I just need to be held

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General pov :
Both Brett and Casey are going to Milwaukee for a day to make up the lost time they had when they were fighting , meaning Stella is gonna be on ambo and someone will be the sub lieutenant . Elliana is still at her aunt's house for a few more days , mostly so Stella and Kelly can catch up on sleep . Stella hasn't been doing well with her daughter away , but with Kelly comforting her she's been doing okay with as much as she can .
"Hey , we should probably get going" Stella said grabbing her stuff .
"Hold up ! Gotta get my stuff" Kelly said taking a bite of his food "You driving or me?" He asked knowing the answer already .
"Have no energy so you!" Stella said looking at him with a smirk .
"Is that what you are gonna always say?" Kelly said sarcastically "'I'm kidding ! I will love" He said giving her a kiss .
"Thank you" Stella said with a smile . "Now let's go" She said before they went out the front door .
Once they got to work , mostly everyone was already in the meeting room just waiting for the meeting room , but some still in the locker rooms , Stella too was in the locker room . She was taking her time , as Carver had came a little late running by her .
"Hey , everyone is in the meeting room?" Carver asked opening his locker .
"Yeah ? I'm going soon" Stella said shutting her locker , looking at him "Oh god! I'm sorry!" She said as she turned right as he was taking his shirt off .
"Stella , it's fine! It's just my shirt , it could have been worse!" Carver said with a laugh "Now , let's go!" He said and then went to the meeting room , where everyone was already in there and ready to start .
"Come here" Kelly said seeing his wife , even though they both slept together and live together , he still always needed his wife's love . No matter where or what they were doing.
"What?" Stella asked confused going towards him .
"Nothing just need your hugs" Kelly said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her , making Stella's heart melt .
"Alright listen up!" Chief yelled as he came in , with a new guy following right behind him "This is gonna be the new lieutenant on truck .  This is Jason , please make him feel welcomed!" He said as the room was still quiet .
"Hi ! I'm Jason ! I'm so glad to be here!" Jason said with a smile . It was awkwardly silent which was weird for everyone but then again it's 51 , it's not always warm welcomes with them .
"Welcome , I'm Capp! I'm apart of squad!" Capp said standing up. "Ignore these mean people ! They will warm up" He said with a laugh .
"It's okay!" Jason said with a laugh "Hi Capp ! You seem nice" .
"I am , when I want to be" Capp said with a laugh making everyone else laugh .
"Okay Capp" Kelly said going up to Jason . "Hi ! I'm Severide" He said with a smile .
"Hi Severide ! Nice to meet you sir" Jason said with a smile as they shook hands . After Kelly and Jason conversation. , chief took over and talk a bit more , and right after that meeting there was a call for ambo to take an elderly woman to the hospital for complaining about heart pain . They picked her up and took her to the hospital .  When they got back around 45 minutes later , Jason was outside along with everyone around the squad table .
"So , are you like new lieutenant?" Gallo asked taking a sip of water .
"No , actually ! I have been a sub lieutenant for years now" Jason explained . "I'm just jumper ! I used to be an a lieutenant on truck but they kicked me off" He said with a giggle .
"Why?" Kelly asked putting his pin down .
"No clue ! I didn't even like the firehouse so I didn't care" Jason said with a smile as the girls walked up to them .
"How was it?" Chief asked as everyone looked at them .
"Fine" Violet said sighing "What are we doing?" She asked .
"Getting to know this lieutenant since he's not gonna be here for long" Chief explained with a smile .
"Oh cool!" Violet said . "You okay?" She asked rubbing Stella's elbow .
"Me?" Stella asked looking Violet. "I'm fine" She said with a smile .
"Hmm , you sure?" Violet asked not believing her .
"Yeah ! I'm okay" Stella said with a smile . "Tired ! Try being up with a baby , another reason Katie took her!" She said with a laugh .
"My bad!" Violet said putting her hands with a laugh as Jason came over .
"Hey ! I don't think I have met you yet ! What's your name?" Jason said going up to Stella with a smile .
"Me?" Stella asked not paying attention to what was happening around her "Oh , I'm Stella!" She said with a smile .
"Nice to meet you!" Jason said shaking her hand "You the lieutenant on truck?" He asked .
"Yeah ! I am!" Stella said looking at Kelly .
"That's really cool!" Jason said with a smile . "My bad , didn't mean to get up so close!" He said backing up .
"Yeah , it is!" Stella said laughing . "Well , I gotta go" She said backing up .
"Where you going?" Kelly asked looking at her .
"I need to set up an appointment for the baby . She needs her checkup" Stella explained "See ya! Nice getting to know you Jason!" She said before walking away to her office .
She had set up an appointment after like 15 minutes of being on hold , but after she was done she had decided to go get some water while squad got a call to a car that drove into a river . Stella however went a took a nap after getting some water , and after about an hour she woke up from Kelly was shaking her .
