Stella's baby bump "Stella Bella is now pregnant" .
"You do not call me that anymore , Grant" Stella said with a serious tone "You have absolutely no rights to call me that anymore" .
"I'm sorry" Grant said looking down .
"Now , what do you want?" Stella asked.
"I need to talk" Grant said . "Please" He said looking at everyone .
"Like hell you will ! You aren't going anywhere near her or our unborn child" Kelly said interpreting Stella before she could say anything .
"Kelly , I promise ! I don't have anything on me , no weapons or drugs" Grant said  . "Pat me down , all you want" .
"Fine" Kelly said going to pat him down "He's good" He said clearing his throat .
"Fine , let's go talk" Stella said and everyone was confused hearing her words .
"Woah ! Are you sure Stella?" Chief asked .
"I'm sure ! Now all you stay right here , don't hesitate if you hear me screaming" Stella explained and then walked away .
"I don't like him , one bit" Kelly said upset .
"We know ! But who tries to kill someone who's literally pregnant" Cruz said trying to comfort Kelly .
"That crazy bitch!" Kelly said .
"How about you sit" Brett said . "Sit and breathe" .
"So , how's life been for you?" Grant said walking to Stella's office .
"Fine , you?" Stella said opening the door .
"I'm good , better now" Grant said as they walked into her office "Woah , office now" .
"Well , yeah it's mine but i'm not in it until next February after I have this baby" Stella said cracking the door "Now , what do you want?"
"I wanted to say , thank you for helping me get help . I know I was a bitch , and I tried killing you" Grant said sitting down "I got better and now I'm married" .
"Married" Stella said surprised .
"Yeah ! I am married for about two years ! She was also struggling with drugs and we fell in love at the hospital , now we are having a baby boy soon. She's about 20 weeks though" Grant said smiling . "Look how beautiful she is" He said showing her a picture .
"Well ! I'm happy to hear" Stella said smiling "She's pretty , she must be one lucky girl" .
"Yep ! How far are you?" Grant asked putting his phone down .
"14 weeks" Stella said rubbing her stomach . "Baby is growing , kicker for sure" She said with a laugh .
"Let me guess , Kelly's baby?" Grant said with a grin . "Stupid question , it's obviously Kelly's baby" .
"Yep , married him last March!" Stella said with smile as she was standing up "Now , you should probably go now so they aren't freaking out" .
"Thank you again" Grant said as they walked out to the app floor , when they came back out everyone froze and stared at them , mostly Grant . Kelly stood up and took Stella in his arms , giving Grant a glare .
"Hey man" Grant said with a smile .
"Hey" Kelly said holding Stella tightly and close  .
"Treat her better than I did ! Also congratulations with the baby ! The baby will be one lucky baby to have you both as its parents " Grant said and then walked away .
"Grant being nice , shocker" Capp said "What did he do?". 
"Nothing , actually" Stella said "He wanted to tell me how he's now married and also is expecting a baby , but she's like 20 weeks I guess" .
"Woah , that's a surprise" Brett said "He was a dick , surprise he found love again".
"Right" Stella said as the pizza was getting delivered . Everyone went into the common room and ate , talking and laughing .

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