going to spend time with aunt Katie

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Time jump again !
General pov :
Elliana is officially a month old now and is getting bigger everyday .
Stella and Kelly have been busy with work on the other hand and exhausted from all the late and long shifts . The baby has been doing some what better of letting them sleep so they were thankful for that!
But today , they have a day off and auntie Katie is gonna babysit Elliana for a few days while Kelly and Stella have work the next few days so they thought aunt Katie would wanna watch her niece .
"Dear jesus!" Stella's mumbled walking past Kelly making him look at her .
"You okay?" Kelly asked laughing .
"No ! Does it look like I'm okay?" Stella said frustrated putting the baby in the swing trying to eat .
"Okay , honey let me have her and you go get her bag" Kelly said going up to them both .
"She's fine in her swing ! She's just being clingy and that's gonna be hard on me" Stella said as her voice broke trying her hardest to not cry . "Especially knowing she's gonna be gone for basically a whole week ! That's awhile for newborn baby" She said as she started to sob .
"Honey , babe!" Kelly said going over to her . "She's gonna be okay , I promise . Katie will call us every chance we both get , she will be okay " .
"I know she will be fine but you know that gives me anxiety . I can't even let her sleep alone without freaking out" Stella said wiping away tears .
"You are overthinking it baby ! She will be okay!" Kelly said hugging Stella . "She will be okay!" He said giving her a kiss on the forehead .
"Okay , yeah!" Stella said smiling grabbing Elliana "What time is Katie coming by?" .
"She said around 2" Kelly said going back to the kitchen .
"Okay perfect  ! I'm gonna cuddle with her then" Stella said going to sit down on the couch grabbing a blanket that was on the arm of the couch .  It was only around noon and Stella wanted to give Elliana all the cuddles , but all the cuddles caused them both them to fall asleep . Kelly wasn't paying attention but once he noticed it his heart melted , they both were out for a while . That's until a few hours later Kelly had to wake them up seeing the time .
"Hey ! Hate to interrupt you but Katie should be here soon" Kelly said shaking Stella gently to were he doesn't wake up the baby .
"What time is it?" Stella asked sitting up trying to not wake up Elliana .
"1:50 . Katie told me she was like 5 minutes away" Kelly said grabbing Elliana from Stella's arms . "Do you want me to grab the bag?" He asked as Elliana slowly woke up , stretching opening her eyes .
"No I got" Stella said getting up "Cuddle with her" She said going to their bedroom. .
"Okay love" Kelly said with a smile . "I'm gonna miss you!" He said giving Elliana kisses .
"I need a drink!" Stella said coming out of the bedroom with a smirk .
"Water or wine?" Kelly asked with a grin knowing her response.
"Hmm , wine!" Stella said with a big smile . "But I wanna hang out with Brett and Casey" She said with a smile .
"We should ! When Katie gets her let's see what they are up to" Kelly said . "You gonna be okay?" He asked rubbing her back .
"No , but I'll be fine" Stella said with a sigh , and right after she said that there was a knock . "Look's like her ride is here" She said sarcastically going to door
"Ahh !" Katie said as Stella opened the door "Hi gorgeous momma!" She said going in for a hug .
"Hi Katie!" Stella said hugging Katie . "Here's her bag , everything is there . Oh yeah , she's not the best sleeper" She said giving her the baby bag .
"That's fine ! We will be up all night together" Katie said with a smile "I couldn't sleep last night ! I was all excited to watch this chunky girl!" She said with a giggle .
"Well , have fun she's a cracky one!" Kelly said with a smile giving Katie the baby .
"Oh my ! She's so big already!" Katie said grabbing the baby "Thank you again , I have been looking forward to this !"
"No , thank you! Have fun!" Kelly said with a smile .
"Love you baby!" Stella said giving her a kiss .
"Love you!" Kelly said as Katie went out the front door. "Well , should we have adult time?" He asked shutting the door .
"That fast?" Stella said going to sit down "Text Casey and see what they are up to" She said with a sigh putting her feet up .