"Hey ! Lunch is ready , you hungry?" Kelly asked as she slowly opened her eyes .
"Hey ! Yeah , give me a minute" Stella said stretching . "Hey , can I have a hug?" She asked stopping him from going anywhere .
"Why you asking ? You know my arms for you to be in" Kelly said "Come here!" He said as he gave her a kiss .
"I just need to be held" Stella said as she crashed into his arms .
"What's wrong?" Kelly asked holding her tightly .
"Nothing ! I just need to be held" Stella said with a smile .
"Missing Elliana?" Kelly asked with a smile .
"Yeah" Stella said sighing "Well , we should probably go eat" .
"Maybe Katie will swing by" Kelly said "Would that make you happy?" .
"Yeah ! I would love that!" Stella said with a smile .
"Okay ! I'll get ahold of her" Kelly said rubbing her back before going to the common room to eat with everyone .
Everyone was eating lunch for about 5 minutes when ambo got a call to a woman in distress , Stella took one more bite of her food gave Kelly a hug and they went .
"Hey , you actually okay?" Violet asked as they drove to the call .
"I'm good" Stella said with a smile as she looked at Violet "You?" .
"I'm doing okay ! You are just seem quiet today" Violet said as she honk the horn , because nobody was paying attention to them coming through at a red light .
"Tired" Stella said sighing , and after about 5 minutes they arrived to see a man waving them down .
"This should be interesting" Violet said putting the ambulance in park .
"What's going on?" Stella asked grabbing everything they needed .
"My wife has been coughing up blood all day ! She has refused to go to the hospital , but she passed out right before you came and I can't get her to wake up" The guy explained pointing to his house . "Please , she's everything I have!" He pleaded .
"Okay ! You stay out here ! We will go help your wife" Stella said grabbing the stretcher .
"What's your wife's name?" Violet asked .
"Megan!" The guy said as tears fell down his face "Please!" .
"Okay , let's go!" Stella said as they rushed inside , when they got into the house there was blood quit everywhere . When Stella opened the woman's eyes , they were dilated . "I don't think this was accidental" She said with a tone of panic .
"What do you mean?" Violet asked looking at Stella .
"I feel like he drugged her , stabbed her and knocked her out . It was a set up" Stella explained with more worry in her voice .
"Well , if so we need to go in case he try's to hurt us!" Violet said lifting the women's shirt up "Now that you said that ... I see stab wounds" She said looking at Stella with a worried face .
"Told you" Stella said "Dispatch , we need pd" She said with panic .
"Copy ! Pd is routine to your location!" Dispatch said as she dispatch pd over , and which thankfully Hailey was just down the road .
"How is she?" The guy asked as he came in .
"You need to stay out!" Stella yelled looking at him with an upset look .
"Why?" The guy asked . "Is she okay?" He asked .
"No ! She is not!" Violet said frustrated "Now , out!" She demanded .
"Fine" The guy said and walked out , just before he saw Hailey there "Why is the cops here?" He said with a furious look .
"Sir , out!" Hailey ordered "Stella , what's up?" She asked going up to her .
"I think this guy has something to do with this call ! She has stab wounds literally everywhere , she must of been drugged before being knocked out" Stella explained showing the wounds .
"Dear god" Hailey said signing "We will take him to the station ! Once I get an updated if he is or not apart of this I'll swing by the firehouse" She said standing up grabbing her handcuffs .
"Copy ! Thank you" Stella said as Hailey walked away .
"Sir ! Put your hands by your back" Hailey said with a demanded tone .
"Wait ! Why?" The guy asked confused . "I am so confused" He said putting his hands up .
"You will find out later !" Hailey said putting the guy in her car . "Watch your feet" She said closing the doors .
Now that Hailey had the guy , and the women barely showing any signs of life they took her to med so they could do more to her .
Back at the station ——
"Hey , lieutenant" Cruz said pointing .
"What?" Kelly said giving Cruz a confused look before turning around seeing his daughter and his sister. "Well hello!" He said standing up with a big smile "Is that my baby girl?" .
"Yes it is!" Katie said with a big smile "Here go to daddy!" She said with a smile .
"Oh my , hi!" Kelly said taking her into his arms giving her a big hug .  "I missed you ! Mommy should be back soon!" He said giving her kisses , and after about an hour or so after everyone came outside to see baby Eliana ambo pulled up making everyone go silent and look at them . Elliana was more than excited to see her mommy , she grew a big smile and squeal as Stella came up to Elliana , reaching her arms out .
"Hi!" Stella said with a big smile "Oh my come here!" She said grabbing her daughter .
"Look ! Told you mommy was gonna be back" Kelly said with a smile . "She's cracky , or so Katie said" He said giving his wife a kiss .
"She is!" Katie said smacking Kelly "She has been cranky all day!" .
"She missed me" Stella said kissing Elliana , right before Elliana laid her head on Stella's shoulder yawning .
