welcome home !

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General pov :
Stella's youngest sister as been in the military , training for about 3 years . In those 3 years , she hasn't been in contact with her . Even before she went to the military she still didn't have the closest contact . But her sister , Sophie has gotta in contact with Gabby since they were old highschool friends and is going to surprise her later today . Absolutely nobody has any idea ,  with nobody not even knowing Stella has a sister , but Sophie misses her big sister and cannot wait to meet her niece too! .
"Ellaian Shay!" Stella said with a giggle "That isn't cool ! I just got you changed"  She said with a sigh of anger .
"Hey sweetie ! You ready?" Kelly said coming into the baby's room .
"Does it look like it?" Stella said giving him a glare "She just throw up on her outfit ! Gotta get her changed , again!" .
"Okay , well I'll go start the car . I'll meet you out there" Kelly said putting his hands down by his waist before walking away , but finally after about 2 minutes Stella came out to the car "You look mad" He said laughing .
"Don't even start with me" Stella said putting Elliana in her car seat giving him a death stare "Lets go before we are late" She said shutting her door.
"I'm sorry baby" Kelly said giving her a kiss .
"It's fine" Stella said with a smile putting her seat belt on . "Let's hit the road!" She said putting her hand on his knee .
Sophie's pov :
Stella is my everything , and I miss her ! Our childhood was hell , and me and her got separated when are mom died . I am so nervous to surprise her !
I was on the flight to Chicago today and my stomach was in a knot . I was almost there ! Just 30 more minutes , was she gonna be excited to see me , or not? Was I overthinking it ? I don't know so much was in my head . Maybe she would be upset with me being there .
"Hey , it's Gabby ! Text me when you land ! I am gonna be your uber driver" Thank god I said in my head ! I didn't wanna be in some random persons car , especially since I wasn't sure about Chicago .
Back at the firehouse about an hour later -
"Hey baby" Kelly said coming up to Stella as she was doing a truck check about half an hour .
"Hey , what's up?" Stella said standing up with a smile
"Just wanted to say hi!" Kelly started to say as they shared a kiss .
"Squad , truck and ambo report to a car accident ! West exit highway 31." Dispatch said stopping the couple from talking anymore .
"Well , duty calls! Let's go!" Stella said grabbing her gear with a smile rubbing her hands down him before everyone rushed to the rigs .
Back at the airport -
General pov:
Sophie as finally landed and was lost . The airport was huge , and she wanted to find Gabby so quick . "Hey , where are you?" Texted Sophie more panicked than ever .
"Sophie!" Gabby yelled waving with a smile .
"Oh my god!" Sophie yelled running to her "Hi!" She said with a smile .
"So good to see you!" Gabby said hugging Sophie "You ready to surprise your sister?" .
"Hell yeah ! Let's go!" Sophie said with a grin .
The drive was long , but worth the wait ! Right as they got there everyone was getting back from the call , which made Sophie more nervous .
"Whose car is that?" Gallo asked an everyone pulled up and got out .
"Gabby?" Kelly said with a shock "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked with a shock of laughter .
"I'm not the surprise ! Is Stella's here?" Gabby asked with a smile .
"I heard my name" Stella said coming around the corner as Sophie came out behind the car . "What the hell!" She said stopping in her tracks .
"Hi Stel's!" Sophie said reaching out her arms .
"Hold up!" Stella said about to start crying , at this point everyone was circling around behind Stella with big smiles . "Oh my god!" She said with a smile .
"Come here!" Sophie going towards Stella , and Stella didn't need to be told twice she ran to her sister's open arms . Once they reached other both were hugging each other tightly . "Ugh ! I missed you!" She said with a laughed and cry of happiness .
"When did you get here?" Stella said wiping away tears backing away from her sister's arms .
"Like an hour ago" Sophie said with tears falling down her face "I missed you!" She said giving her sister a kiss on the head .
"Okay ! I wasn't expecting that!" Stella said with a laugh wiping tears ago "Let's get everyone to know you now!" She said turning around trying to get herself  to stop crying "Kelly?" She said waving for him to come there .
"Hi ! I'm Stella's husband , Kelly!" Kelly said reaching his hand out to meet Sophie .
"Wait , you aren't Grant!" Sophie said in shock . "You got out?" She said with a smile .
"Yep , been out for almost 6 years!" Stella explained with a smile .
"See , told ya you could!" Sophie said with a smile "I hated him so damn much! But , glad to meet you Kelly!" She said with a laugh .
"Nobody liked him ! It's great to meet you too though !" Kelly said with a grin .
"How long have you been married?" Sophie asked with a bigger smile .
"Almost a year!" Stella said with a smile falling into Kelly's arms . "Let's go inside though!" She said with a smile . Once they headed inside , Sophie met everyone , talked and talked . Getting to know Sophie more , not knowing Stella had a sister made it more cooler too .
"So , who's the oldest and who's the youngest?" Chief asked sitting down .
"Stella is the oldest and I'm the baby child!" Sophie said with a smile .
