my first mothers day

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Kelly's pov :
It's my wife's first mother's day of being a mother , and it's something I've been looking forward to just spoiling her . Seeing how hard she works , on and off in the firehouse but also being a mother . She deserves everything good , and I can't wait to see her reaction . Sophie being here to help is a blessing as well , without her I don't think I would be able to sneak out of the house for a while . Hopefully she doesn't say anything though , which I doubt she will ! .
"Hey , morning!" Kelly said going to grab his shoes "Remember , you act like nothing is going on!" He said putting his shoes on .
"Oh , morning!" Sophie said with a chuckle as she took a bit of her cereal . "Is she still asleep?" She asked with a smile .
"No , she's in the shower with the baby!" Kelly said grabbing his keys . "If she asks where I am , just say I went to get my pay check!" He said rushing out the door .
"Yes sir!" Sophie said with a chuckle before she turned around again to see Stella . "Well , you just missed him to say goodbye!" She said as Stella came out of the bedroom .
"Huh?" Stella said going to grab the high chair . "Kelly?" She asked going to get the baby food . 
"Yeah , he went to get his paycheck!" Sophie said getting up . "Also , happy mother's day!" She said hugging her sister .
"I love you!" She said with a smile before she went to sit  .
"Aww ! I love you too!" Stella said with a smile . "You hungry sweet girl?" She asked as the baby grew a smile . "Taking that as a yes!" She said with a chuckle .
40 minutes later
"Hey , surprised to see you out here but not her!" Kelly said walking through the door . "Where is she?" He asked as he shut the door .
"Baby's room !" Sophie said as she muted the tv . "I she's trying to put Elliana to sleep!" She said with a smile before she gasped remembering something . "Wait though!" She said getting up . "Come with me , I have a gift for her!" .
"Well , there you two are!" Stella coming around the corner .
"Ahh!" Sophie yelled with a laugh . "God damn ! Don't do that!" She said getting back up . "Did you do that on purpose?"
"No!" Stella said with a laugh. "But , what's that!" She said rubbing her nose with a sigh .
"Well , it's mother's day!" Kelly said with a grin . "So , I got you some stuff!" He said going up to her to give her kiss .
"You didn't have to!" Stella said taking the gift . "Kelly , this is too much!" She said with a smile .
"Never too much!" Kelly said with a chuckle . "Open it!" .
"God!" Stella said with a smile realizing how much stuff they got her . "Let's go to the living room , babies asleep!" .
"Wait for me!" Sophie yelled as she rushed down the hallway . "Here's mine!" She said giving her sister a gift . "Open mine!" .
"Guys!" Stella said with a smile . "You didn't have to do this!".
"I think it's our job!" Sophie said with a grin . "As a sister and husband !" She said crossing her arms . "Now , open it!" .
"Yeah , what she said!" Kelly said with a chuckle . "Now , open your sister's first!" He said as she rolled her eyes with a smile .
"Okay , okay!" Stella said quickly .  "I'll open yours first!" She said grabbing her sister's gift . "Just because you want me to!"
"Yay!" Sophie said jumping up and down . "I'm so excited!" .
Later that night —
"Hey!" Kelly said coming into their room . "You want to go somewhere?" He asked with a grin . "Just us?" .
"Now?" Stella asked putting her phone down . "It's like 10 at night!" She said with a chuckle . "And I just ate!" .
"I know we just came back from dinner , but!" Kelly said sitting down by her . "What do you think about going to the cabin?" .
"Hmm!" Stella said with a grin . "I mean I guess that would be nice!" She said with a laugh . "It's friday , go away for a little!" .
"Yeah , that's what I was thinking!" Kelly said giving her a kiss .
"Alright , let me pack!" Stella said getting up . "Tell my sister to watch Elliana then!" She said before grabbing her bags .
"Yes!" Kelly said with a chuckle . "I'll be back!" He said walking away , and thankfully Sophie was in the kitchen "Sophie , hey!" He said leaning against the counter .
"No need to tell me!" Sophie said turning around . "I heard!" She said with a smirk . "Go ahead ! I have the baby!" .
"Okay perfect!" Kelly said as he slowly turned around "Wait!What?" He said confused realizing she heard the conversation . "Were you listening to us?" He said looking at her .