"So , this is both of your guys baby?" Jason asked with a smile .
"Yeah!" Kelly said with a big smile as Stella put Elliana to sleep . "Our healthy baby girl" He said with a smirk .
"Can't believe how big she has gotta!" Chief said with a smile .
"Right!" Kelly said as Kim and Hailey pulled up to the station . "Why is pd here?" He asked making everyone look towards the direction he was looking at her .
"Hold her" Stella said giving Kelly their daughter .
"What's going on?" Chief asked with worry and confusion .
"Girls , can we talk to you?" Kim asked Hailey followed right behind her .
"We will be back" Violet said walking away with Stella .
"What is going on?" Capp asked standing up .
"No clue" Kelly said shaking his head , with confusion and worry .
"We got news" Hailey said with a sigh of sadness and heartache .
"Okay , what is it?" Stella said crossing her arms with worry .
"The women was kidnapped last mother's day , 18 weeks pregnant" Hailey started to say .
"God" Violet said shaking her head .
"Family reported her missing last mother's day after never picking her kids up from school , baby was killed in the womb" Hailey said "What the guy said was he was asleep and the women got up and called 911 . But he woke up and ended up knocking her out , he called 911 back and said his wife was unconscious but in reality he had stabbed her" .
"What the hell!" Stella said in an upset tone . "Okay , what's the update on the women" She asked , making Hailey nodded her head .
"Sh... she passed away when you guys dropped her off . Docs say it wasn't just her wounds that killed but the drugs . I was gonna try and get some talking from her but it's too late" Hailey said with a sigh of sadness "The wounds were way too deep for them to be saved as well , so matter what they would have done it probably would have been the same outcome" .
"Oh my god!" Stella said with a shock of disbelief .
"What the hell" Violet said rubbing Stella's back . "He's getting charged, right?" .
"Yes , everything came back to him . Him kidnapping , killing the baby , stalking her , and killing her" Hailey explained .
"Thank you .. uh if you get the chances tell the victim family I'm sorry" Stella said with a sigh .
"I will" Hailey said before her and Kim walked away .
"The hell is wrong with people" Stella said upset .
"Everything Stel , we did our best and maybe it was the best she didn't make it" Violet said as they walked back to everyone "As bad as that sounds , I know how much pain she would have probably been in , and she's with her baby now!" .
"Yeah" Stella said with a slight grin.
"You okay?" Kelly asked seeing her face was saying something was wrong.
"Yeah ! I'm fine!" Stella said with a smile . "Let me have this baby back though!" She said with a smile grabbing her daughter .
"What's wrong?" Chief asked crossing his arms .
"It was a call" Violet said with a sigh "This woman was kidnapped last mother's day , 18 weeks pregnant . She failed to pick her kids up from school and that's when her family reported her missing . She saw a chance of survival when the guy was asleep but he woke up and knocked her out before calling 911 saying his wife was unconscious . In reality she had been drugged and stabbed numerous times" She explained .
"Dear god!" Katie said covering her mouth of sadness and disbelief . "Did the woman make it?" .
"No , she passed away . I guess her wounds were way too deep , along when the drugs" Violet said sighing . "Well ! I'm gonna go do some paperwork , it was nice seeing you Katie! And of course , baby Elliana" .
"It was nice seeing you too!" Katie said with a smile . "You gonna be okay Stella?" She asked seeing the eyes of her saying something else .
"Yeah ! Not much I can do" Stella said wiping her daughters face looking at everyone else that as looking at her . "It's not like I didn't try , we get a call whither they survive or not we can't do much . We drop them off , and we go."
"Yeah , I'm sorry you had to see that" Katie said rubbing Stella's arm .
"I've seen worse" Stella said with a smile.
"Ambo , report to a scene with pd . Man is out of it and needs medical attention" Dispatch said .
"Well , it's my time to go!" Stella said giving Elliana to Kelly , as Elliana started to cry reaching for her mom . "Hey , I love you. . Mommy needs to go help" She said giving Elliana a kiss .
"It's okay!" Kelly said rubbing his daughters back .
"Mmomam" Ellian cried reaching her arms out as ambo pulled out .
"My heart is gonna break!" Katie said . "It's okay Elliana!" She said with a smile .
"She's going to go through this phase , so might as well start now?" Kelly said sarcastically . "How about you take her home , get her some food and sleep" He said giving Katie Elliana back  .
"She's probably sleepy" Katie said taking the baby back . "It was nice seeing you all! Stay safe , Kelly tell Stella I love her!" She said with a smile .
"I will!" Kelly said with a smile as Katie walked away . "Safe drive!" He yelled with a wave .
"You stay safe too!" Katie yelled with a smile .
"Might as well eat some more!" Capp said with a laugh as everyone else laughed as they headed back in the station . Some going to the buck rooms , and some just handing out . Baby Elliana coming home the next day after their shift was called off , but Stella was happy to have her baby back .

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