"How did I know that?" Brett said with a laugh . "I can see you both being twins though!".
"Everyone said that when we were younger" Stella said with a laugh .  Sophie hung out of a little more , and before she left Stella gave her sister their house key so she could make herself at home . She was only gonna be here a month , and in that month she needed a place to stay .
Later in the evening ——
"Hi sissy!" Sophie said running to Stella as she came through the front door "I'm making mom's homemade noodles!" She said with a chuckle .
"Ooh , yes!" Stella said as Kelly came into the house with baby Elliana .
"Oh my god!" Sophie said in "awe" "Stella ! She is gorgeous! Can I hold her?" .
"Of course!" Stella said with a smile "Would you wanna watch her for us when we work?" She asked already knowing the answer .
"Duh!" Sophie said before realizing the noodles "Oh shoot , the noodles !" .
"It smells good!" Kelly said putting his stuff down "I'm gonna go shower though , are you gonna bath Elliana?" He said giving Stella a kiss on the forehead .
"Yeah ! After supper though!" Stella said going to make Elliana bottle .
"Alright ! I'll be back out later" Kelly said going towards the bedroom .
"So , how long have you been married to him?" Sophie asked .
"A year" Stella said sitting down . "Didn't you ask that already?" She asked sitting down to feed the baby .
"Yeah, but I'm just happy and proud of you!" Sophie said draining the noodles "Grant was an ass , and I'm glad you made it out" .
"Yeah me too" Stella said with a smile . "Don't spit your food up girl!" She said wiping the babies face off as Elliana just grinned . "You think it's so funny!" .
"Hey , are you off tomorrow?" Sophie asked grabbing bowls
"Uh , yeah!" Stella said with a questionable tone "Why?" She asked with a smile .
"You wanna go out , just us?" Sophie said with a grin "Maybe go visit mom's grave?" She suggested .
"I would love to!" Stella said with a smile "The drive to her grave is like a two hour drive though, you wanna go?" She said as her tone broke.
"Yeah , that's fine" Sophie said turning off the stove before turning around . "Stella , are you okay?" She asked seeing something was wrong .
"I need a minute" Stella said standing up "Can you take her?" She asked wiping tears away .
"What's wrong?" Sophie asked taking Elliana . "Did I do something wrong?" She asked thinking she did something wrong .
"No it's not you ! Just miss mom" Stella said as tears started falling down her face .
"Come here" Sophie said softly as Stella started crying more . "It's okay ! I'm sorry if that triggered you" She said holding her .
"No ! It's not your fault" Stella said breathing , trying to stop crying "It's been hard on me , and I've doing really good at hiding it" She said wiping more tears away .
"It's okay , you know you can't hide it from me" Sophie said "I'm your sister" She said with a smile wiping tears off her sister's face .
"I know" Stella said but seeing Kelly she tried to act fine. "Hey babe" She said wiping away tears .
"What's wrong?" Kelly asked worried . Stella just looked at him and started crying more "Come here honey , what happen?" He asked holding her .
"Our mom" Sophie said with a sigh of sadness "I asked if she wanted to visit our mom's grave tomorrow and I feel bad because it triggered her" .
"It's not your fault" Stella said backing away from his arms "If I'm being honest it's my period" She said with a giggle .
"Alright ! Give me Elliana" She taking her daughter from her sister's arms before walking away to the bathroom .
"So , how long have your mom been away?" Kelly asked when Stella was out of the room .  "I know it's not something you ask , but if you want to tell me you can"
"No , it's okay! 14 years though , I think" Sophie said sighing "I have no idea , it's been hard for me to keep track" She said taking a bite of food .
"I get it" Kelly said getting a bowel .
"You do? You really do?" Sophie said crossing her arms upset.
"Yeah?" Kelly said in a confused tone "I lost my dad Sophie ! I lost my dad years ago , when me and Stella were only dating" .
"Oh" Sophie said in a sad tone "I'm sorry" She said looking down regretting being shitty with him .
"It's okay" Kelly said with a smile putting his bowel down "I better go make sure Stella doesn't need help though , oh yeah have you found your room?" He asked stopping himself from going any further .
"Yeah , it's by the bathroom!" Sophie said pointing "Right?" She asked .
"Yeah , well I'll be back!" Kelly said walking to the bathroom "Baby ! Hey , you okay?" He said knocking on the bathroom door .
"Shit!" Stella screamed jumping "You scared me!" She said with a laugh . "And the baby!" She said seeing their daughter's face .
"Sorry!" Kelly said laughing leaning against the door. "Is she all done?" He asked confused seeing her grab a towel already .
"She wasn't having it , so you tell me!" Stella said wrapping Elliana in a towel . "I'm gonna put her to bed soon , what are you gonna do?" .
"I don't know , probably going to eat and then go lay down" Kelly said moving out of the way . "Do you need to put her to bed , so you can go get ready for bed?" He suggested .
"Would you?" Stella said handing Kelly their daughter " Actually, you probably hungry" She said feeling bad .
"Food can wait!" Kelly said talking their baby "Say goodnight mommy!" He said as she walked away .