"Okay , fine ! I'll call him" Kelly said rolling his eyes , as he grabbed his phone before going to the bedroom .
At Brett's house ——
"Okay! But you could've told me you were!" Yelled Brett in an upset tone .
"Babe ! I'm sorry!" Casey yelled back "I was gonna tell you but I didn't" .
"Dear god ! Like you would!" Brett yelled back "You knew from the beginning I didn't want us to be a thing because I'm friends with your ex and you go off and hang out with her , and not fucking tell her we are thing?".
"Look , we didn't do anything . We just had lunch" Casey said in a calm voice , before feeling his phone buzzing "Kelly is calling me . I'll be right back" He said walking away .
"Whatever" Brett said and sat down .
"Hey man ! What's up?" Casey asked answering the phone .
"Hey Casey , uhh what are you and Brett doing?" Kelly asked sitting on the end of their bed .
"Nothing much" Casey said sighing "Just at home chilling , what's up?" .
"Well Elliana is at her aunts house and I wanted to know if me and Stella could come over?" Kelly said with a smile .
"Uhhh , yeah ! I think that would be nice" Casey said with a smile "Drink some beer , football games on tonight" He said with a smile .
"Awesome ! Be over there in a little!" Kelly said with a smile .
"Alright , see ya soon!" Casey said and hung up . "Brett , Kelly and Stella are gonna come over soon , so cheer up"  He said coming out of the room .
"K .. I would rather have Stella to talk to than you" Brett said going towards the bathroom . "Also , don't tell me cheer up! If I want to I will!" She said turning around looking at him with a serious look .
"Babe" Casey said grabbing her arms .
"I need a minute , please" Brett said and shut the door , Casey shook his head before sitting down and putting his hands on his head , upset and angry with himself .
Back at Kelly and Stella's place—
"Hey ! Guess what!" Kelly said as he came out their room .
"Huh?" Stella said sitting her head up .
"We are gonna head over to their house ! See if Violet wants to come though too" Kelly said with a smile .
"Oh .... uh she has a date" Stella said making Kelly look at her confused "Today" She said slowly .
"That fast? She just lost Evan" Kelly said with a confused but upset look .
"That was months ago ! She is probably still grieving but it's best for her to get her mind off that ! She was beyond heartbroken , it's probably for the best" Stella said getting up .
"I guess . With who though?" Kelly asked curious .
"I think Gallo" Stella said going into the bedroom .
"I don't want her to get hurt , again" Kelly said following Stella "Gallo works just a dangerous job" He said sitting down on the edge of the bed .
"I know babe , but we can't control her" Stella said putting her hands on his checks "Now come , let's get ready" She said grabbing a towel .
"Okay" Kelly said with a smile .
Stella had showered while Kelly just got nice clothes on , Stella shower was only about 15 minutes . Stella was ready within 30 minutes , and then they both were finally ready to go .
"I think Brett and Casey were fighting when I called him" Kelly said as they were driving .
"Why do you say that?" Stella asked putting her phone down .
"Because , I could hear that something was bugging Casey and it sounded like he was mad" Kelly explained looking at his wife .
"Maybe , who knows . If you want me to ask Brett she will trust me enough" Stella suggested .
"Don't stress her out though babe" Kelly said with a smile , giving her a kiss on her hand .
"I won't!" Stella said with a smile , and finally after about 5 minutes they arrived at Brett's place , to only hear both Brett and Casey arguing , again.  Both Stella and Kelly looked at each other .
"Brett!" Stella yelled see knocking on the door , some how Brett heard that and came to the door . "What's wrong?" She said worried .
"We have been arguing all day!" Brett said about to cry .
"Let's go for a walk . Kelly stay with Casey" Stella said . "Lets go".
"What is going on?" Kelly asked . He loved Casey , but seeing Brett about to cry made him more upset . "Dude , she's about to cry!" He said upset .
"Look . Come in and I'll talk about it" Casey said , and Kelly came in . "Me and her have been arguing because Gabby and me had lunch together before I came back into town . I was really drunk and I said I had lunch with Gabby" He explained.