"It's kinda hard to not when your door is cracked , and the kitchen is right next door to your room!" Sophie said with a grin . "So in my defense , no I wasn't really listening!" .
"I guess you have a point!" Kelly said with a chuckle . "But will you watch the baby until sunday?" He asked with a smile .
"Of course!" Sophie said with a smile . "You two go do your thing ! Go be a married couple !" She said with a wink .
"Okay then!" Kelly said to himself before turning back to his room . "Your sister is being weird!" He said grabbing a bag .
"She always is!" Stella said going into the closet . "Which swimsuit babe ?" She asked with a smirk . "A or B?" .
"Ooh!" Kelly said with a chuckle . "God , B!" He said .
"Good choice!" Stella said with a grin as she threw it in her bag. "This one is my favorite!" She said sipping up her bag .
"I've never seen you wear it!" Kelly said with a questionable tone as he grabbed some clothes . "Like , never!" .
"Well , that's because we never go swimming!" Stella said with a chuckle .  "But , since we will be by the lake why not!" She said grabbing her bag. "Okay , I'm ready! Hey , wait also bring a condom!" She said sarcastically before she walked away .
"Stella!" Kelly said with a laugh as he grabbed his bag . "What , you don't want to get pregnant again?" He said as he shut their door .
"Not with Elliana being 4 months , no!" Stella said grabbing some wine . "Maybe when she's a little older!" She said with a smirk . "But right now , no!" .
"I guess you have a point!" Kelly said turning the living room light off . "Hey , tomorrow I'll run to the store to get some groceries for the cabin!" He said grabbing his keys .
"Okay , that sounds perfect!" Stella said as they walked out the door . "This is going to be nice!" She said to herself as she walked to the car .
The next morning -
Stella's pov :
I woke up to the sun shining through the window that had no curtains , and me being completely naked . The night before quickly came back to my mine as I remembered the first thing me and Kelly did when we got into the cabin . It felt good having sex with him after months of not being able to . It felt right , to just have him kissing me like we were both going to die . That's what his kisses felt like , and it always felt right! I must have been in my own world for a while because I quickly heard his voice saying my name .
"Hey , Stella Celeste!" Kelly said waving his hands . "You okay?" He said going over to her with a chuckle .
"Sorry , got into my thoughts!" I said sitting up . "What's up?" .
"Nothing , just grabbed a few things from the store!" Kelly said giving her a kiss on the forehead . "You hungry?" He asked as she grew a smile . "Taking that as a yes?" .
"Hmm , yes!" Stella said getting up . "Pancakes?" .
"Coming right up!" Kelly said walking away . "Coffee made as well!" He yelled as she put a robe on .
"Hot already outside?" Stella asked pouring some coffee .
"It's not too bad!" Kelly said spraying the pan . "Maybe after breakfast we can go in the lake , how does that sound?" .
"Sounds loving!" Stella said with a grin . "You know how we talked about having another baby?" She asked sitting down .
"Yes?" Kelly said with a questionable tone . "Why?" .
"Maybe after Elliana's first birthday we should try again!" Stella said as she took a sip of her coffee . "What do you say?" .
"Well , maybe!" Kelly said with a smile . "I don't want to be rushing with the babies is the problem !" He said stirring the pancake mix . "Yes , I'm old and we have only short time but with us working as firefighters I don't wanna rush!" . Stella said nothing for a second but cough on her coffee hearing him saying he was old . "What , are you good?" He asked looking at her .
"You , old!" Stella said putting her coffee down . "You are only in the 40's , babe!" She said with a smile . "Not old!" .
"I think I am!" Kelly said flipping the pancakes . "You see my grey hair , old!" He said with a sassy tone . "So , try again!" .
"I think you have always had grey hair!" Stella said rolling her eyes . "I think the first time we met , you had grey hair!" .
"I see how it is!" Kelly said grabbing a plate . "Just rude!" .
"Just being honest!" Stella said rolling her eyes . "Maybe we can dye it!" She said taking a sip of her coffee .
"Ooo!" Kelly said putting the pancakes on the plate . "No!" He said with a grin . "Not happening!" He said giving her the food.
"Alright then!" Stella said taking a bit of her food . "End of this conversation!" She said with a smirk .
"End of this conversation!" Kelly said with a sigh .

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