"Hey there ! You okay?" Sophie said as she seen her sister come out for the hall .
"Yeah , tired!" Stella said with a giggle heading towards her room . "Shift is exhausting ! I'm probably going to head bed , stay up late as you want , make yourself at home! Do whatever you want , just don't burn down the house!" She said with a chuckle "Night!" She said slowly shutting the door with a smile .
"I won't , goodnight!" Sophie said with laugh whispering "Love you!" .
"Love you!" Stella said shutting the bedroom door .
The next morning -
Stella's pov :
I woke up to giggling and talking on the baby monitor around 9:20 , which scared the shit out of me till I realized it was my sister . It was the first morning with my sister so it made me scared for a second hearing another voice . But I just smiled watching them , their bond was already so adorable . I was more than grateful Sophie had came home . I just watched them for a while until I heard Kelly waking up . I didn't move my eyes off the baby monitor until I heard his voice that which grabbed my attention .
"Babe?" Kelly said confused. "What are you doing?" He asked adjusting his pillow .
"Watching Sophie and Elliana" I said with a smile "Look how adorable they are!" I said showing him the monitor .
"Are you hungry?" Sophie asked picking up Elliana "Let's go wake up mommy!" She said giving her kisses .
"Oh dear here they come" Stella said putting the monitor down "Act natural" She say with a giggle .
"I have to pee" Kelly said getting up slowly "Come in!" He said as there was a knock on their bedroom door.
"Well good morning you two!" Sophie said opening the door  "I think she's hungry" She said with a grin
"She probably is!" Stella said reaching my arms out to take Elliana "Alright , go get ready to go see mom soon!" .
"Alright , where is the towels?" Sophie asked turning around to walk out the door .
"Should be in the bathroom , under the sink!" Stella said laying Elliana in her arms .
"Okay , thank you!" Sophie said shutting the bedroom door .
"No bottle today?" Kelly asked with a laugh slowly walking to the bathroom .
"Too lazy" Stella said sighing. "Go pee!" She said lifting her shift up .
"My bad!" Kelly said shutting the bathroom door .
"Oh , you are so heavy!" Stella said with a giggle "So heavy for mommy!" She said giving her daughter a kiss on the nose .
"How dare you insult our child!" Kelly yelled from the bathroom .
"Daddy is crazy" Stella mumbled with a laugh .
"Stella , would you stop?" Kelly said opening the door "Go get ready" He said coming back to their bed .
"Fine , here!" Stella said handing him their child "I'm gonna go shower , see you!" She said grabbing clothes .
"Alright , gotta go make some food!" Kelly said with a laugh before heading out to the kitchen "Hey there Sophie ! You want the baby?" .
"I was gonna take a shower , but give me!" Sophie said with a grin "I love you! Yes you , you are so cute!" .
"What do you want for breakfast?" Kelly asked grabbing something from the fridge .
"Hmm , waffles?" Sophie asked with a grin .
"Perfect!" Kelly said with a grin "I was carving those as well!" .
"Look at as , thinking alike!" Sophie said with a giggle .
An hour later —
"Hey there ! You ready?" Stella asked grabbing her shoes .
"Yeah!" Sophie said standing up "You guys gonna go with us?" She asked with a smile .
"No , you two go see your mom! Me and Elliana will stay here" Kelly said "Stay safe though!" He yelled with a smile .
"Bye!" The girls yelled before heading out the front door . The drive to the grave of their mom was two hours , and they talked about all the things they have missed .
"Oh! Finally here!" Stella said with a smile putting the car in park . "Mommy probably would love some company!" She said turning off the car .
"Yes ! I'll get the blanket!" Sophie said getting out of the car . "Snacks as well?" .
"Yes!" Stella said getting of the car . "I'll get them!" She said opening the backseat door .
"Oh it's such a beautiful day!" Sophie said shutting the trunk . "I bet mom has missed us!" She said hugging her sister as they drove over to the grave .
"Yes!" Stella said with a smile . "Oh hi mommy!" She said helping putting the blanket down .
"Well!" Sophie sitting down . "Hi mommy!" She said wiping tears away .
"We miss you!" Stella said holding her sister close . "I wish you met your granddaughter!" She said with a smile . "Me and Grant aren't a thing anymore , but I'm married to this handsome man! We have a baby girl together , and I work as a firefighter!" She said with a laugh .
"Yes! She would have loved Elliana!" Sophie said taking a bit of a cracker . "Oh! You don't know this , but I'm seeing someone!" She said with a giggle .
"Oh my god who!" Stella said with a laugh . "Who! Who!" She said shaking her sister gently .
"Okay! Okay!" Sophie said with a laugh . "His name is Josh ! He's the sergeant of the military! Girl , he's so fine!" She said with a smirk .
"Oooh!" Stella said with a smile . "I'm so happy for you!" She said .
"Thank you!" Sophie said with a smile as they hugged . They spent about an half and hour at the grave , just talking . Catching up on life , before heading to get something to eat , and a little drink before heading back home .

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