"Well , did anything else happen?" Kelly asked . "Like did you guys kiss?" He asked .
"No!" Casey yelled "Hell no!" He said upset .
"Okay , well let Stella talk to her and they will come back and hopefully she will be better" Kelly explained . "But let's get some beer" He said with a smile .
"What is going on?" Stella asked as they went outside .
"Basically , Casey and Gabby had lunch together before he came up , and I had no clue until he was really drunk yesterday and said that he had lunch with her" Brett explained trying to not cry . 
"Okay , did he do anything more then have lunch with her?" Stella asked .
"I don't think so" Brett said "But he knows I didn't want us to be together because he was married to my best friend , and it just upsets me"
"I know it does , but Brett I know he won't do anything more with her" Stella said rubbing her back "You both are a thing , it would be stupid for him get back with an ex wife".
"Yeah I guess" Brett said , and she couldn't hold it anymore after looking at Stella , she cried in her arms .
"It's okay , I'm right here" Stella said holding her , and after about 5 minutes Brett had calmed down .
"I wanna go talk to him" Brett said sighing wiping away tears.
"Alright , let's go!" Stella said and stood up  , once they walked into the apartment the boys turned and looked at them . Casey giving Brett the look of sorry , and Kelly looking at Stella .
"Hey , Casey can we talk in my bedroom?" Brett asked with a sign .
"Yeah , of course!" Casey said with a smile as they walked away .
"How did you get it to work?" Kelly asks with a grin .
"I got powers" Stella said making Kelly giggle .
"Hey , look I'm sorry for everything I put you through baby" Brett starts to say "I shouldn't have come off wrong , like I did"
"Hey , it's okay . I understand , you were upset and I don't blame you " Casey says going in for a kiss "Maybe tomorrow you should call of shift and we should go somewhere , just us?"
"You know , I would love that!" Brett said with a smile "Stella can take over ambo while we are gone"
"Yeah , that's true" Casey said with a smile "But let's go entertain our guests now" He said with a smile before they walked out to the living room .
Brett and Stella talked about just life , before going out to do girls things . While Kelly and Casey watched the game . All of them staying up until 11 , before Stella and Kelly decided to head home knowing they had shift tomorrow .
Back at Stella and Kelly's place —
"Hey , babe!" Kelly said banging on the bathroom door . "Are you okay?" .
"Yeah!" Stella said as her voice broke . "I'm fine!" She said , but Kelly don't believing any of it .
"I'm coming in!" Kelly said opening the door to see his wife bent over crying . "Hey , what's wrong?" He said grabbing her .
"I'm just tired" Stella said wiping away tears .
"There's more , talk to me" Kelly said holding her .
"I miss Elliana" Stella said walking out of the bathroom .
"I know you do , and I do too" Kelly said grabbing her arms "Now , let's cuddle up and I'll love you all I can!" He said with a smile knowing that she needed some cuddles from her husband .
"I would love that!" Stella said as Kelly picked her up and threw her on the bed as she let out a giggle . "Kelly!" She yelled with a giggle .
"Okay ! Night!" Kelly said scooping her in his arms , giving her kisses .
"Your bread is ticking me!" Stella said with a laughter "And I can't breathe!" She said with more laughter .
"Are you saying I should shave my bread?" Kelly asked sarcastically .
"No , because I can't imagine that" Stella said with a smirk "You would probably look like a mole rat" She said with a smirk as Kelly gasp .
"How rude!" Kelly said offended "I would not!" .
"You would , Capp would say so too!" Stella said with a yawn . "Okay , I wanna sleep now!" She said cuddling up in his arms .
"Okay , honey!" Kelly said grabbing her closer giving her kisses . "Goodnight , I love you!" . He said playing with her hair .
"I love you more" Stella said as she fell asleep , Kelly falling fast asleep right after his wife . Them both being out like a light , cuddled up with each other .
I don't know why I didn't just make the other chapter in this one (if that makes sense) but it's too late to change it sooo I'm sorry! .

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